Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers
Contact: Taylor Ward Joanna Pawlikowska
No. | Item |
1. Order of Business Additional documents: |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.
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2. Declaration of interests Additional documents: |
Declaration of interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
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3. Deputations Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
4. Minutes Additional documents: |
Planning Committee of 31 January 2024 - submitted for approval as a correct record
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5. Forward Planning Additional documents: |
Rolling Actions Log Planning Committee Rolling Actions Log Additional documents: |
Planning Committee Work Programme
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6. Business Bulletin Additional documents: |
Planning Committee Business Bulletin
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7. Planning Policy Additional documents: |
Annual Review of Guidance Additional documents: |
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8. Planning Process Additional documents: |
ASSC Proposal on Short-term Lets Additional documents: |
Responsible Construction Additional documents: |
West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan Additional documents: |
9. Planning Performance Additional documents: |
Planning Performance None. Additional documents: |
10. Conservation Additional documents: |
Conservation None. Additional documents: |
11. Motions Additional documents: |
Motion by Councillor Booth - Cycle Parking Motion by Councillor Booth - Cycle Parking
1) Notes the importance of secure, convenient cycle parking in achieving council targets on tackling the climate emergency; reducing the number of car kilometers driven and supporting active travel; 2) Notes the decision of committee in April 2023 to approve a motion by Cllr Osler on Edinburgh Design Guidance - Cycle Parking which agrees that the forthcoming review of the EDG addresses a number of issues in respect of cycle parking design and notes a briefing has been arranged for committee members on 19 April 2024 on this work; 3) Notes LDP policies Tra 3 Private Cycle Parking and Tra 4 Design of Off-Street Car and Cycle Parking, which state that cycle parking should be designed in accordance with the standards set out in Council guidance, further notes factsheet C7 which forms part of council guidance which states that, "two tier racks may discourage users", that "a maximum of 50% of cycle parking at a location should be two tier storage", and that "at least 20% of cycle parking spaces should be able to accommodate non-standard cycles"; 4) Notes that on highly constrained sites, some flexibility on guidance may sometimes be necessary, but agrees this should whereever possible not compromise on the accessibility of the cycle parking, and therefore that, where compromise is unavoidable, that the total number of cycle parking spaces provided would be a preferable compromise rather than the proportion of non-standard spaces or the proportion of 2-tier racks; 5) Notes that guidance does not currently allow for any developer contribution to on-street cycle lockers or other off-site cycle storage where guidance cannot be met on a constrained site and asks officers to consider whether this could be considered; 6) Notes there is sometimes considered to be a conflict between adequate cycle storage provision and the provision of active frontages, but further notes that, where the provision of cycle parking is considered at an early stage in the design process, both objectives can usually be met; 7) Notes that a number of recent applications have not complied with guidance; notes in particular that Sheffield racks on the bottom level of 2-tier racks are nonetheless 2-tier racks and should be regarded as such, and that including lockers for folding bikes as provision for 'non standard bikes' is contrary to the spirit of guidance, where non-standard bikes are defined as bikes for disabled people or that cannot otherwise be accommodated; 8) Agrees to receive a report to committee within two cycles setting out options for consulting on changes to guidance, including but not limited to, factsheet C7, which reflect the issues set out in paragraphs above; 9) Given the importance of secure and convenient cycle parking to promoting sustainable travel and tackling the climate emergency, requests that officers should treat the relevant sections of the development plan and relevant guidance extremely seriously, should impress upon applicants the importance of considering cycle parking at a very early stage in the design ... view the full agenda text for item 11.1 Additional documents: |
Motion by Councillor Beal - Embodied Carbon Motion by Councillor Beal - Embodied Carbon “Committee Notes that 1) the Climate Emergency declared by Council is a result of carbon emissions. 2) carbon is emitted in the production of building materials – embedded carbon; during its use -operational carbon; and in the end-of-life disposal of materials 3) carbon emitted at any stage is equally damaging to the environment. 4) NPF4 is now implemented and City Plan 2030 is close to being implemented 5) both include embodied carbon as a factor in determining planning applications 6) both lack a consistent and systematic means of assessing embodied carbon in Council and national guidance 7) UK mechanisms now exist for systematically dealing with embodied carbon, such as CIBSE TM65 and the LETI schemes’ ‘Embodied Carbon Primer’ in London
Therefore Committee Requests a report in two cycles detailing:- - A review of what mechanisms exist for incorporating embodied carbon and for accounting for carbon over a lifecycle of a building - How such mechanisms could be incorporated into Planning Guidance”
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Deputations Additional documents: |
Motions and Amendments Additional documents: |