
Venue: Virtual Meeting - via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Daniel Baigrie  Joanna Pawlikowska


No. Item

1. Order of business

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Order of business

Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.

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2. Declaration of interests

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Declaration of interests

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.

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3. Deputations

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If any

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4. Minutes

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Minutes pdf icon PDF 210 KB

Minute of the Education, Children and Families Committee of 21 November 2024 - submitted for approval as a correct record

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Minutes pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Minute of the Education, Children and Families Committee of 28 November 2024 - submitted for approval as a correct record


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5. Forward Planning

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Work Programme pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Work Programme

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Rolling Actions Log pdf icon PDF 391 KB

Rolling Actions Log

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6. Business Bulletin

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Business Bulletin pdf icon PDF 575 KB

Business Bulletin

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7. Executive decisions

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Savings Proposals Update

Savings Proposals Update – Report by the Executive Director of Children, Education and Justice Services

In terms of standing order 4.4, this report will require to be ruled urgent by the Convener to be considered at the meeting. The report can be viewed in the “Late Reports” pack on the agenda page when available.

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Quality Improvement and Scrutiny Update pdf icon PDF 966 KB

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Community Access to Schools – Transfer of Management of Non-sports Lets to Edinburgh Leisure pdf icon PDF 429 KB

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Performance, Quality and Audit in Social Work for Children pdf icon PDF 145 KB

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Community Learning and Development (CLD) Update pdf icon PDF 187 KB

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8. Routine decisions

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Edinburgh Learns for Life: Equity pdf icon PDF 653 KB

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Edinburgh Child Protection Committee – Annual Report 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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Team Around the Community pdf icon PDF 123 KB

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Chief Social Work Officer Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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9. Motions

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Motion by Councillor Davidson - Single Use Materials in School Lunches

Motion by Councillor Davidson - Single Use Materials in School Lunches


1)    “Committee notes that some schools are using single use wooden cutlery on a daily basis for school lunches. This has caused some pupils to raise concerns about the environmental impact of this repeated use of single use materials and have complained about the taste that they cause.


2)    Committee is concerned that this use may not align with the council’s strategic commitments to tackle the climate crisis by failing to reduce the amount of single use materials. Furthermore, this issue may be exacerbating the levels of food waste in some schools.


3)    Therefore, committee agrees to receive a business bulletin update in two cycles detailing the extent of the use of single use cutlery for school lunches and estimate the financial and climate impacts that this causes.”


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Motion by Councillor Burgess - Sustainability Champions in Edinburgh Schools

Motion by Councillor Burgess - Sustainability Champions in Edinburgh Schools “Committee:

  1. Welcomes the sector-leading Learning for Sustainability initiative taking place in Edinburgh schools, as recognised by Education Scotland;
  2. Recognises that over the last two school years this has been made possible by providing a teacher ‘Sustainability Champion’ for every school in Edinburgh with half-a-day protected time a week to facilitate activity on the Climate Emergency, Outdoor Learning and International Development in their school;
  3. Notes for example, the groundbreaking ‘1.5 Max Global Schools Climate Summit’ that saw around 300 children from schools across four countries - Scotland, Malawi, Nepal and Bangladesh – meet online to share their experiences and projects on the global Climate Emergency as reported by STV - see;
  4. Notes that without continued internal funding, existing provision for Sustainability Champions would cease and ongoing work on Learning for Sustainability would be impacted;
  5. Notes that Education committee members have an opportunity to raise the possibility of continuing ‘Sustainability Funding’ for the school term 2025/6 (£0.8m) with councillor colleagues in their Party groups ahead of council budget setting in February.”



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Motion by Councillor Burgess - Artificial Grass on the School Estate

Motion by Councillor Burgess - Artificial Grass on the School Estate


  1. Notes that artificial grass is currently used across parts of the school estate;
  2. Notes the negative impact of the use of artificial grass with respect to the Climate and Nature emergencies when compared with the use of natural grass and planting, particularly in terms of encouraging biodiversity and sustainable urban drainage (SUDs);
  1. Further notes concerns relating to the possible health impact on children and young people from the use of artificial grass;
  1. Therefore requests a report to Education, Children and Families committee in 2 cycles on the use of artificial grass in the school estate, including current practice, policy and guidance relating to the use of artificial grass, and whether any changes to practice, policy and guidance are required in order to prioritise the Climate and Nature emergencies and address health concerns.”  


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Motion by Councillor Burgess - Arms Manufacturer Access to Council Schools

Motion by Councillor Burgess - Arms Manufacturer Access to Council Schools



  1. Notes that arms manufacturers have been able to access council schools to promote their businesses to children and young people;
  2. Notes concerns raised by parents, the EIS and the High School Student Union about this practice;
  3. Requests a report, or briefing in the next Business Bulletin, detailing existing council policy and guidance for schools relating to company access to schools and careers fairs.”


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Motions and Amendments pdf icon PDF 44 KB

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