Agenda and minutes

Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers

Contact: Daniel Baigrie  Louise Williamson


No. Item


Order of Business

Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.

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Declaration of Interests

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.

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If any

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Minute of 7 December 2023 pdf icon PDF 410 KB

Minute of Culture and Communities Committee of 7 December 2023 – submitted for approval as a correct record

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The approve the minute of the XXXX Committee of XXXX as a correct record.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Work Programme

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Rolling Actions Log pdf icon PDF 493 KB

Rolling Actions Log

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Business Bulletin pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Business Bulletin

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The XXXX Committee Business Bulletin for XXXX was presented.


Fruitmarket New Schools Programme - Presentation by the Creative Learning Manager of Fruitmarket

Fruitmarket New Schools Programme - Presentation by the Creative Learning Manager of Fruitmarket

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Third Party Cultural Grants Funding 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 288 KB

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Grants to Third Parties - Third Sector Interface and Equality and Rights Network 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 168 KB

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Edinburgh Partnership Survey 2023 pdf icon PDF 196 KB

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Playparks Investment pdf icon PDF 209 KB

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Fireworks Control Zones pdf icon PDF 127 KB

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Edinburgh Leisure Annual Report 2022-23 pdf icon PDF 961 KB

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Service Payment to Edinburgh Leisure 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 103 KB

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Capital Theatres Company Performance Report 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 168 KB

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Culture and Communities: Revenue Budget Monitoring 2023/24 – Month Eight Position pdf icon PDF 156 KB

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Events Budgeting pdf icon PDF 238 KB

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Gorgie Farm Site Update pdf icon PDF 13 MB

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Parks and Openspace Investement Update pdf icon PDF 248 KB

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Edinburgh Cemetery Tour Registration Scheme - Update pdf icon PDF 567 KB

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New Calton Burial Ground Watchtower - Proposals for Repair and Reuse pdf icon PDF 6 MB

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Moredun Community Centre pdf icon PDF 109 KB

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By Councillor Walker - Fruitmarket- Creative Connections

By Councillor  Walker - Fruitmarket- Creative Connections


1)         Values the important role Fruitmarket plays in creating accessible and empowering spaces for artists and audiences in Edinburgh by presenting a diverse programme of free exhibitions, performances and events in the centre of the city.

2)         Demonstrates a continued commitment to collaborating with communities and local cultural organisations and spreading the positive outcomes of cultural provision across the city.

3)         Welcomes Fruitmarket’s new engagement programme for schools, Creative Connections.”

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By Councillor McFarlane - Million Tree City - Consideration of Allergens

By Councillor McFarlane - Million Tree City - Consideration of Allergens


1)         Welcomes the continued commitment and aims of the Million Tree City Project.

2)         Notes the advice from Allergy UK to avoid planting certain tree species near homes or in school grounds where the pollens can sensitise susceptible people leading to worsening symptoms of allergy including hay fever and asthma.

3)         Understands that several of the tree species featured in the 2024 planting season free tree giveaway are potential problem species, such as Alder, Hazel and Silver Birch which is considered to be the most allergenic of these species.

4)         Therefore committee requests that officers work with the Lothian Green Space Trust and other partners involved in the Million Tree City project to increase diversity of tree species to avoid excessive quantities of a specific pollen type at any one time, and to consider allergenicity in the selection and prioritisation of tree species for planting, prioritising low allergen species such as insect pollinated trees, where possible but especially in giveaways for domestic and school properties.”

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By Councillor McFarlane - Edinburgh Deaf Festival

By Councillor McFarlane – Edinburgh Deaf Festival


1)       Understands that The Edinburgh Deaf Festival was established by charity Deaf Action in 2022 to celebrate deaf culture and promote a positive deaf identity, and agrees that over the last three years the festival has created invaluable opportunities to showcase deaf talent; raise awareness of creativity in sign language use and promote inclusive communication strategies.

2)       Notes that the festival delivers a 10-day programme of theatre, storytelling, cabaret, visual art and visual vernacular in August each year, which:

-             meet the needs of the diversity of deaf people, with an important focus on children and families.

-             finds and works with deaf talent and supports them to develop their material at the festival.

-             provides an accessibility toolkit to allow hearing/’mainstream’ performers to reach deaf audiences, and for deaf performers to reach hearing audiences in turn.

3)       Further notes that the festival is accessible for all, and therefore also gives hearing audiences the opportunity to learn more about deaf culture and gain an increased understanding and appreciation of the deaf community.

4)       Committee agrees that Edinburgh’s Deaf Festival closely aligns with Aim 1, 2 and 3 of the Citywide Culture Strategy 2023-30, particularly by supporting a broad spectrum of creative and cultural practitioners to develop their careers and providing a platform to celebrate the diversity of Edinburgh’s residents. Further agrees that the work Deaf Action have undertaken including supporting BSL interpretation on the Fringe High Street is innovative and has the potential to increase Edinburgh’s international reputation as a welcoming and accessible city.

5)       Considering the above, committee agrees that Council Officers should seek to build our partnership and relationship with the festival, and should explore ways (financial or otherwise) in which we can support it’s sustainable development in the years to come with committee being updated on significant developments in future business bulletin updates.”

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By Councillor Osler - Temporary Toilet Facilities (in Parks)

By Councillor Osler - Temporary Toilet Facilities (in Parks)


1)         Notes that on Thursday 22 February 2024 Council agreed through its budget-setting process to continue to fund some temporary public toilet facilities in parks for another year.

2)         Notes that in previous years the three parks that benefited from this temporary toilet facilities provision were Inverleith Park, Leith Links and The Meadows.

3)         Notes that due to £3m investment in Parks and Greenspace from the Lib Dem budget passing in February 2023, £600,000 was allocated for permanent, publicly accessible toilets in the three Parks mentioned in 2. above.

4)         Notes that work is currently progressing to deliver semi-permanent facilities in all three Parks mentioned above and the hope is the majority will be delivered Summer 2024.

Therefore Committee

5)         Agrees to a report in one cycle setting out the timelines for establishment of semi-permanent facilities in each of Inverleith Park, Leith Links and The Meadows and setting out other parks that could be considered for temporary facilities if they are not required in any such locations on account of semi-permanent facilities actually being installed.”

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By Councillor Thornley - Safety of the Off-Street Path Network

By Councillor Thornley - Safety of the Off-Street Path Network


1)         Notes that recent discussion around the potential routes for tram line extensions have highlighted the lack of safety across much of our off-street path network

2)         Agrees that whatever the outcome regarding tram extensions, the off-street path network should be safe for users and residents.

3)         Notes the Council’s aim to reduce car usage in the city, and the role that safe pedestrian routes are vital to encourage walking, wheeling and cycling.

4)         Further notes ongoing lighting projects in parks across the city, and the inclusion of path lighting in projects such as the West Edinburgh Link.

Committee therefore requests a report in two cycles outlining;

  • which parts of the off-street path network are currently lit, and to what standard, and which parts are not lit.
  • what options are available beyond lighting to improve the safety of the off-street path network, such as CCTV or cutting back overgrown foliage to improve sightlines.
  • How any additional monies allocated for the 2024/25 budget for the purpose of improving the safety of the off-street path network can be best spent.“

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