Venue: Virtual Meeting - via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Veronica Macmillan
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.
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Declaration of interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
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Deputations If any Additional documents: Minutes: |
Minutes of the Planning Committee of 10 March 2021 - submitted for approval as a correct record
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Planning Committee Business Bulletin Additional documents: Minutes: |
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Affordable Housing Policy Update Additional documents: Minutes: |
Coronavirus Measures and Publication of Weekly Lists and Posting of Site Notices Additional documents: Minutes: |
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Summer Festival Installations during Coronavirus Emergency Additional documents: Minutes: |
Report Additional documents: Minutes: |
Report None. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Motion by Councillor Rose - Impact of Road Interventions on Conservation Areas “Committee 1. Notes concerns in areas of the city about the impact on conservation areas of road interventions which are currently designated ‘temporary’ under the Spaces for People programme 2. Notes that consideration is being given to making some of the interventions permanent. 3. Requests a report in two cycles on what measures can be taken to enhance and preserve these conservation areas in line with legislative responsibilities.”
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