Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/10/2024 - Transport and Environment Committee (Item 9)

Motion by Councillor O'Neill - Holyrood Park Strategy

Motion by Councillor O'Neill - Holyrood Park Strategy



  1. Welcomes Historic Environment Scotland’s (HES) recently published Strategic Plan which comes from an extensive consultation period and sets out a bold and ambitious Vision Statement for 2024 – 2034.
  2. Further welcomes the objectives of the Vision which covers Future Landscape, Facilities, Inclusive Learning and Education, Access and Movement, and Governance and Stewardship.
  3. Notes ongoing reporting, motions and work that the Council has ownership of related to Holyrood Park and its surrounding roads.
  4. Further notes existing local context that aligns with HES’ plan such as the emerging City Plan 2030, City Mobility Plan, Edinburgh Biodiversity Action Plan, and Future Streets Circulation Plan for Edinburgh.
  5. Requests that a report returns to committee in 6 cycles that details how the Council will be working with Historic Environment Scotland and the Scottish Government to develop the movement strategy. Also, in this report we request;

a)    Information on what areas around Holyrood Park are owned or adopted by the Council - as opposed to HES or Royal estates.

b)    Information on how Council can assist with nature restoration, natural regeneration and recolonisation, degradation of paths and greenspace, and declining habitat

c)    Information, if available, on any displacement or change in behaviour noted due to the Low Emission Zone boundary nearby.

d)    Information on costing around reopening of Radical Road and improvement of the entrance to Holyrood Park via Holyrood Park Road and including the intersection with Dalkeith Road.

Information on the possible addition of updated and safe segregated cycle infrastructure and road reduction or traffic calming measures to tackle the issues around Holyrood Park Road.”

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