Motion by Councillor Lang - Flooding in Kirkliston
Motion by Councillor Lang - Flooding in Kirkliston
“Committee notes;
1. the substantial flooding which took place in Kirkliston in December 2022, which resulted in serious damage to the local nursery, scout hut and several homes.
2. the flooding cut off hundreds of homes in the Gateside estate and also resulted in three of the four roads in and out of Kirkliston becoming impassable.
3. that this is only the latest in a series of increasingly serious flooding events to affect the village, causing major disruption and damage.
Committee recognises that flooding has become a common issue in many parts of Edinburgh but that the events seen in Kirkliston in December were some of the most serious to be seen within the local authority area.
Committee notes a petition has now been lodged with over 1,300 signatures calling on Edinburgh Council to prioritise funding for additional measures, including improved flood defences near the River Almond, to minimise flooding in Kirkliston and prevent further serious damage.
Committee therefore requests a report within two cycles setting out initial short-term and long-term options to address flooding in Kirkliston, including the approaches which may need to be made to the Scottish Government in terms of new infrastructure investment.”
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