Venue: Virtual Meeting - via Skype
Contact: Jamie Macrae Louise Williamson
No. | Item |
1. Order of Business Additional documents: |
Order of Business 1.1 Including any notices of motion, hearing requests from ward councillors and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.
1.2 Any member of the Council can request a Hearing if an item raises a local issue affecting their ward. Members of the Sub-Committee can request a presentation on any items in part 4 or 5 of the agenda. Members must advise Committee Services of their request by no later than 1.00pm on Monday 1 June 2020 (see contact details in the further information section at the end of this agenda).
1.3 If a member of the Council has submitted a written request for a hearing to be held on an application that raises a local issue affecting their ward, the Development Management Sub-Committee will decide after receiving a presentation on the application whether or not to hold a hearing based on the information submitted. All requests for hearings will be notified to members prior to the meeting.
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2. Declaration of Interests Additional documents: |
Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
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3. Minutes Additional documents: |
Minute of the Development Management Sub-Committee of 20 May 2020 PDF 71 KB Minute of the Development Management Sub-Committee of 20 May 2020 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: |
4. General Applications and Miscellaneous Business Reports Additional documents: |
The recommendation bythe Chief Planning Officer or other Chief Officers detailed in their reports on applications will be approved withoutdebate unless the Clerk to the meeting indicates otherwise during “Order of Business”at item 1. |
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED. Additional documents: |
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED. Additional documents: |
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED. Additional documents: |
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED. Additional documents: |
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED. Additional documents: |
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED. Additional documents: |
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED. Additional documents: |
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED. Additional documents: |
5. Returning Applications Additional documents: |
These applications have been discussedpreviously bythe Sub- Committee. A decision to grant, refuse or continueconsideration will be made following a presentation bythe Chief Planning Officer and discussion on each item.
None. Additional documents: |
6. Applications for Hearing Additional documents: |
The Chief Planning Officer has identified the following applications as meeting the criteria for Hearings. The protocol note by the Head of Strategy and Insight sets out the procedure for the hearing. |
None. Additional documents: |
7. Applications for Detailed Presentation Additional documents: |
The Chief Planning Officer has identified the following applications for detailed presentation tothe Sub-Committee. A decision to grant, refuse or continueconsideration will be made following the presentation and discussion on each item.
It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.
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8. Returning Applications Following Site Visit Additional documents: |
Theseapplicationshave beendiscussed at a previous meeting of the Sub-Committee and were continued to allowmembers to visit the sites. A decision to grant, refuse or continueconsideration will be made following a presentation bythe Chief Planning Officer and discussion on each item.
None. Additional documents: |
9. Pre-Application Notices Additional documents: |
ThePre-Application reports listed below are for noting only and provides the opportunity to raise key issues. Any comments should be emailed direct to the case officer.
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10. Extended Delegation Decisions Additional documents: |
The reports listed below have been decided by the Chief Planning Officer, in consultation with the Convener and Vice-Convener of the Development Management Sub-Committee, using the Extended Delegated Powers agreed by the Leadership Advisory Panel held on 31 March 2020. |
Corstorphine Hospital, 136 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh EH12 6TT - Re-development of the former Corstorphine Hospital to form 76 residential apartments (including 44 new build apartments) and associated community hub, vehicular access, car parking and landscape works (as amended) - application no 17/04137/FUL This application was Granted by the Chief Planning Officer under Extended Delegated Authority. Additional documents: |
65, 67 And 69 Cowgate, Edinburgh EH1 1JW - Change of use from temporary arts venue to hotel, bar/restaurant and function room; alterations to form new hotel, bar/restaurant retaining existing nightclub; alterations and erection of two kitchen extract ducts - application no 19/03174/FUL This application was Granted by the Chief Planning Officer under Extended Delegated Authority. Additional documents: |
65, 67 And 69 Cowgate, Edinburgh EH1 1JW - External and internal alterations to convert from temporary arts venue to hotel, bar/restaurant and function room - application no 19/03175/LBC This application was Granted by the Chief Planning Officer under Extended Delegated Authority. Additional documents: |
11 Cumberland Street, North West Lane, Edinburgh (Land 17 Metres West Of) - Proposed new mews house on existing car park to west of no. 11 North West Cumberland Street Lane - application no 19/04576/FUL This application was Granted by the Chief Planning Officer under Extended Delegated Authority. Additional documents: |
11 Cumberland Street, North West Lane, Edinburgh - Proposed mews house will be built upon existing B listed boundary wall - application no 19/04577/LBC This application was Granted by the Chief Planning Officer under Extended Delegated Authority. Additional documents: |
49 - 51 Eyre Place, Edinburgh EH3 5EY - Planning in principle for the demolition of the existing public house at 49-51 Eyre Place and to erect housing on the site - application no 19/05565/PPP This application was Granted by the Chief Planning Officer under Extended Delegated Authority. Additional documents: |
18 Fairholm Mews, Edinburgh EH10 4FE - To convert existing garage into a sitting / family room. French doors to be installed in existing garage door opening, no change to lintel - application no 20/00695/FUL This application was Granted by the Chief Planning Officer under Extended Delegated Authority. Additional documents: |
469 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh EH11 3AD - Removal of existing vacant mixed residential /light industrial buildings. Erect 11 flats with associated access, parking and garden ground. Flats arranged in two blocks to front and rear of site, 6 flats over 3 storeys to front block; 5 flats over 2 storeys to rear block - application no 19/05579/FUL This application was Refused by the Chief Planning Officer under Extended Delegated Authority. Additional documents: |
7 Joppa Grove, Edinburgh EH15 2HX - Single storey flat roof extension to the side and attic conversion with new rear dormer (as amended) - application no 19/05656/FUL This application was Granted by the Chief Planning Officer under Extended Delegated Authority. Additional documents: |