Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/06/2023 - Education, Children and Families Committee (Item 9)

Motion by Councillor Davidson - LGBT Youth Scotland Report

Motion by Councillor Davidson - LGBT Youth Scotland Report


1.    Notes with concern the recent LGBT Youth Scotland report which recognised a significant drop in the number of LGBT young people who felt Scotland was a safe and welcoming place towards them.

2.    Welcomes the council’s involvement in the LGBT Youth Scotland charter but notes that despite this resource being made freely available to schools uptake is not yet universal amongst all Edinburgh High Schools

3.    Believes that in a climate where LGBT young people feel safe all Edinburgh schools should be taking proactive public steps to show their commitment to LGBT inclusion.

Requests a report to ECF in three cycles looking at uptake of the charter, current policies around LGBT inclusion in Edinburgh schools and the prevalence of homophobic and transphobic incidents.”

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