
Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers

Contact: Jamie Macrae  Blair Ritchie


No. Item

1. Order of business

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Order of Business

1.1      Including any notices of motion, hearing requests from ward councillors and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.


1.2      Any member of the Council can request a Hearing if an item raises a local issue affecting their ward. Members of the Sub-Committee can request a presentation on any items in part 4 or 5 of the agenda. Members must advise Committee Services of their request by no later than 1.00pm on Monday 2 October 2023 (see contact details in the further information section at the end of this agenda).


1.3      If a member of the Council has submitted a written request for a hearing to be held on an application that raises a local issue affecting their ward, the Development Management Sub-Committee will decide after receiving a presentation on the application whether or not to hold a hearing based on the information submitted. All requests for hearings will be notified to members prior to the meeting.



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2. Declaration of interests

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Declaration of interests

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.


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3. Minutes

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Minutes pdf icon PDF 269 KB

Minutes of Previous Meeting of Development Management Sub-Committee 23 August 2023 – submitted for approval as a correct record

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4. General Applications, Miscellaneous Business and Pre-Application Reports

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The key issues for the Pre-Application reports and the recommendation bythe Chief Planning Officer or other Chief Officers detailed in their reports on applications will be approved withoutdebate unless the Clerk to the meeting indicates otherwise during “Order of Business”at item 1.


Report for forthcoming application by Glencairn Property for Proposal of Application Notice at 185-187 Dundee Street & 5/5 Dundee Terrace, Edinburgh - Purpose built student accommodation, retail/commercial space and associated works - application no. 23/03685/PAN - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 135 KB

It is recommended that Committee notes the key issues at this stage and advises of any other issues.

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52 Eyre Place, Edinburgh - Change of use from residential to short-term holiday let accommodation - retrospective - application no. 23/02813/FULSTL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 114 KB

It is recommended that this application be REFUSED.

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Oxcars Court and Inchmickery Court, Muirhouse Grove, Edinburgh - Proposed thermal and material improvements (including repairs and maintenance) to both Oxcars Court and Inchmickery Court. Works also include the creation of a residents Heart Space (potential uses TBC but may contain Class 1; Class 3; Class 9 and/or Class 10) plus associated landscaping improvement works (as amended) - application no. 23/01118/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 121 KB

It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.

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Development North of Inchgarvie Lodge, Society Road, Port Edgar - Conversion of existing listed buildings to 49 residential units, cafe/restaurant, and services apartment - application no. 22/01987/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 199 KB

It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.

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Development North of Inchgarvie Lodge, Society Road, Port Edgar - Conversion of existing listed buildings to 49 residential units, cafe/restaurant and services apartment, with associated demolition and new works - application no. 22/02047/LBC - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 129 KB

It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.

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Garage 20 Metres East of 21 St Catherine's Place, Edinburgh - Change of use of ancillary domestic garage to short term let (Sui Generis), and external alterations - application no. 23/02361/FULSTL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 104 KB

It is recommended that this application be REFUSED.

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5. Returning Applications

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These applications have been discussedpreviously bythe Sub- Committee.  A decision to grant, refuse or continueconsideration will be made following a presentation bythe Chief Planning Officer and discussion on each item.



7 Murrayburn Gate, Edinburgh, EH14 2SS - Proposed affordable housing development comprising 73 units with associated infrastructure and landscape - application no. 22/03302/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 57 KB

It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.

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6. Applications for Hearing

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The Chief Planning Officer has identified the following applications as meeting the criteria for Hearings. The protocol note by the Head of Strategy and Insight sets out the procedure for the hearing.




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7. Applications for Detailed Presentation

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The Chief Planning Officer has identified the following applications for detailed presentation tothe Sub-Committee.  A decision to grant, refuse or continueconsideration will be made following the presentation and discussion on each item.



104-106, 107 & 108 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3AA - Redevelopment including demolition for hotel use (Class 7) with ancillary bar/restaurant facilities and retail use at basement and ground levels including associated alterations and extensions (As amended) - application 23/01417/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 166 KB

It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.

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104-105 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3AA - Internal and external alterations including partial demolition and rear extension to form new hotel (as amended) - application no. 23/01420/LBC - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 106 KB

It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.

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106 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3AA - Internal and external alterations, including partial demolition and rear extension, to form new hotel (as amended) - application no. 23/01422/LBC - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 100 KB

It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.

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107-108 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3AA - Demolition of retail and office building - application no. 23/01425/CON - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 97 KB

It is recommended that this application be GRANTED.

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181 St John's Road, Edinburgh, EH12 7SL - Application for the Modification of Planning Agreement (Section 75) associated with planning permission 18/02831/FUL. Remove clauses to provide on site affordable housing and replace these with clauses seeing to make an off-site financial contribution as the construction costs of delivering the existing consent are non-viable for affordable housing developers - application no. 22/04607/OBL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 118 KB

It recommended that this application be ACCEPTED and the agreement be DISCHARGED.

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8. Returning Applications Following Site Visit

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Theseapplicationshave beendiscussed at a previous meeting of the Sub-Committee and were continued to allowmembers to visit the sites. A decision to grant, refuse or continueconsideration will be made following a presentation bythe Chief Planning Officer and discussion on each item.





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