Venue: Virtual Meeting - via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Gavin King
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
Declaration of interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
Minute of 10 February 2022 PDF 583 KB The City of Edinburgh Council of 10 February 2022 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: |
Minute of 24 February 2022 PDF 840 KB The City of Edinburgh Council of 24 February 2022 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: |
Leader’s report Additional documents: |
Appointments If any Additional documents: |
Performance Update Report - referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee PDF 966 KB Performance Update Report - referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee Additional documents: |
Coalition Commitments Progress Update 2021/22 - referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee Additional documents: |
Annual Treasury Management Strategy 2022/23 - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
Sustainable Capital Strategy 2022-32 – Annual Report - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
Office of Lord Provost: Year 5 Final Report 2021/22 PDF 293 KB Additional documents: |
Monitoring Officer Report PDF 442 KB Additional documents: |
By Councillor McVey - Joint Award of Freedom of the City of Edinburgh on the Mayor of Kyiv and President of Ukraine By Councillor McVey – Joint Award of Freedom of the City of Edinburgh on the Mayor of Kyiv and President of Ukraine “Council: Commends the outstanding leadership of the Mayor of our twin City, Kyiv and the President of Ukraine who has remained in Kyiv to fight against the Russian invasion. Commends the heroism of the Ukrainian people, led by their President, members of parliament and Mayors from across the Country in fighting side-by-side to defend their nation. Agrees to confer the Freedom of the City of Edinburgh on Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in recognition of their Leadership and heroism.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Day - Russian Invasion of Ukraine By Councillor Day - Russian Invasion of Ukraine “Council condemns the horrific and illegal attacks on the Independence of Ukraine, its people, and their homes. Council also commends the Ukrainian people for their heroic defence of their land in fighting the illegal invasion. Further acknowledges the protests in Russia of brave citizens opposing this war and those Russians within Edinburgh who have stood with Ukraine in making clear this is not in their name. Council agrees to withdraw all support and cooperation and will withdraw and decline any future invitations to and from the Russian Consulate with immediate effect. Council agrees to write to the Russian Ambassador, advising that the Russian Consul is no longer welcome in our city and write to the UK Foreign Office to request the expulsion of Russian diplomatic staff from the City of Edinburgh until Russian troops vacate Ukraine. Notes the Lord Provost has written to the Mayor of Kyiv, expressing our support and further meetings have taken place between the Council Leader, Deputy Leader and Lord Provost, City partnership members and the Ukrainian acting Consul, along with local Ukrainian community leaders. Notes the relationship Edinburgh had with St Petersburg expired in October 1998. Further agrees to: Ban all Russian Government-supported arts and cultural events and performances in Edinburgh Council-owned venues and encourage other venues in the City to do the same. Write to the Home Office encouraging unrestricted refugee visas and agrees to work locally to source host families to house refugees, with a focus on those with cultural and language understanding to best support unaccompanied children, families and individuals. This should utilise existing work and organisations like Positive Action on Housing’s “room for refugees” programme. Agrees to publicise the DEC appeal through Council communication channels and encourage financial donations as the best way the people of Edinburgh can help. Agrees to allocate up to £100,000 to help coordinate local efforts of humanitarian aid with the Edinburgh Partnership to maximise supplies to Ukraine and support local infrastructure within Edinburgh to facilitate donations and transport supplies to distribution centres in Poland and other locations. Agrees to write to the MOD to request access to unused temporary accommodation for those travelling to Edinburgh from Kyiv and wider Ukraine in the knowledge that those people will overwhelmingly want to return to their Country when the war is over. Agrees officers will continue preparations to make sure that schools are prepared to continue any Ukrainian children’s education who are coming to Edinburgh and work to prepare other support services to support those fleeing the conflict.