Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers
Contact: Taylor Ward Louise Williamson
No. | Item |
1. Order of Business |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. |
2. Declaration of Interests |
Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. |
3. Deputations |
Deputations If any. |
4. Minutes |
Minute of 3 December 2024 Minute of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee of 3 December 2024 – submitted for approval as a correct record |
5. Forward Planning |
Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Work Programme |
Rolling Actions Log Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Rolling Actions Log |
6. Business Bulletin |
Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Business Bulletin |
7. Executive Decisions |
Edinburgh’s Local Housing Strategy – Draft Strategy |
Medium to Long-term Strategy to Change the Mix of Temporary Accommodation |
Affordable Housing Policy 2024 – Performance and Interim Guidance – referral from the Planning Committee |
Internal Audit: Audit Outcomes - 3 October to 31 December 2024 – referral from the Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee |
8. Routine Decisions |
Westfield Court – Update on the Installation of SMART Meter |
9. Motions |
By Councillor Parker - A Rent Control Ready Council By Councillor Parker - A Rent Control Ready Council “1) Notes the progression of the Housing Bill through the Scottish Parliament which includes provision for the implementation of rent controls within Local Authority areas. 2) Notes the Council decision in September 2024 to “reaffirm the Council’s support for rent controls” as part of the agreed motion “City of Edinburgh Council Supports Rent Controls”. 3) Notes the Committee’s response to the Housing Bill consultation in May 2024 which highlighted the potential impact that the Bill would have for the Council. 4) Notes the success of the Council in ensuring swift and credible implementation of the Transient Visitor Levy, thanks to internal Council preparations being made concurrent with the legislation’s passage through parliament. 5) Recognises that the Housing Emergency calls for swift implementation of measures to tackle the city’s housing crisis, including to make rents in the private sector more affordable for people. Therefore: 6) Agrees to establish a Member / Officer oversight group to support the Council to become “rent control ready” so that it can implement rent controls as soon as the legislation allows. 7) Agrees that the group will include one member from each Party group in the Council. Additionally agrees that proposals for the group’s chair and terms of reference will be agreed in the group’s first meeting.” |
By Councillor Parker - Mixed Tenure Improvement Service - Airey Duos and Non Standard Construction Types By Councillor Parker - Mixed Tenure Improvement Service - Airey Duos and Non Standard Construction Types: “1) Notes with concern that, as part of the Council’s Mixed Tenure Improvement Scheme (MTIS) works, some homes of non-standard construction types, including Airey-Duos, are difficult to retrofit. 2) Understands that the scope of MTIS works for such homes are being revised downwards as retrofitting options are unaffordable for the Council (and owners). 3) Recognises that revising the scope of work downwards will mean that residents will not benefit from lower energy bills once works are complete, and reductions in carbon emissions will not be realised. 4) Further, notes that if the scope of MTIS works no longer contains measures to reduce carbon emissions, owners will not be eligible to receive EES:ABS grants of up to £18k, and costs to owners for the works will increase significantly. 5) Understands that many owners do not have funds to make up the shortfall in lack of grant, if works proceed. Therefore: 6) Agrees to receive a short report in one cycle setting out options for how the scope of MTIS works will be revised for homes of non-standard construction in order to guarantee grant funding can still be secured. If this is not possible, agrees that this report will set out alternative methods of financing works – for example, allowing owners to hold costs against the value of the property. Also agrees that these finance models will set out how financing should work in cases of shared-ownership. 7) Requests that officers consider pausing MTIS works in non-standard construction homes until this work is complete.” |
By Councillor Parker - Supplementing the HRA with the General Fund By Councillor Parker - Supplementing the HRA with the General Fund “1) Notes the decision of Finance and Resources committee on 4th February 2025 to “[continue work to] explore options for greater flexibility in spending between the HRA and General Fund both within the Council and with the Scottish Government where relevant” as part of the Council’s budget strategy / medium-term financial plan. Therefore: 2) Agrees to receive Business Bulletin updates to Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work committee about this work over the next year and in the run up to / throughout the next budget setting cycle.” |