Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers
Contact: Andrew Henderson Carolanne Eyre
No. | Item |
1. Order of business Additional documents: |
Order of business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
2. Declaration of interests Additional documents: |
Declaration of interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
3. Deputations Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
4. Minutes Additional documents: |
Minute of the Finance and Resources Committee of 19 September 2024- submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents:
5. Forward Planning Additional documents: |
Work Programme Additional documents: |
Rolling Actions Log PDF 186 KB Rolling Actions Log Additional documents: |
6. Business Bulletin Additional documents: |
Business Bulletin Additional documents: |
7. Executive Decisions Additional documents: |
Revenue Monitoring 2024/25 – month five report PDF 232 KB Additional documents: |
Capital Monitoring 2024-25 - Month Five Position PDF 991 KB Additional documents: |
Capital Budget Update 2025-2035 PDF 389 KB Additional documents: |
Revenue Budget Framework and Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2024/29 – progress update PDF 580 KB Additional documents: |
Civic Vehicle Access to the City Chambers PDF 184 KB Additional documents: |
Appointments to Working Groups PDF 140 KB Additional documents: |
Health & Social Contracts Extension Report PDF 171 KB Additional documents: |
Potential for an Invest to Save Energy Efficiency Business Case PDF 146 KB Additional documents: |
Spend to Save Funding - Edinburgh Leisure Projects PDF 930 KB Additional documents: |
Forth Green Freeport – Borrowing Strategy for Retained Non-Domestic Rates Income PDF 778 KB Additional documents: |
Depot Programme 2025-2030 PDF 245 KB Additional documents: |
Treasury Management: Mid-Year Report 2024/25 PDF 526 KB Additional documents: |
Asset Management Works Programme -2023/24 Update PDF 1003 KB Additional documents: |
The City of Edinburgh Council Charitable Trusts - report to those charged with governance on the 2023/24 audit Additional documents: |
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Homelessness Services - Use of Temporary Accommodation Additional documents: |
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8. Routine Decisions Additional documents: |
Corporate Services Directorate - Revenue Budget Monitoring 2024/25 – Month Five position PDF 807 KB Additional documents: |
Foster a Culture of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion PDF 1 MB Additional documents: |
Annual Fraud Prevention and Detection Report PDF 222 KB Additional documents: |
Finance and Procurement Policies – Assurance Statement PDF 812 KB Additional documents: |
Procurement Delivery Plan 2024/25 - November update PDF 269 KB Additional documents: |
Retail units at Fountainbridge Edinburgh – Proposed Lease and Sub Lease PDF 257 KB Additional documents: |
Commercial Property Portfolio – Update Report PDF 145 KB Additional documents: |
249 High Street Options Appraisal PDF 118 KB Additional documents: |
Bingham Community Centre, Bingham Avenue Edinburgh – Proposed Lease PDF 258 KB Additional documents: |
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Leith Theatre, Ferry Road, Edinburgh – Amendments to Proposed Lease PDF 258 KB Additional documents: |
Award of Security Services Contract PDF 205 KB Additional documents: |
Contract Awards for the Supply of Utilities PDF 163 KB Additional documents: |
Currie Bowling Club, 283 Lanark Road West - Proposed Lease Extension PDF 311 KB Additional documents: |
29 Leith Street Edinburgh - Proposed Lease Extension PDF 176 KB Additional documents: |
West Mains, Ratho Station, Edinburgh - Proposed Servitude PDF 2 MB Additional documents: |
Greendykes Development (Phases K&L), Greendykes Road – Proposed Deed of Servitude PDF 762 KB Additional documents: |
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9. Motions Additional documents: |
Motion by Councillor Miller - Scottish Women' s Budget Group Report Motion by Councillor Miller - Scottish Women' s Budget Group Report “Committee: 1) Thanks Scottish Women’s Budget Group (SWBG) for holding focus groups on gender budgeting during autumn 2023, thanks officers and elected members for participating, and thanks SWBG for preparing a report summarising the themes raised and recommendations for Council to take forward. 2) Requests that the SWBG report and officers’ associated plans to implement changes answering the recommendations be reported to committee” Additional documents: |
