Agenda and minutes

Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers

Contact: Rachel Gentleman 


No. Item


Order of Business

Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.

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Declaration of Interests

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.

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If any.

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Minute of Transport and Environment Committee of 20 April 2023 pdf icon PDF 181 KB

Minute of the Transport and Environment Committee of 20 April 2023 - submitted for approval as a correct record

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Work Programme pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Transport and Environment Committee Work Programme

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Rolling Actions Log pdf icon PDF 835 KB

Transport and Environment Committee Rolling Actions Log

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Business Bulletin pdf icon PDF 795 KB

Business Bulletin

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Secure On-Street Cycle Parking Project - Progress Report pdf icon PDF 647 KB

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Bus Partnership Fund - Strategic Business Case pdf icon PDF 9 MB

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Communal Bin Review Update pdf icon PDF 777 KB

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Response to Motion by Councillor Lang - Flooding in Kirkliston and the Wider Almond Catchment pdf icon PDF 152 KB

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Response to Motion by Councillor Osler - Flooding pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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Response to Motion by Councillor Lang - Surface Treatments of Carriageways pdf icon PDF 126 KB

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Under 22 Concessionary Travel on Trams pdf icon PDF 113 KB

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Waste and Cleansing Service Policy Assurance Statement pdf icon PDF 292 KB

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Motion by Councillor Parker - Urban Wildlife Management

Motion by Councillor Parker – Urban Wildlife Management

“1)       Notes that under the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act (1949) and Environmental Protection Act (1990), local authorities have a statutory obligation to manage “pests” on their own land and buildings, including rats, mice, and insects.

2)         Recognises that in order to meet these statutory obligations, appropriate wildlife management is required, and that this is important for public health and safety.

3)         Also recognises that there can be a diversity of opinion about what constitutes appropriate wildlife management and for what species, and that some practices can have a significant negative impact on ecosystems, exacerbating the effects of the climate and nature emergencies.

4)         Notes that wildlife management is important for a large number of council departments, services and workstreams including waste, facilities management, environmental protection, parks / greenspace and biodiversity, amongst others, and that a joined-up approach to wildlife management is therefore important, especially in the context of the Nature Emergency which the Council declared in February 2023

5)         Further notes with concern the large-scale avian flu outbreak and the threat this poses to bird populations including urban gulls, as well as mammals such as otters and foxes who can contract the virus too 

6)         Therefore, requests a report to Transport and Environment Committee in 3 cycles which should outline:

a)         Current council practices in relation to wildlife management, including a list of species the Council actively manages in the interests of public health and safety, as well as a list of those it does not but which other, private “pest” control firms may well do so.

b)         Details about how the Council adopts an integrated wildlife management approach in this work, including information about how this is managed cross-service / departmentally, also noting how consideration of the impact of wildlife management on biodiversity is considered, and ideas about how all of this could be strengthened.

c)         Information about how the Council approach aligns with the 7 principles of ethical wildlife management, CRRU code and other relevant standards.

d)         Information about how the Council is adapting its approach to urban gull management to reflect the severity of the avian flu outbreak.”

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Motion by Councillor Lang - Lothian Buses and Changes to Routes

Motion by Councillor Lang - Lothian Buses and Changes to Routes


“Committee notes;


1.         the hard work of Lothian Buses to maintain a sustainable network of bus services following the reduction in passenger demand and changes to travel patterns which followed the COVID pandemic.


2.         how the financial pressures on Lothian and other bus companies intensified following the ending of the Scottish Government's COVID support grants but, despite this, the company has continued to invest heavily in its fleet and workforce.


3.         Lothian Buses announcement in May 2023 involving significant changes to a number of long-standing and established bus services, some of which have raised substantial concern within affected communities.


4.         that Lothian Buses operates on a commercial basis and does not, as a matter of course, either consult or brief ward councillors on substantive route changes before they are made public, as shown by the May 2023 announcement.


Committee recognises that current governance arrangements and legal requirements mean it is neither possible nor appropriate for ward councillors to have a direct role in deciding the routes and timetables provided by Lothian Buses.


Nevertheless, Committee agrees:


A.         that Lothian Buses, as a company majority owned by the City of Edinburgh Council, it should be possible for local ward members to be consulted, engaged and briefed before significant changes to bus services are announced.


B.         that such engagement must always respect commercial sensitivity and confidentiality.


C.        that the Transport & Environment Convener should write to Lothian Buses to request a mechanism by which two-way communication with local councillors can be improved when route changes are being considered and in advance of final announcements being made.”

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Motion by Councillor Cowdy - Better Buses for Ratho

Motion by Councillor Cowdy - Better Buses for Ratho

“Committee notes:

1.     The current Service 20 is a subsidised bus service running between Ratho and Chesser. 

2.     The current provider is McGills after First Bus agreed to sell its First Scotland East business and all its routes in the region to McGill’s Group in September 2022.

3.     That there have been significant challenges delivering the existing service and the route and frequency of the service falls short of what is required by the residents of Ratho.

Committee understands:

1.     The residents of Ratho are exasperated by the existing service with buses failing to turn up, the limited frequency, and that the route itself fails to meet their needs.

2.     Unreliability is impacting decisions residents are making and they are now reliant on private cars and taxis to attend work, medical appointments, leisure, school, and further education.

Committee further notes:

1.     The poor evening service means residents cannot use public transport due to safety concerns walking from Ratho station and there is no guarantee any bus to the village will appear.

2.     Young people under 22 are unable to take advantage of the benefit their Young Scot National Entitlement Card should provide.

3.     Committee therefore requests a report to Transport and Environment Committee, in July, that identifies and provides a suitable public transport solution for the residents of Ratho to include (but not limited to):

·                 Reviewing the existing contract to ensure the service tendered is being provided.

·                 Assessing alternative options that have been presented previously to officers and elected members from Ratho and District Community Council, including a shuttle to local transport hubs such as train stations and park & rides.

·                 Reviewing alternative routes.

·                 Retendering as soon as is practicable.

·                 Meeting with stakeholders at RBS Gogar to consider innovative ideas including extending their shuttle bus service.”


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Motion by Councillor Meagher - Accidents in the 'Joppa Triangle'

Motion by Councillor Meagher - Accidents in the 'Joppa Triangle'

“Committee notes with concern the number of accidents in the ‘Joppa Triangle’, apparently resulting from vehicles speeding along Musselburgh Road and Coillesdene Avenue. Most recently, on the night of 9 May 2023, two cars were written off and a garden wall partially demolished by a driver losing control of speeding car.

Committee agrees to initiate an urgent road safety assessment of the area with resulting recommendations on how to reduce speeding, and improve road safety, in the area. Committee also asks that officers provide a clear timescale to committee members and local ward members on when this work could be completed by and reported back to committee as soon as possible.”

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