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Burgess - Council Response to Latest UN IPCC Report on Climate Change By Councillor Burgess - Council Response to Latest UN IPCC Report on Climate Change “Council; 1) Recognises the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a “a dire warning about the consequences of inaction” on Climate Change on 28 Feb 2022. In this latest report the IPCC warned that accelerated action is required to adapt to the climate crisis, as well as rapid, deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions; 2) Notes that although Edinburgh Council has set its own target of Net Zero carbon by 2030 and produced a 2030 Net Zero Strategy for the City, the Council implementation plan and city-wide working are at an early stage and will require significant investment of resources to be successful; 3) Notes that the Council revenue budget for 2022/23 sets aside an additional £500k for climate change in the coming year; 4) Therefore, requests a report to the next Policy and Sustainability Committee that lays out the most recent IPCC report findings and sets out options for allocation of council funding and resources to accelerate action on the Climate Emergency in response to the latest UN IPCC report.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Staniforth - Updating the Taxicard Scheme By Councillor Staniforth - Updating the Taxicard Scheme “Council notes That the Edinburgh Taxicard scheme is intended to improve mobility access to those who have difficulty accessing public transport owing to disability. That the card is valid for up to 104 journeys a year and means that for the first £5 of any journey the holder only pays £2, effectively making it a £3 subsidy on virtually any journey. That neither number of journeys allowed nor the size of the discount has been updated since the scheme’s instigation. The latter meaning that the card has lost a great deal of value in real terms in the intervening years. Council therefore: Resolves that officers will hold a consultation with Taxicard holders (and any other revelant stakeholders) on potential updates to the Taxicard scheme including but not limited to increasing the number of journeys allowed and increasing the discount it grants. Resolves that a report on potential updates to the scheme should come to Finance and Resources Committee with due time for parties to be able to consider adding such an update to their proposed budget for the year 2023/24.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Johnston - Homelessness Funding By Councillor Johnston - Homelessness Funding “Regrets that Council did not receive Homelessness funding on the same basis as Glasgow City Council. Agrees in principle to seek to bring Council’s Homelessness services under the umbrella of the Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board, this being the only way to get fair funding for Edinburgh from the Scottish Government Instructs the Chief Executive to prepare the necessary reports for Committee to implement this change in organisation. Further instructs that the Chief Executive explores how retrospective funding for Edinburgh’s Homelessness service could be claimed from the Scottish Government. Said report should set out the options for increasing elected member democratic oversight, were the EIJB delegated said authority.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Douglas - Review into Stadium Parking By Councillor Douglas - Review into Stadium Parking “Council: Notes that alongside the second phase of the Strategic Review of Parking, council officers were investigating the possibility of introducing controlled parking areas around stadiums in Edinburgh on days when large events were taking place; Understands that as part of the administration’s decision to carry out further engagement on the Strategic Review of Parking until Autumn 2022, plans for a potential stadium permit were unnecessarily delayed in the meantime; Appreciates that this is a pressing issue for many residents who are adversely affected by the huge influx of parked vehicles around their homes during these events; Agrees that the stadiums review should be progressed separately as soon as possible so that engagement can begin with communities on the demand for parking restrictions in their area during these events; Therefore, asks for officers to present a report with their proposals to the first Transport & Environment Committee held after this May’s elections.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Douglas - Support for Businesses Affected by CCWEL By Councillor Douglas - Support for Businesses Affected by CCWEL “Council: Asks the Transport Convener to urgently set-up a meeting with the owners and operators of businesses on Roseburn Terrace to discuss the adverse effect the recently started CCWEL works have had on their income; Notes that many businesses have seen a sharp decrease in their takings since the work began, with some shops reporting a 70% drop in just a week; Believes that these businesses are a vital part of the Roseburn community, and that the council should do everything within its powers to makes sure they are able to survive the disruption caused by these works; Understands that measures undertaken to help these businesses so far have proven to be insufficient and that more needs to be done to support them; As such agrees to look into the possibility of setting up a compensation scheme for those businesses who have been adversely affected by the works to ensure they continue to operate over the coming months that the roadworks are in place.