Motion by Councillor Staniforth - National Insurance Contributions for ALEOS Motion by Councillor Staniforth - National Insurance Contributions for ALEOS “Committee: 1) Notes that in the Westminster budget National Insurance rose to 15% (from 13.8%) for employers and that the threshold for paying it lowered to salaries above £5000 (from £9100). 2) Notes that the Scottish Government will receive additional funding from the Barnett formula as a result of this tax increase. 3) Notes that it can, and should, be expected that the Scottish Government use at least part of that increase to fund councils such that paying the additional tax for their workforce is not an extra financial burden on those hard-pressed councils and provides full cost recovery. 4) Notes that council-funded ALEOs, such as Edinburgh Leisure, will also see an increase in the amount of National Insurance they will pay as employers and that in the case of Edinburgh Leisure, as it employs a large number of part time staff, the lowering of the threshold for payment will be particularly burdensome. 5) Therefore requests that the Finance and Resources convenor write to the Scottish Finance Minister and make representation to COSLA that, in addition to being funded enough to pay the extra tax for their own workforce, councils should be funded enough that they can also pass on to council funded ALEOs enough to pay the extra tax for their workforce.” Additional documents: |
Motion by Councillor Staniforth - IJB Recovery Plan Motion by Councillor Staniforth - IJB Recovery Plan
“Notes: 1) Third sector organisations face the risk of there being no grant funding available from the EIJB next year due to financial constraints; 2) Many of these funded projects have been evaluated to be cost effective, but with most direct savings being realised by council services rather than the IJB despite them being delegated services; 3) The IJB agreed on 1st November to “hold discussions as soon as possible with NHS Lothian, the Council, and third sector organisations to consider alternative proposals for the long-term future of third-sector funding, mindful of the current financial position across the Scottish public sector and the need to meet EIJB objectives” Additionally notes: 4) The CFO of the IJB is unable to provide assurance for a breakeven position and the IJB is entering another recovery plan, despite considerable savings achieved over the past year; 5) Since the joint motion passed by Finance & Resources Committee in January 2024, there has been greater collaboration between IJB and Council Committees and the IJB has developed a Medium Term Financial Plan to better forecast spending requirements as requested; 6) The IJB passed a further proposal on 1st November noting the structural deficit of £32m that the IJB was created with, and asking that partners “work collaboratively to produce proposals for increasing the IJB’s recurring funding to reduce the structural budget deficit ready for the financial year 25/26.” Therefore 7) Requests that officers engage fully in both of these discussions and provide business bulletin updates, and information to finance leads in between meetings, as required; 8) Requests that work is done to determine where there is crossover between the projects funded by the IJB and projects funded through other Council grant schemes, both in terms of organisations and project focus; 9) Requests that once there are options available for ways forward both in terms of third sector funding, and wider IJB funding arrangements, briefings are offered to parties in advance of budget setting.” Additional documents: |
10. Resolution to Consider in Private Additional documents: |
Resolution to Consider in Private The Committee is requested under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they would involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6, 8, 9, 10 and 14 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act. Additional documents: |
11. Private Reports Additional documents: |
St James Quarter – amendments to terms of disposition of assets Additional documents: |
Miscellaneous Debts - Write-Off Additional documents: |
Directorates Cyber Incident Response – Internal Audit Report Phased Implementation Plan – referral from the Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee Directorates Cyber Incident Response – Internal Audit Report Phased Implementation Plan – referral from the Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee Additional documents: |
Changes to the Private Sector Leasing Scheme Additional documents: |
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Ward / Special Interest Callings PDF 85 KB Additional documents: |
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Motions and Amendments PDF 117 KB Additional documents: