Agenda and minutes

Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers

Contact: Jamie Macrae  Emily Traynor


No. Item


Order of Business

Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.

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Declaration of Interests

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.

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If any.

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Minutes pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Minute of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee of 1 December 2022 – submitted for approval as a correct record


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Work Programme pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Work Programme

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Rolling Actions Log pdf icon PDF 245 KB

Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Rolling Actions Log

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Business Bulletin pdf icon PDF 190 KB

Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Business Bulletin

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2023/24 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 395 KB

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Funding of affordable housing through the Scottish Government’s Affordable Housing Supply Programme pdf icon PDF 214 KB

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Tenant Hardship Fund (2023/24) pdf icon PDF 197 KB

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Edinburgh Living Annual Update 2022 pdf icon PDF 472 KB

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Trade Unions in Communities pdf icon PDF 128 KB

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UK Shared Prosperity Fund Update pdf icon PDF 87 KB

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Response to motion by Councillor Dalgleish – Energy Efficiency Task Force pdf icon PDF 140 KB

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Parental Employability Support pdf icon PDF 97 KB

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Employer Recruitment Incentives – Targeted Additional Funds for Young People living in poverty pdf icon PDF 111 KB

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Young Person's Guarantee Grants Extension Proposal pdf icon PDF 174 KB

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Edinburgh International Conference Centre – Shareholders’ Agreement and Strategic Delivery Agreement pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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Gig Economy Task Force – progress update pdf icon PDF 212 KB

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Edinburgh Discretionary Business Support Fund – Muirhouse Millennium Centre pdf icon PDF 175 KB

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Housing Service Improvement Plan – Update pdf icon PDF 338 KB

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Homelessness Services’ Performance Dashboard pdf icon PDF 241 KB

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Mixed Tenure Improvement Service pdf icon PDF 177 KB

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Place Directorate - Revenue Budget Monitoring 2022/23 - Month Eight Forecast pdf icon PDF 173 KB

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By Councillor Campbell - Damp and Mould

By Councillor Campbell – Damp and Mould


Notes, following the tragic death of Awaab Ishak who died of a respiratory condition caused by mould in his home, that the Scottish Housing Regulator wrote to all social landlords to request that they “consider the systems they have in place to ensure their tenants’ homes are not affected by mould and dampness and that they have appropriate, proactive systems to identify and deal with any reported cases of mould and damp timeously and effectively.”

Notes that the current process was agreed by the HHFW committee in June 2021 and includes assurance that the council will:

·       give tenants the name of a person that will look after their case,

·       organise a full dampness survey to be carried out in their home

·       let tenants know what the survey finds

·       organise any repairs, including fixing emergency issues like leaks,

·       put right any cosmetic damage,

·       keep tenants updated on what happens next,

·       check if tenants are happy with what we have done.

Notes that many tenants are not experiencing this process in full, particularly in terms of the named person to look after their case, having survey results shared and being kept updated on the process.

Further notes that an update report to committee in January 2022 included actions at 4.15 which included:

·       Recruitment of surveyors specialising in damp and mould

·       Administrative support for case management

·       Enhanced contract management

·       Review of training and support for staff

Agrees to receive an update report on damp and mould in one cycle which:

·       Sets out detail of the current systems in place so that councillors can consider these in line with the request from the Scottish Housing Regulator including analysis on performance

·       Detail of current cases including case length and location, timeframes for repairs to be completed, tenant satisfaction , performance on ‘getting it right first time’ and causes of damp and mould

·       Updates on the outstanding actions at 4.15 from the report in January 2022

·       Sets out an additional decant process to be added to the current commitment which includes a risk assessment and looking at the health and wellbeing of tenants including risk factors such as age and existing health conditions such as respiratory or other illnesses

·       A heat map of damp and mould cases across the city aligned with the a map showing the proposed capital programme for whole house retrofit

·       Detail of the process for using damp and mould repairs case data to help inform the long term capital programme and asset management strategy

·       Detail of how data from damp and mould repairs cases can be used to prioritise the sequencing of stock condition surveys”


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By Councillor Caldwell - Taking stock of affordable housing by ward in the City of Edinburgh

Sorry `By Councillor Caldwell - Taking stock of affordable housing by ward in the City of Edinburgh



1)    The 2017 - 2022 Council term’s committed target to producing 10,000 affordable homes by 2022.

2)    The 2022 – 2027 Council term’s committed target to producing 25,000 Council affordable homes by 2032.

3)    That this needs to be achieved in partnership both with existing Council-owned land and developments, and developers within the private sector.

4)    In 2022, the Council approved an annual HRA budget strategy which included a 10 year £2.9bn capital programme and £1.3bn revenue programme, predicated on a minimum 2% annual rent increase, and that Council deferred decision on the agreed FY 2023-24 3% rent increase expenditure to the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work committee due 11th May 2023.

5)    There is disparity between both SIMD quadrants and Council wards across the city in terms of both affordable housing amenity and deprivation levels.

6)    Land value and cost of development varies across the city and is further complicated by other local factors such as the number of conservation areas.



A report within one cycle on the last 5 years (FYs 2017-2022), split into the 17 wards, that make up the City of Edinburgh detailing;

1)    How many affordable homes, as part of the HRA Business Plan, during those years have been;

·       Granted planning permission.

·       Underwent construction by the end of FY2022.

·       Built to completion.

2)    How many planning applications were granted where a commuted sum was agreed for the affordable homes.

3)    How many approved affordable homes have been delivered within each ward and, in cases where that was not possible, what has happened to the commuted sum.

4)    What were the main barriers to affordable housing being delivered on site and what is being done to overcome this.

5)    The percentage of housing-led development sites (by ward) which did not include affordable housing as part of the New Homes Strategy.”

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