
Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers

Contact: Jamie Macrae  Blair Ritchie


No. Item

1. Order of business

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Order of Business

1.1      Including any notices of motion, hearing requests from ward councillors and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.


1.2      Any member of the Council can request a Hearing if an item raises a local issue affecting their ward. Members of the Sub-Committee can request a presentation on any items in part 4 or 5 of the agenda. Members must advise Committee Services of their request by no later than 1.00pm on Monday 23 October 2023 (see contact details in the further information section at the end of this agenda).


1.3      If a member of the Council has submitted a written request for a hearing to be held on an application that raises a local issue affecting their ward, the Development Management Sub-Committee will decide after receiving a presentation on the application whether or not to hold a hearing based on the information submitted. All requests for hearings will be notified to members prior to the meeting.



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2. Declaration of interests

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Declaration of interests

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.


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3. Minutes

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Minutes pdf icon PDF 196 KB

Minutes of Previous Meeting of Development Management Sub-Committee 20 September 2023 – submitted for approval as a correct record

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Minutes pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Minutes of Previous Meeting of Development Management Sub-Committee 4 October 2023 – submitted for approval as a correct record


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4. General Applications, Miscellaneous Business and Pre-Application Reports

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The key issues for the Pre-Application reports and the recommendation bythe Chief Planning Officer or other Chief Officers detailed in their reports on applications will be approved withoutdebate unless the Clerk to the meeting indicates otherwise during “Order of Business”at item 1.


Former RAF Turnhouse, Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh - Report for forthcoming application by M2 West Edinburgh, c/o Miller Developments at at site at former RAF Turnhouse at Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh for proposed alterations to industrial storage park as previously consented to provide for improved access, layout, and reduced units numbers, with associated landscaping works - application no. 23/04182/PAN - report by the Chief Planning Officer. pdf icon PDF 112 KB


It is recommended that the Committee notes the key issues at this stage and advises of any other issues.


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Meadowfield Farm, Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh - Report for forthcoming application by Crosswind Developments Ltd. at land to south west of Meadowfield Farm, Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh for mixed use development, including commercial floorspace (class 1a Shops, financial, professional and other services; class 3 restaurants and cafes; sui generis including public houses; class 4 business; class 6 storage and class 7 hotels; class 10 non-residential institutions; and class 11 assembly and leisure); residential floorspace (including class 9 houses and sui generis flats); associated infrastructure; car parking; and landscaping - application no. 23/04202/PAN - report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 168 KB


It is recommended that the Committee notes the key issues at this stage and advises of any other issues.


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Strathmore House, 4 Church Hill, Edinburgh - Change of use from former nursing home to 6 No. private apartments. Proposals include car parking provision, private and common garden amenity space, refuse and recycling facilities plus bicycle storage provision. Proposal includes a new build 3 storey element located to the rear of the building with no impact upon the existing listed symmetrical front facade. All primary internal rooms are proportionally reinstated, and all existing ornate cornicing and fireplaces are retained in place - application no. 23/02038/FUL - report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 134 KB

It is recommended that this application be Granted.

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Strathmore House, 4 Church Hill, Edinburgh - Change of use from former nursing home to 6 private apartments. Proposals include car parking provision, private and communal amenity garden space, plus refuse, recycling, and bicycle storage facilities. Proposals include anew three storey new build extension located subserviently to the rear of the building with no impact upon the existing symmetrical front facade. All primary internal rooms are proportionally reinstated, and all existing ornate cornicing and fireplaces are retained in place - application no. 23/02101/LBC - report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 109 KB

It is recommended that this application be Granted.

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Dreghorn Loan, Edinburgh (Land 35 Metres Northwest of) - Erection of dwelling house - application no. 22/00235/FUL - report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 287 KB

 It is recommended that this application be Granted.

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Christmas Market, George Street, Edinburgh - Erection of ice rink including viewing /seating areas, market traders and Christmas stalls, vintage family attractions, offices, toilets, ancillary storage, and generators - application no. 23/04144/FUL - report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 159 KB

It is recommended that this application be Granted.

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14 Glennie Road, Newcraighall, Musselburgh (Land 70 Metres East of) - Residential development comprising a mix of private and affordable homes numbering 220 units and associated infrastructure including landscaping, amenity, green space, parking, and drainage - application no. 23/01743/FUL - report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 262 KB

It is recommended that this application be Granted.

