By Councillor Nicolson - Citizen and Carer Representatives Edinburgh Integration Joint Board
By Councillor Nicolson - Citizen and Carer Representatives Edinburgh Integration Joint Board
“1) Council notes that on the 12 December 2023, three of the four representatives appointed to the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board, Christine Farquhar, Grant MacRae and Ruth Hendery will be stepping down after serving the city by bringing valuable professional and personal experience to the Board.
2) Recognises that Carer Representative, Christine Farquhar, attended the inaugural Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB) meeting as a carer representative on 12 June 2015, and has given voice to Edinburgh’s unpaid carers since. Christine’s colleagues, Carer Representative Ruth Hendery and Service User Representative Grant MacRae, joined later and have also represented the thousands of individuals who are unpaid carers and who use Health and Social Care services in Edinburgh.
3) Further notes that the EIJB, which is responsible for the strategic planning and commissioning of Health and Social Care services in Edinburgh and for issuing directions to the City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian for the delivery of these services, has depended on the contribution of people who have lived experience of being unpaid carers and using services since its inception.
4) Acknowledges this huge contribution from these individuals asks that the Lord Provost thanks Christine Farquhar, Ruth Hendery and Grant MacRae for their support, dedication and contributions to the Board and to the lives of carers across the City of Edinburgh.”
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