Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers
Contact: Taylor Ward Joanna Pawlikowska
No. | Item |
1. Order of Business Additional documents: |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.
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2. Declaration of interests Additional documents: |
Declaration of interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
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3. Deputations Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
4. Minutes Additional documents: |
Minutes None Additional documents: |
5. Forward Planning Additional documents: |
None None Additional documents: |
6. Business Bulletin Additional documents: |
Business Bulletin None Additional documents: |
7. Development Plan Additional documents: |
Development Plan None.
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8. Planning Policy Additional documents: |
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9. Planning Process Additional documents: |
Report None. Additional documents: |
10. Planning Performance Additional documents: |
Annual report on the Pre-Application Advice Service Additional documents: |
11. Conservation Additional documents: |
Report None. Additional documents: |
12. Motions Additional documents: |
Motion by Councillor Mattos-Coelho - Development Management Sub-Committee Protocol Motion by Councillor Mattos-Coelho – Development Management Sub-Committee Protocol
“Committee thanks officers for all the work they do by preparing documentation that support members make informed decisions.
Committee also notes that revising procedures occasionally are needed, if we want elected office to be more welcoming, fairer, equal and diverse.
Committee, then, asks that officers adapt current procedures to consider the requests below, when preparing meeting papers for Development Management Sub-Committees:
· When private briefings are needed (for example to cover financial matters) that they take place on the day of the meeting, prior to the meeting (for example: private members briefing at 9:30 AM, prior to committee meeting starting at 10:00 AM) · That a cover sheet is added to each application (for example similar to the ones used at Licensing Sub-Committee; or report’s handling first page is adapted), where basic information is easy to access, including the date of non-determination; · That officers aim to ensure applications are brought to sub-committee with sufficient time to allow committee to seek a continuation where it considers additional information is needed, avoiding appeals for non-determination
Committee also notes that there have been several recent reports seeking to amend planning approvals to remove the on-site provision of affordable housing. Committee reaffirms Council’s preference for affordable housing to be provided on-site. Where an applicant is seeking to modify an existing consent, removing on-site affordable housing provision, committee requests:
· That officers consult with convener regarding all documents needed for committee to effectively scrutinise applications adding to the papers, including providing private financial reports to committee and for committee members to be provided with a private financial briefing in advance of the committee meeting.”
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Motions and Amendments Additional documents: |