Venue: Lothian Pension Fund, - 4th Floor, 9 Haymarket Square, Edinburgh, EH3 8RY
Contact: Natalie Carter-Osborne
No. | Item |
1. Quorum check |
Quorum check The Convener will check to ensure a quorum is in attendance to ensure the meeting can proceed. |
2. Order of business |
Order of business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. |
3. Declarations of Interest |
Declarations of Interest Members of the Committee and members of the Pension Board should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. |
4. Deputations |
Deputations If any.
5. Procedural Reports and Updates |
Minute of the Pensions Committee PDF 240 KB Minute of the Pensions Committee of 26 June 2024 – submitted for approval as a correct record. Additional documents:
Action Tracker – submitted for approval as a correct record.
Additional documents:
Referrals and Recommendations from the Pensions Audit Sub-Committee Referrals and Recommendations from the Pensions Audit Sub-Committee – report by Cllr Neil Ross, City of Edinburgh Council.
6. Reports for Decision or Approval |
Audited Annual Report and Accounts of Lothian Pension Fund – report by the Chief Finance Officer, Lothian Pension Fund. and Scottish Homes Pension Fund Additional documents:
Lothian Pension Fund - Internal Audit Report: Pensions Committee Governance and Operational Effectiveness – report by the Head of Internal Audit, City of Edinburgh Council.
Additional documents: |
Administering Authority Discretions Policy PDF 545 KB Administering Authority Discretions Policy – report by the Chief Operating and People Officer, Lothian Pension Fund.
Additional documents: |
Stewardship Code and Engagement PDF 229 KB Stewardship Code and Engagement – report by the Chief Investment Officer, Lothian Pension Fund.
Additional documents: |
7. Reports for Noting |
Quarterly Governance Update PDF 2 MB Quarterly Governance Update – report by the Company Secretary, Lothian Pension Fund.
Additional documents: |
Business Plan and Budget Update PDF 3 MB Business Plan and Budget Update – report by the Chief Finance Officer, Lothian Pension Fund.
Additional documents: |
Contracts Award and Supplier Overview PDF 1 MB Contracts Award and Supplier Overview – report by Chief Finance Officer, Lothian Pension Fund
Risk and Compliance Update PDF 1 MB Risk and Compliance Update – report by the Chief Risk Officer, Lothian Pension Fund.
Additional documents: |
Responsible Investment - Climate Change PDF 3 MB Responsible Investment – Climate Change – report by the Chief Investment Officer, Lothian Pension Fund.
Additional documents: |
UK Government Pensions Investment Review - Call for Evidence PDF 675 KB UK Government Pensions Investment Review - Call for Evidence – report by the Chief Executive Officer, Lothian Pension Fund.
8. Motions |
Motions If any. |
9. Resolution to Consider in Private |
Resolution to Consider in Private The Committee is requested under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting for the following items of business on the ground that they would involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1, 3 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.
10. Private Business |
Employer Covenant Review Employer Covenant Review – report by Chief Finance Officer, Lothian Pension Fund.
Additional documents:
Employers Participating in Lothian Pension Fund Employers Participating in Lothian Pension Fund – report by the Chief Operating and People Officer, Lothian Pension Fund.
Overpayment of Pension Overpayment of Pension – report by the Chief Operating and People Officer, Lothian Pension Fund