Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers
Contact: Rachel Gentleman Carolanne Eyre
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Deputations If any. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Minute of the Transport and Environment Committee of 25 April 2024 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: Minutes: |
Transport and Environment Committee Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: |
Transport and Environment Committee Rolling Actions Log Additional documents: Minutes: |
Transport and Environment Business Bulletin Additional documents: Minutes: |
Petition for Consideration: Make Ellersly and Kinellan Roads Safer for Everyone Additional documents: Minutes: |
Additional documents: Minutes: |
Edinburgh Workplace Parking Levy - Engagement Results Additional documents: Minutes: |
Secure On-Street Cycle Parking progress update Additional documents: Minutes: |
George Street and First New Town – Operational Plan and Project Update Additional documents: Minutes: |
Review of London Road junction and Picardy Place Additional documents: Minutes: |
Supported Bus Services - West Edinburgh Additional documents:
Minutes: |
Neighbourhood Environmental Services Policy Assurance Statement Additional documents: Minutes: |
Communal Bin Review Update Additional documents: Minutes: |
Local Government Benchmarking Framework 2022/23 – Environmental Services Additional documents: Minutes: |
Motion by Councillor McKenzie - Roseburn to Union Canal Motion by Councillor McKenzie - Roseburn to Union Canal
Committee - 1) “Notes that the Roseburn to Union Canal project is due to be completed in July and requests that the June Business Bulletin provides an update on the project timeline. 2) Notes that the project does not provide an active travel connection between the West Approach Road / Telfer Subway and the Union Canal, with this section due to be delivered as part of the ‘Dundee Street / Fountainbridge Active Travel Improvements Project’. 3) Believes that this gap will have a significant impact on the utility of the route, and requests that officers bring forward proposals for temporary measures to improve safety for walking, wheeling and cycling in the affected area, particularly in relation to the crossing of Dundee Street at Gibson Terrace.” Additional documents: Minutes: |
Motion by Councillor Osler - Changes to Communal Bin Hub Location Criteria Motion by Councillor Osler - Changes to Communal Bin Hub Location Criteria Committee notes: 1) “Ongoing concerns about residents’ amenity as a result of the placement of bin hubs given that: 1.1) The locations for bin hubs were selected via a desktop exercise. 1.2) There were minimal attempts to consult with residents in Phases 1, 2 & 3. 1.3) Changes to the location criteria agreed by Committee in May 2023 relaxed the rules on distances but did not take into account the impact on residential amenity. 2) Since May 2023 a number of bin hub locations in Phases 3 & 4 have been reviewed under the current May 2023 criteria. These reviews highlighted issues with the desktop exercise, the lack of consultation in Phase 3 and the negative impact on some residents’ amenity. 3) Therefore, based on residents’ feedback and lived experience, Committee agrees: 3.1) to instruct officers to take account of residential amenity as one of the review criteria, for any of the following: A) single aspect properties; B) main door properties; C) properties in cul-de-sacs, where there is no through traffic;and 3.2) to permit a further review of phase 1-4 disputed bin hub locations, that meet any of the following: A) single aspect properties; B) main door properties; C) properties in cul-de-sacs, where there is no through traffic.”
Additional documents: Minutes: |