Issue - meetings


Meeting: 25/04/2024 - Transport and Environment Committee (Item 9)

Motion by Councillor Parker - Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging

Motion by Councillor Parker - Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging


1.    Notes several reforms progressing through the UK and Scottish Governments to support zero waste and the circular economy, including Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging which will see producers made responsible for payment for the collection of packaging in waste and recycling streams.

2.    Notes that EPR therefore has the potential to have a positive impact on Council finances, subject to the details of the scheme.

Further, Committee:

3.    Celebrates the large number of waste reduction projects which exist across the city, including SHRUB and the Remakery, and their work to reduce waste and deliver a circular economy.

4.    Notes priorities of the Council to support net zero communities across the city as set out in the 2030 Climate Strategy and believes that community-based waste reduction initiatives such as those listed in 3) have a key role to play in delivering this.

Therefore, Committee:

5.    Requests a report in 2 cycles to outline:

a.    An update on the latest information relating to EPR, including about estimates for how much funding the Council can expect through this (or information about when this will be known).

b.    Options for how EPR funds could facilitate spending to support community-based waste and/or carbon reduction projects across the city, in line with the Council’s 2030 Climate Strategy and support for net zero communities, either directly or through diversion of existing resources, realised as savings once EPR is in place.”


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