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Burgess - Endorsement of Plant-Based Treaty By Councillor Burgess - Endorsement of Plant-Based Treaty “Council: 1) Notes requests by residents for the Council to support the call for negotiation of a Plant Based Treaty by national governments as a companion to the UN Paris Climate Agreement []; 2) Notes the Treaty aims to halt the widespread degradation of critical ecosystems caused by conventional animal agriculture, to promote a shift to more healthy, sustainable plant-based diets and to actively reverse damage done to planetary functions, ecosystem services and biodiversity, with three core principles: a) Relinquish: no land use change, ecosystem degradation or deforestation for conventional animal agriculture b) Redirect: an active transition away from animal-based food systems to plant-based systems c) Restore: actively restore key ecosystems, particularly restoring forests and rewinding landscapes; 3) Requests a report on the implications for the council if it were to endorse the call for this treaty and integrate its principles and relevant actions, including for cities and education, into current strategies and action plans.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Main - Barriers to Elected Office By Councillor Main - Barriers to Elected Office “Council notes that 1) In May 2017 only 29% of Councillors elected across Scotland were women, although they make up 50% of the population. 2) Subsequently the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) set up a Barriers to Elected Office Special Interest Group (BEO SIG) to look at ways of addressing this issue. The remit was later expanded to include not just women facing to barriers to office but all under represented groups. 3) The SIG has taken a long term approach, and although it has had some notable successes, including undertaking research that clearly identified barriers and a commitment from Ben Macpherson, Minister for Social Security and Local Government, to a joint independent review with COSLA of Councillors remuneration to be undertaken at pace this year, there is much still to be achieved before election results reflect the make up of the population. Therefore 1) This Council agrees to continue to work to remove barriers that face women and all under-represented groups in standing as candidates in local Authority elections and carryout the role of an elected councillor. 2) Council requests a short report, giving a breakdown of the numbers of candidates and elected councillors by gender and by under-represented groups to Policy and sustainability Committee, (or the relevant Committee) at the first meeting after the 5th May election, to inform discussions and further action to be taken.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Booth - Edinburgh Opposes Freeports By Councillor Booth - Edinburgh Opposes Freeports “Council: 1) Notes the UK government’s aim to establish “freeports” around the UK which would provide duty free import and export of goods, simplified customs procedures and varied economic regulations; further notes the recent announcement that the Scottish Government will cooperate with the UK Government on the establishment of “green freeports” in Scotland; 2) Notes that freeports have been associated with tax avoidance, money laundering, organised crime, erosion of workers’ pay and conditions and poor environmental standards and that any attempt to brand them “green freeports” is simply greenwashing; 3) Agrees the council will not support the Port of Leith, Edinburgh Airport or any other application or consortium within the Edinburgh council area pursuing “green freeport” status; 4) Agrees to write to the relevant Scottish Government and UK Government ministers expressing the council’s opposition to “green freeports” in these terms.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Rose - Whistleblowing By Councillor Rose – Whistleblowing “1) Notes that at the Council meeting on 10th February 2022 in relation to item 7a) Independent Review into Whistleblowing and Organisational Culture – Next Steps there was presentation on the matter from a representative of a group of whistleblowers. 2) Notes that assurances were given in various terms from the Leader Councillor McVey, the Lord Provost Councillor Frank Ross and from the Chief Executive Andrew Kerr, that an offer had been made by Susanne Tanner QC to meet with whistleblowers post publication of the Report and that encouragement was given to whistleblowers concerned with the process to take up that offer. 3) Notes information suggesting that any such offer was not available to whistleblowers and that Susanne Tanner has indicated that the statements made at the February Council meeting were incorrect and the Review Team is drawing this to the attention of those who made the statements. 4) Notes that this information, apparently incorrect, was given in the context of assuring an openness to the concerns expressed by the deputation. 5) Requests that appropriate corrections and apologies be given as soon as possible.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kate Campbell - Living Wage Accreditation and ALEOs By Councillor Kate Campbell - Living Wage Accreditation and ALEOs “Council: Notes that Edinburgh is now an accredited Living Wage City. Notes the action plan being progressed through the Living Wage Action Group, which is focused on engaging with, and encouraging, businesses across the city to sign up to accreditation. Notes the positive progress our ALEOs are making on the fair work agenda, including becoming accredited Living Wage employers, but notes that not all our ALEOs are accredited Living Wage employers. Recognises that if we are asking private sector businesses to join the Living Wage movement, we must also look to our own arms-length companies to do the same. Council therefore instructs the chief executive to write to the chief executives of all ALEOs, on behalf of the council as shareholder, to set out our expectations that all ALEOs should be accredited within one year of this motion being passed. Further requests officers to work with the ALEOs on how this can be achieved, offering support to help them achieve accreditation and revising SLAs to include these expectations. Agrees to bring back a report to the August Full Council to report on progress.