Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
Minute of Education, Children and Families of 20 September 2022– submitted for approval as a correct record
Additional documents: Minutes: Decision
The approve the minute of the XXXX Committee of XXXX as a correct record. |
Work Programme Additional documents: |
Rolling Actions Log PDF 393 KB Rolling Actions Log Additional documents: |
Business Bulletin Additional documents: |
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Additional documents: |
Getting it Right for Every Child - Inclusion in City of Edinburgh Schools PDF 156 KB Additional documents: |
Quality, Improvement and Scrutiny Update PDF 501 KB Additional documents: |
Edinburgh Child Protection Committee - Annual Report 2021-22 PDF 778 KB Additional documents: |
Chief Social Work Officer Annual Report 2020-21 PDF 933 KB Additional documents: |
Headteacher Recruitment Process for all Schools PDF 145 KB Additional documents: |
Establishment of the City of Edinburgh Council Corporate Parenting Board PDF 107 KB Additional documents: |
Revenue Monitoring 2022-23 - month five position PDF 105 KB Additional documents: |
Finance for Equity - Update PDF 154 KB Additional documents: |
Renaming the Education and Children's Services Directorate PDF 95 KB Additional documents: |
Appointments to the Gaelic Implementation Steering Group 2022/23 PDF 109 KB Additional documents: |
Edinburgh Secure Services - update report PDF 137 KB Additional documents: |
None. None. Additional documents: |
Motion by Councillor Davidson - Internet Safety Motion by Councillor Davidson – Internet Safety “Committee notes that: · That when it was brought to the attention of council officers that children and young people were able to access inappropriate material on council devices, access to Youtube was temporarily suspended on safeguarding grounds · The Scottish Government Internet Safety Action Plan expects education in school to encourage innovation, build confidence and teach responsibility in the use of technologies and staying safe online. · The Health and Wellbeing Curriculum includes provision for digital safety and risk management education for children and young people. · Comments by the delegation from James Gillespie’s High School “Pupil Voice” to October full council that many of them had never been given lessons in digital safety and risk management. Committee therefore requests a report to Education, Children & Families within 2 cycles containing the following: · The current guidance given to schools/headteachers on expectations regarding education on digital safety and risk management. · What initiatives are being carried out in relation to promoting internet safety education in schools and any examples of good practice or innovative ideas that could be spread more widely. · The outcome of further consultation with the various youth representative bodies in the city in order to ensure that children and young people’s voices are being considered in this process and their needs identified. · A timeline for rolling out further support and education during the rest of the current academic year and how this will be integrated into standard practice from 2023/24 academic year onwards.” Additional documents: |
Resolution to Consider in Private The Committee is requested under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it would involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1, 12 and 15 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act. Additional documents: |
Response to Whistleblowing Investigation Report - Edinburgh Secure Services - referral from the Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee
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Edinburgh Secure Services - Update Report Additional documents: |