Issue - meetings


Meeting: 08/10/2019 - Education, Children and Families Committee (Item 8)

Motion by Councillor Arthur - Reducing Child Poverty and Hunger

Motion by Councillor Arthur – Reducing Child Poverty and Hunger


Welcomes the moving testimony from Edinburgh Trade Union Council at the August Education, Children and Families Committee on the issue of child poverty and holiday hunger.

Recognises that child poverty is rising in Edinburgh and that the City of Edinburgh Council, The Scottish Government and the UK Government have a duty to use their powers to reverse this trend.

Recognises the excellent work of Council Officers, community groups and faith groups in helping low income families and note;

·       All Primary Schools across the City now provide access to a universal breakfast club.

·       Discover! aimed at reducing poverty and food/financial stress over the holidays has reported increased access to community provision, support services and families feeling less isolated

·       Maximise! which works to improve financial resilience of families and has so far secured additional income of £946,623.50 for 398 families across the city.

Recognises, however, that many low income families still find it difficult to provide three nutritious meals per day during holiday periods when free school meals are not available.

To note the next Reducing Child Poverty report will come to the Education, Children and Families Committee in March 2020 which will include an update on the work ongoing to reduce child poverty and holiday hunger.

To request that this report also includes information on the feasibility of the Council doing more to tackle holiday hunger either alone or via increased partnership working in this area.”

Note: Councillor Arthur has been called for this item.


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