Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers
Contact: Rachel Gentleman Carolanne Eyre
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Deputations If any. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Minute of 14 September 2023 PDF 260 KB Minute of the Transport and Environment Committee of 14 September 2023 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: Minutes: |
Transport and Environment Committee Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: |
Rolling Actions Log PDF 853 KB Transport and Environment Committee Rolling Actions Log Additional documents: Minutes: |
Transport and Environment Business Bulletin Additional documents: Minutes: |
St James Quarter - Introduction of an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order PDF 1 MB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Road Safety – Service and Delivery Plan Update for 2023/24 PDF 576 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Actions to Deliver Edinburgh’s City Mobility Plan - Consultation Update PDF 9 MB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Additional documents: Minutes: |
Litter Bin Siting Policy PDF 249 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Reform of the Council's Transport Companies PDF 402 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Transport and Environment Revenue Budget Monitoring 2324 Month 3 PDF 300 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Speed Limits Review: 20mph PDF 7 MB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Speed Limits Review - Rural Roads PDF 7 MB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Heart of Midlothian Football Club PDF 135 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Incorrect Parking on the Tram Route PDF 380 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Motion by Councillor Aston - HES Strategic Plan for Holyrood Park Motion by Councillor Aston - HES Strategic Plan for Holyrood Park “Committee: 1) Welcomes the publication of Historic Environment Scotland’s Outline Strategic Plan for Holyrood Park, which explicitly sets out to align with key Council strategies such as the City Mobility Plan, City Plan 2030, and the draft net zero 2030 Climate Strategy. 2) Welcomes as particularly relevant to the work of this Committee the provisional objectives to: ‘Make active travel the dominant travel mode through and to the Park’ And to achieve that: ‘Steps will be implemented to very substantially reduce, or remove all, vehicular through traffic from the Park to significantly reduce conflict between users and vehicles and improve the quality of user experience in the Park.’ And to deliver: ‘a comprehensive network of paths and active travel routes across the Park for all users and visitors’ And to ensure that: ‘Access for All will be facilitated across the Park through appropriate measures based on a robust Access Audit that unlocks barriers to access and helps develop a truly inclusive Park.’ 3) And notes that, as this document is currently an outline strategic plan which is subject to a 12-week consultation which runs until 19th December 2023, little detail has as yet been provided on what steps will be implemented and in what timeframe to achieve these valuable outcomes. 4) Further notes that while the outline strategic plan states that the City of Edinburgh Council is among the organisations with which HES enjoys a close relationship in relation to the management of Holyrood Park on behalf of the people of Edinburgh and of Scotland, there are no formalised arrangements for the involvement of key stakeholders in the management of the site and that the Council has a crucial role to play in changes such as this because it is the local transport authority and is responsible for all roads around and connecting to the Park. 5) Recognises and praises the work of the Car Free Holyrood campaign in persuading HES over time to come to a position where substantially reducing or removing vehicular through traffic from the Park is one of their key provisional objectives 6) Agrees that council officers will seek to formalise the stakeholder relationship with HES in relation to the Park’s management and will write to HES to feed into the ongoing consultation, with the draft consultation response being reported in the November committee’s Business Bulletin before being submitted, and will promote the HES consultation to Edinburgh residents via the Council’s social media channels.” Additional documents: Minutes: |
Motion by Councillor Dijkstra-Downie - Trial of Speed-Responsive Traffic Lights
Motion by Councillor Dijkstra-Downie - Trial of Speed-Responsive Traffic Lights “Committee: 1. Notes previous trials in London and Swindon of speed-sensitive traffic signals that turn red when a speeding car approaches, or alternatively are red by default and only change to green when approaching drivers adhere to the speed limit. Drivers learn that speeding on streets with such signals will require them to stop at the light and be delayed as a result. 2. Understands that this technology is already in use in other European countries including Spain and the Netherlands, in the US including in Boulder, CO and Washington D.C., and has recently been trialled in Montreal, Canada. 3. Asks for a report to the Transport and Environment Committee in February 2024 on feasibility and costs to trial this technology in Edinburgh as a potential speed-reduction measure.” Additional documents: Minutes: |