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Day - Edinburgh's Friendship with Taiwan By Councillor Day – Edinburgh’s Friendship with Taiwan “Council Celebrates the positive relationships between Scotland and Taiwan traced back over 150 years, and Scottish Missionary Dr James Laidlaw Maxwell Senior born and educated in Edinburgh established the first hospital in Formosa (Taiwan). Acknowledges the relations between Scotland and Taiwan have developed in Green and Renewable energy, Smart City exchange, Science & Technology, and many Cultural and Educational exchanges with a Memorandum of understanding between University of Edinburgh and National Taiwan Ocean University on offshore wind, wave and tidal energy, and a long standing relationship with Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh. Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) and the Ministry of Science and Technology have a partnership working on joint scientific research projects, and Culture relationships with ‘Taiwan Season’ have been actively involved in Edinburgh’s Festival Fringe winning many cultural awards. Agrees that the Chief Executive brings back a report on a potential memorandum of understanding to help foster the existing collaborations.” Additional documents: |
8.14 - By Councillor Watt - Get Me Home Safely Campaign By Councillor Watt - Get Me Home Safely Campaign Council: Notes the “Get Me Home Safely Campaign” and that journeys to or from work at night can expose workers to violence, the threat of violence or fears about personal safety and security. Research referenced by the campaign found that women feel particularly vulnerable when travelling to and from work. Waiting at a bus stop in the dark, walking home at night or having to park their car in an isolated spot means being exposed to the risk of harassment and assault. Notes that East Dunbartonshire Council’s Licensing Board has made safe transport home a requirement of any venue wishing to apply for a new or 1am licence. Requests a report within two cycles to the Licensing Board, considering options to require applicants for new or extended licences to outline the provisions for ensuring their staff have safe travel home for any shift that ends after 11pm.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bird - International Women's Day 2022 By Councillor Bird - International Women’s Day 2022 “Council: Recognises International Women's Day on Tuesday 8th March with the 2022 theme #BreakTheBias. Celebrates the significant social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women in our city, yet distinct lack of visible recognition of this, such as commemorative statutes. Notes with concern the estimates by UN Women that the pandemic could wipe out a quarter of a century of increasing gender equality. Notes with deep regret reports that at least 125 women have been killed in the UK since Sarah Everard was kidnapped and murdered on 3rd March 2021. Condemns the destructive languages and behaviours that lead to gender-based violence of all kinds. Reaffirms our role as Edinburgh’s elected leaders to empower our women and girls and do everything we can to make our city the most equal and safe place it can be. Acknowledges the importance of improving the lives of women and girls in Edinburgh and placing them at the heart of the council’s policy and decision making. Commits, therefore, to only using languages and behaviours that reflect this and that enshrine positive attitudes towards women and girls at all times. Instructs the chief executive to strengthen equalities impact reporting to help capture any implications of the council’s work on women and girls and ensure that the relevant training is rolled out to both elected members and officers.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Macinnes - Street Names Honouring Gaelic in Edinburgh - Ainmean Sràide a' toirt urram don Ghàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann By Councillor Macinnes - Street Names Honouring Gaelic in Edinburgh - Ainmean Sràide a' toirt urram don Ghàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann “Council: Notes that this city and Council are rightly proud of the success of Gaelic Medium Education in Edinburgh, representing as it does, a strong connecting line to the culture, community and language of a significant part of Scotland and to the presence of Gaelic in Scotland’s capital city. But as anyone with a passing knowledge of Gaelic’s history will know, the importance of the Gaelic language and culture was not always recognised so well. There were many years, notably in the middle decades of the 20th century, when investment and recognition were thin on the ground. There were, however, many individuals, who made Edinburgh their home, and who worked extremely hard to keep those links to Gaelic alive and well in Edinburgh. Their efforts, through