Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers
Contact: Natalie Carter-Osborne Carolanne Eyre
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Deputations If any. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Minute of the Transport and Environment Committee of 10 October 2024 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents:
Minutes: |
Transport and Environment Committee Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: |
Transport and Environment Committee Rolling Actions Log Additional documents: Minutes: |
Transport and Environment Business Bulletin Additional documents: Minutes: |
Petition for Consideration – Bellevue and Broughton Street Cleaning Service Additional documents: Minutes: |
Communal Bin Review Update Additional documents: Minutes: |
Secure On-Street Cycle Parking and Public Bike Parking update Additional documents: Minutes: |
Road Safety - School Travel Plan Review Additional documents: Minutes: |
Citywide Road Coordination - Revised Charging Structure Additional documents: Minutes: |
Dell Road to Colinton Dell Access Path Additional documents: Minutes: |
Internal Audit Audit outcomes June to October 2024 - Referral from the Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee Additional documents: Minutes: |
Internal Audit Open and Overdue Internal Audit Actions - Referral from the Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee Additional documents: Minutes: |
Motion by Councillor Aston - Improving Signalised Crossings Motion by Councillor Aston - Improving Signalised Crossings
“Committee: 1) Notes that both the Active Travel Action Plan (ATAP) and the first review of the City Mobility Plan (CMP) committed to Action for Better Crossings (ABC) – measures to improve how well connected our streets and neighbourhoods are for walking. 2) Notes that the ATAP states that: a. For most journeys on foot, the biggest delay and inconvenience is caused by crossing streets. To address this, the ABC initiative would:
i. Commit to a default maximum pedestrian delay at ‘standalone’ crossings and report on the percentage of crossings that have this setting. ii. Continue the programme of installing pedestrian crossings, with revised criteria giving more weight to likely pedestrian delay. iii. Review pedestrian waiting times at signalled junctions, with a view to reducing delays by giving more ‘green man’ opportunities per signal cycle. 3) Requests a report on progress towards these improvements in three cycles, noting that this will be one year on from the first review of the CMP. 4) Further notes that some groups, such as older people, disabled people, young children, and parents/carers pushing buggies, may traverse crossings more slowly, and therefore requests that the report also presents options for increasing the ‘Green Man’ time allowed for pedestrians at Pelican and Puffin crossings.”
Additional documents: Minutes: |
Motion by Councillor McKenzie - Save The Burnside Motion by Councillor McKenzie - Save The Burnside “Committee: Notes: The Burnside is a public right of way path which connects Longstone Road with Stenhouse Mill Lane. The path has been in place for at least 150 years on land which is currently understood to be owned by the Earl of Morton. The Burnside Bridge was repaired by the Council in February 2024 following a period of over 3 years during which damage to the bridge prevented access to the path from the Longstone Road end. On 31 May 2024, a large sink hole was found on the path. The Council erected barriers to prevent access to the affected area and a diversion route was established by users of the path. Subsequently, ward councillors and stakeholders have been unable to engage the Council in discussions about improving safety and accessibility. Agrees: 1) A safety assessment of the affected area will take place as soon as possible, with consideration given to the stability of the retaining wall under the sink hole, and to the effectiveness of the current safety barriers. 2) To request a Business Bulletin update within 2 cycles which includes low cost options for establishing and formalising the diversion route, prioritising improvements to accessibility at the Longstone Road end. 3) To request a report within 4 cycles which provides options for investment to safeguard the path for future use, including resurfacing, widening and ongoing maintenance of the path. This report should consider options to bring the path up to an adoptable standard, and the potential to recoup costs from the landowner.” Additional documents: Minutes: |
Motion by Councillor Booth - Speeding Parking Controls Roll-out Motion by Councillor Booth - Speeding Parking Controls Roll-out “Committee 1) Notes existing council commitments, both in the City Mobility Plan (CMP), and in the Parking Action Plan, to: a) extend parking controls and increase the percentage of population covered by parking controls (CMP, p.42) b) decrease the number of parking permits issued to higher polluting vehicles (CMP 1st review, appendix 1) c) reduce the number of residents' parking permits issued within existing CPZs CMP 1st review, appendix 1); 2) Notes the existing mandate to deliver these policies, as part of the council's support for the creation of liveable places, protection against vehicle dominance and wider action to address the climate crisis; 3) Notes that at present, any extension of CPZ requires a comprehensive and time-consuming parking survey as well as consultation with a number of stakeholder groups and residents; 4) Further notes the fragmented nature of existing parking controls, with 19 CPZ areas and 10 PPA areas, can make enforcement challenging; 5) Notes, following the recent decision of committee confirmed at full council to pause development of the WPL, and the questions around whether the council has full powers to introduce congestion charging or commuter charging, that parking restrictions and road space reallocation are the only demand management tools currently available to the council; 6) Therefore agrees that as part of future planned report(s) to committee on the Strategic Review of Parking updates, that these report(s) should set out options to speed up expansion of the CPZ and rationalise parking controls to allow for more effective enforcement, including, but not limited to, the following: a) Retaining the need for consultation which complies with the Council’s consultation policy, including parking occupation surveys prior to commencing the TRO process and consider removing the need for any additional consultation or survey work prior to each expansion; b) Consideration of rationalisation of hours of restriction and converting existing PPA into CPZ.”
Additional documents: Minutes: |