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Craigentinny Primary School, 4 Loganlea Drive, Edinburgh - Modular off site constructed single storey building will be craned into position on site in three parts. This will house a kitchen facility to support requirements of existing primary school. Building will house, commercial kitchen, toilet, stores, and office area - application no. 23/02735/FUL - report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 110 KB

It is recommended that this application be Granted.

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4 Oversman Road (Land 160 Metres Northeast of) - Proposed development of three detached business and industrial units, (Classes 4, 5 and 6 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Scotland Order 1997), including but not exclusive to, trade counter, builders’ merchant, tool hire, ancillary offices and ancillary retail, and motor vehicle service and repair with associated external storage, erection of 2.4m high fence, access, car parking and landscaping - application no. 23/02090/FUL - report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 157 KB

It is recommended that this application be Granted.

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East Princes Street Gardens, Princes Street, Edinburgh - Proposal for installation of Edinburgh's Christmas 2023 at East Princes Street Gardens and The Mound precinct including Christmas market stalls, fairground rides, associated site infrastructure, stores, and ancillary facilities - application no. 23/04142/FUL - report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 152 KB

It is recommended that this application be Granted.

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West Princes Street Gardens, Princes Street, Edinburgh - Temporary change of use and siting of performance units, catering units and other associated moveable structures for Edinburgh's Christmas Festival - application no. 23/04143/FUL - report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 157 KB

It is recommended that this application be Granted.

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101 Rose Street South Lane, Edinburgh, EH2 3JG - Internal alterations and proposed change of use from Class 4 offices to three one-bed short term let units - application no. 23/03613/FULSTL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 150 KB

It is recommended that this application be Granted.

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St Andrew Square Gardens, St Andrew Square, Edinburgh - Proposed installation of a Spiegeltent for use as a performance space for Santa's Stories. A storytelling experience with Santa for children as part of Edinburgh's Christmas 2023 - application no. 23/04199/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer. pdf icon PDF 142 KB

It is recommended that this application be Granted.

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4 Sunbury Street, Edinburgh, EH4 3BU - Change of use of an existing residential property which has been used as a short term let since 2016 to a permanent short term let - application no. 23/03911/FULSTL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 108 KB

It is recommended that this application be Refused.

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5. Returning Applications

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These applications have been discussedpreviously bythe Sub- Committee.  A decision to grant, refuse or continueconsideration will be made following a presentation bythe Chief Planning Officer and discussion on each item.





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6. Applications for Hearing

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The Chief Planning Officer has identified the following applications as meeting the criteria for Hearings. The protocol note by the Head of Strategy and Insight sets out the procedure for the hearing.


Madelvic House, Granton Park Avenue, Edinburgh (Land 93 Metres West of) and Granton Art Centre, 242 West Granton Road, Edinburgh (Land East of) - application no's 23/01068/FUL & 23/01359/FUL - Protocol Note by the Service Director - Legal and Assurance pdf icon PDF 147 KB

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Madelvic House, Granton Park Avenue, Edinburgh (Land 93 Metres West of) - The development of a sector-leading national centre for the care, conservation, research, storage, and distribution of Scotland's collection of artworks. Proposed visitor and community-led spaces will maximise public access and facilitate a programme of education and outreach programmes which make full use of benefits including active public realm spaces (incl. pop-up cafe use) and bio-diverse landscaping, new /improved access, parking, and all other associated works. - application no. 23/01068/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 286 KB

It is recommended that this application be Granted.

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Granton Art Centre, 242 West Granton Road, Edinburgh (Land East of) - Proposed section of active travel route, including clearance, earthworks, landscaping, external lighting, drainage, wayfinding /public art, and all other associated works - application no. 23/01359/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer pdf icon PDF 201 KB

It is recommended that this application be Granted.

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7. Applications for Detailed Presentation

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The Chief Planning Officer has identified the following applications for detailed presentation tothe Sub-Committee.  A decision to grant, refuse or continueconsideration will be made following the presentation and discussion on each item.





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8. Returning Applications Following Site Visit

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Theseapplicationshave beendiscussed at a previous meeting of the Sub-Committee and were continued to allowmembers to visit the sites. A decision to grant, refuse or continueconsideration will be made following a presentation bythe Chief Planning Officer and discussion on each item.





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