Venue: Virtual Meeting - via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Veronica MacMillan Sarah Stirling
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
Minute of 9 July 2020 PDF 266 KB Minute of the Policy and Sustainability Committee of 9 July 2020 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: |
Policy and Sustainability Committee - Work Programme PDF 40 KB Policy and Sustainability Committee – Work Programme Additional documents: |
Policy and Sustainability Committee - Rolling Actions Log PDF 482 KB Policy and Sustainability Committee - Rolling Actions Log Additional documents: |
Adaptation and Renewal Programme Update PDF 718 KB Adaptation and Renewal Report – Report by the Chief Executive Additional documents: |
Engagement Through Adaptation and Renewal PDF 665 KB Additional documents: |
Council Response to Edinburgh Climate Commission and Sustainability Programme Update PDF 185 KB Additional documents: |
Risk Management: Managing Risk Through Covid-19 PDF 207 KB Additional documents: |
Schools Re-Opening Update PDF 2 MB Additional documents: |
Revenue Budget 2020/21 Update PDF 462 KB Additional documents: |
Response to Motion on Black Lives Matter PDF 640 KB Additional documents: |
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Regeneration Capital Grant Fund - Update on Pipeline Projects PDF 133 KB Additional documents: |
Supporting Local Businesses in Edinburgh Additional documents: |
Spaces for People - Additional Contract Waiver for Material Orders and Contract Services PDF 166 KB Additional documents: |
Public Realm CCTV Update PDF 110 KB Additional documents: |
Broomhouse Workspace - Edinburgh Northwest Foodbank - Lease Restructure PDF 142 KB Additional documents: |
Award of Housing Consultancy Framework Agreement PDF 154 KB Additional documents: |
Motion by the Lord Provost - 20mph Limit Enforcement Motion by the Lord Provost – 20mph Limit Enforcement
“Committee notes:
That the citywide introduction of lower speed limits including 20mph has been generally well accepted and resulted in safer roads
That during the Coronavirus lockdown there has been a significant and welcome reduction in traffic volumes across the city.
That during this period the quieter City roads have encouraged some drivers to exceed these speed limits.
The Council have introduced and are continuing to introduce measures to improve space for safe physical distancing and pedestrian and cycling safety through the Spaces for People initiative.
There have recently been notable road traffic collisions where excess speed may have been a contributing factor.
Requests that the Council Leader should write to the Chief Superintendent, Police Scotland, requesting that they increase the enforcement of speed limits, specifically the 20mph limit, across the City”.
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Motion By Councillor Macinnes - Spaces for People Initiative Motion by Councillor Macinnes – Spaces for People Initiative
“Committee: Welcomes the continued work to deliver the Spaces for People initiative designed to deliver better conditions for safe social distancing as Edinburgh moves towards recovery from the international pandemic, including economic recovery
Recognises that there is growing concern among some business owners, particularly in our local high streets across the capital, that removal of car parking spaces will have a detrimental impact on the number of customers accessing their businesses.
Acknowledges that there is a growing body of evidence, from UK and international examples, that implementation of such schemes often meet with great concern but that in practice can lead to better trading conditions for many businesses.
Requests a report, within two cycles, which describes that evidence and indicates its relevance to both the Spaces for People initiative and existing transport policy in the city”.
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Motion by Councillor Watt - Public Works Loan Board Interest Motion by Councillor Watt – Public Works Loan Board Interest
“Committee –
Notes that the Bank of England has purchased £745 billion of government bonds since 2009, effectively giving the UK government interest free finance and that the Bank of England has recently issued Treasury Bonds with negative yields (negative rates of interest); Further notes that the UK Government could pass on to Councils, some of the benefits of these zero interest rates, by waiving the interest on existing loans from the PWLB (Public Works Loan Board) which Councils have used for essential infrastructure investment. For Edinburgh, this would represent a saving of £32 million each year to the general fund, which could be used to protect services and jobs during these unprecedented times; additionally, there could be a £15 million per year saving to the HRA account, allowing increased investment in Council housing stock which would create jobs and other benefits for the economy and for Edinburgh’s citizens.
Committee therefore asks that: 1. The Council Leader writes to COSLA, emphasising the potential savings for Edinburgh Council from the interest on PWLB loans being waived for at least two years and asks COSLA to pursue a two year waiver with the UK Government; 2. The Council leader writes to the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer to raise this proposal; and that 3. The Chief Financial Officer writes to the Permanent Secretary of HM Treasury, requesting that interest on existing PWLB loans be waived for at least two years.
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