performance, song, storytelling and discussion, formed the basis for a lively and welcoming Gaelic-speaking community and culture in Edinburgh. Agrees that recognising the effort of these individuals is appropriate as we continue to build upon their contribution to the cultural life of our city. Recognises that for the young people currently benefitting from Gaelic education it is important to see their language recognised and supported in this wider sense. Requests that our choices in the naming of new streets should include some of these key figures as early as possible and that when these names are applied there should be media information provided to explain the reasons and background to this decision. There should be also be an opportunity for additional names to be proposed and added to that list. Comhairle: A’ toirt fa-near gu bheil am baile-mòr seo agus a’ Chomhairle pròiseil à soirbheachas Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann, a’ riochdachadh mar a tha e, ceangail làidir ri cultar, coimhearsnachd agus cànan pàirt de dh’Alba agus ri làthaireachd na Gàidhlig ann am prìomh bhaile na h-Alba. Ach, mar a bhios fios agaibhse aig a bheil eòlas air eachdraidh na Gàidhlig, cha robhar an-còmhnaidh ag aithneachadh cho cudromach sa bha cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig. Bha mòran bhliadhnaichean ann, gu sònraichte anns na deicheadan meadhan den 20mh linn, nuair nach robh moran aithne agus tasgadh air a thoirt dhan Ghàidhlig. Bha, ge-tà, mòran dhaoine a rinn an dachaidh ann an Dùn Èideann, agus a dh’obraich gu cruaidh gus na ceanglaichean sin ris a’ Ghàidhlig a chumail beò ann an Dùn Èideann. Bha na h-oidhirpean aca, tro chluichd, òrain, seanchas agus deasbaireachd, nam bun-stèidh airson coimhearsnachd agus cultar Gàidhlig a bha beothail agus aoigheil ann an Dùn Èideann. Ag aontachadh gu bheil e iomchaidh a bhith ag aithneachadh oidhirp nan daoine sin agus a’ cumail oirnn a’ togail air na chur iad ri beatha chultarail ar baile-mòr. Ag aithneachadh gu bheil e cudromach don òigridh a tha an- ... view the full agenda text for item 8.16 Additional documents: |
By Councillor Webber - Shirley Jamieson School Crossing Patrol on Lanark Road Juniper Green By Councillor Webber - Shirley Jamieson School Crossing Patrol on Lanark Road Juniper Green “Council Recognises the commitment to the community of Juniper Green by Shirley Jamieson. Shirley Jamieson has served the community of Juniper Green at the Lanark Road pedestrian crossing for over fifteen years as the School crossing patrol and is regarded as an unfaltering asset to our local community. Shirley Jamieson efficiently, cheerfully, and faithfully, assists all members of the community, young and old, able-bodied, and disabled cross safely in all weathers. Notes that this is a busy road that every resident must cross to access the village shops, services, access public transport and sustainable travel routes. Commends Shirley Jamieson for going above and beyond her duties as a School Crossing Patrol. For example, when she crosses with young people as they learn to walk to school independently or ensures people with dementia get to the right bus stop to get home. Notes that despite driving twenty miles daily to get to this crossing point, Shirley Jamieson is known throughout the community of Juniper Green. Calls on the Lord Provost to write to Shirley Jamieson, acknowledging her long service and extend the appreciation and regard the community has for her and recognising all she does for those living in the area.” Additional documents: |
By the Lord Provost - 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Curling Success By the Lord Provost - 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Curling Success “Council notes: That Team GB won two medals at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and these were both won in the Curling competition. Following a successful season both teams from Scottish performed at the highest level and represented their country and their sport with great distinction over the two weeks of competition. The Women’s team of Eve Muirhead (Dunkeld)- skip - Vicki Wright (Leswalt) , Jennifer Dodds (Carrington) ,Hailey Duff (Forfar) and Mili Smith (St Martin’s) are Olympic Champions following their Gold winning performance in the final. The men’s team of Bruce Mouat - skip- (Gogar Park), Grant Hardie (Crocketford), Bobby Lammy (Leswalt), Hammy McMillan (Castle Kennedy) and Ross Whyte (Crocketford) won silver medals following an extra end game against the current world champions. That Jennifer Dodds and Bruce Mouat also represented Team GB in the Mixed Doubles competition finishing a very credible 4th. In addition to achieving sporting success at the highest level all the players demonstrated a tremendous sporting ethic and represent great role models for those young people wish to participate in the sport of Curling. Curl Edinburgh, where Jennifer Dodds and Bruce Mouat are based, is located in Murrayfield and all ward councillors Frank Ross, Scott Douglas and Gillian Gloyer agree that Edinburgh as the Capital of Scotland has a duty to acknowledge this national sporting success and Council requests that the Lord Provost recognises this success in an appropriate manner.