Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers
Contact: Rachel Gentleman Joanna Pawlikowska
No. | Item |
1. Order of Business Additional documents: |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
2. Declaration of Interests Additional documents: |
Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
3. Deputations Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
4. Minutes Additional documents: |
Minute of 31 October 2024 Minute of Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee of 31 October 2024 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: |
5. Outstanding Actions Additional documents: |
Outstanding Actions Outstanding Actions Additional documents: |
6. Work Programme Additional documents: |
Work Programme Additional documents: |
7. Business Bulletin Additional documents: |
Business Bulletin Additional documents: |
8. Executive Decisions Additional documents: |
Internal Audit: Audit Outcomes - 3 October to 31 December 2024 Additional documents: |
Internal Audit Activity Report: December 2024 Additional documents: |
Additional documents: |
Corporate Leadership Team Risk Report as at 12 November 2024 Additional documents: |
Quarterly Status Update - Digital Services Additional documents: |
Council and Committee Statistics Additional documents: |
Strategic Programme Board Additional documents: |
Public Performance Scorecard Additional documents: |
Arms-Length External Organisations (ALEOs) Governance Framework Additional documents: |
Capital Investment Board Additional documents: |
Additional documents: |
Annual Assurance Schedule - Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership 23/24 Additional documents: |
9. Routine Decisions Additional documents: |
Revenue Monitoring 2024/25 – Month 5 Report – referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
Capital Monitoring 2024-25 - Month 5 Position - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
Revenue Monitoring 2024/25 - Month 7 Report - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
Capital Monitoring 2024-25 - Month 7 Position - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
Treasury Management: Mid-Year Report 2024/25 - referral from the City of Edinburgh Council Additional documents: |
The EDI Group - Annual Update - referral from the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
Attainment in Edinburgh's Schools - referral from the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
Monitoring Officer Report on Conflicting Legal Obligations and Response - referrals from the City of Edinburgh Council Additional documents: |
Actions Required to End the Use of Unlicensed Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) - referral from the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
10. Motions Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - Recording Whistleblowing Sub-Committee Meetings By Councillor Campbell - Recording Whistleblowing Sub-Committee Meetings “Committee, Notes that the council has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on the Tanner review and had agreed to spend £10m implementing the recommendations. Notes this council has had a history of scandal and poor practice and recognises that many officers and councillors are working hard to try to rectify this. Regrets, however, that recent events will have shaken confidence in the council and there is a desperate need to rebuild trust with staff, service users and the wider community. Notes that at some recent Whistleblowing Subcommittee meetings there had been verbal updates on the agenda and that this was raised by councillors as an issue in the last APM. Notes that in a committee which is not broadcast or recorded, that there is a very limited record of any verbal updates that have been shared with committee as agenda items. Notes that , by it’s nature and the fact that reports contain confidential information about individuals, it is not possible to broadcast Whistleblowing Subcommittees, nonetheless agrees that it would be helpful if all future meetings were recorded and stored securely so that there is an accurate record of deliberations. Agrees to receive a report setting out options for recording of B Agenda items and committees.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - Edinburgh's Hogmanay By Councillor Campbell - Edinburgh's Hogmanay “Committee, Notes the cancellation of the major Hogmanay events with the reason given that adverse weather conditions meant it was impossible to set up the crowd control measures and other infrastructure. Notes that on the evening of Hogmanay weather conditions were relatively calm and that, had infrastructure been in place, it seems likely that events could have gone ahead. Agrees to receive a report setting out the decision-making process for the cancellation including who was involved within the council, both councillors and officers. Agrees the report should also set out the detail of the Hogmanay build and its scheduled timeline, including what aspects of this are weather dependent and why there was not enough flexibility built in to allow set up to be carried out in advance of the 48-hour scheduled build window to mitigate the forecast risk of high winds. Further agrees the report should detail the financial implications of cancelling the Hogmanay events, including appropriate clauses contained within the tender agreement between the council and Unique Assembly in the event of full cancellation, noting that up to £812,456 had been approved as annual costs for Hogmanay process. Additionally the report should set out what insurance has been put in place by the event operator / the council and whether CEC should expect a return of funds issued due to non-delivery of substantial elements of the tender/programme. Further requests information on whether a formal contingency plan was in place or requested in preparation for various eventualities that could lead to total event cancellation.” Additional documents: |
11. Resolution to Consider in Private Additional documents: |
Resolution to Consider in Private Additional documents: |
12. Private Reports Additional documents: |
Digital Services - Vulnerability Management |
Edinburgh International Conference Centre Additional documents: |
Motions and Amendments Additional documents: |