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Webber - Key Critical Services - Covid Absences PDF 101 KB By Councillor Webber - Key Critical Services - Covid Absences – for answer by the Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee (Note: This question was asked at the Council meeting on 10 February 2022, however, due to the complexities of the information requested, and after discussion with Councillor Webber it was agreed that a fuller response to this question would be available for the next meeting of Full Council on 17 March 2022.) Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Teacher Fixed Term Contracts PDF 18 KB By Councillor Lang - Teacher Fixed Term Contracts – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Litter Bins PDF 57 KB By Councillor Lang - Litter Bins – for answer by the Convener of the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Davidson's Mains Roundabout PDF 61 KB By Councillor Lang - Davidson's Mains Roundabout – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Road and Footway Resurfacing Projects PDF 18 KB By Councillor Lang - Road and Footway Resurfacing Projects – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Whyte - Burning of Memorial Benches PDF 64 KB By Councillor Whyte - Burning of Memorial Benches – for answer by the Vice-Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Whyte - Social and Affordable Homes Project - 1 Linksview House, 26 Tolbooth Wynd and Associated Areas at Kirkgate, Giles Street and Coatfield Lane, Leith – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Hutchison - Non-compliant Chicanes PDF 19 KB By Councillor Hutchison - Non-compliant Chicanes – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Hutchison - Non-compliant Chicanes PDF 18 KB By Councillor Hutchison - Non-compliant Chicanes – for answer by the Convener of the Planning Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Webber - Council Vehicle Charging Protocols PDF 21 KB By Councillor Webber - Council Vehicle Charging Protocols – for answer by the Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jim Campbell - Affordable Homes PDF 58 KB By Councillor Jim Campbell – Affordable Homes – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jim Campbell - Short Term Lets PDF 18 KB By Councillor Jim Campbell – Short Term Lets – for answer by the Convener of the Planning Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Webber - Roll Out of i-pads in Schools PDF 11 KB By Councillor Webber – Roll Out of i-pads in Schools – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Whyte - City Deal Projects PDF 53 KB By Councillor Whyte – City Deal Projects – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Rust - Provision of 1140 Nursery Hours PDF 10 KB By Councillor Rust – Provision of 1140 Nursery Hours– for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Johnston - Living Wage City Status PDF 53 KB By Councillor Johnston – Living Wage City Status – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jim Campbell - Council's Carbon Footprint PDF 57 KB By Councillor Jim Campbell – Council’s Carbon Footprint – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bruce - Spending on Roads, Paths, Pavements and Bridges PDF 51 KB By Councillor Bruce – Spending on Roads, Paths, Pavements and Bridges – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Rust - Funding for the Dunard Concert Hall PDF 12 KB By Councillor Rust – Funding for the Dunard Concert Hall – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Whyte - Free Face to Face Service to Help EU Citizens Living in Edinburgh PDF 51 KB By Councillor Whyte - Free Face to Face Service to Help EU Citizens Living in Edinburgh – for answer by the Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Johnston - Support for Lothian Buses During the Pandemic PDF 55 KB By Councillor Johnston – Support for Lothian Buses During the Pandemic – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Laidlaw - Health and Wellbeing Census PDF 74 KB By Councillor Laidlaw - Health and Wellbeing Census – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mitchell - Active Travel Projects PDF 11 KB By Councillor Mitchell - Active Travel Projects – for answer by the Convener of theTransport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Douglas - Fixing or Upgrading Roads and Pavements PDF 10 KB By Councillor Douglas - Fixing or Upgrading Roads and Pavements – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Douglas - Fly-Tipping PDF 10 KB By Councillor Douglas - Fly-Tipping – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Douglas - Garden Waste PDF 10 KB By Councillor Douglas - Garden Waste – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Douglas - Monitoring of Congestion & Pollution Levels around Picardy Place PDF 10 KB By Councillor Douglas - Monitoring of Congestion & Pollution Levels around Picardy Place – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
Resolution to Consider in Private The Sub-Committee, is requested under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they would involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 8 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee, under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, excluded the public from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs [xx] of Part 1 of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.
Investment - Temporary Accommodation Property - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Investment - Temporary Accommodation Property - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee |