Venue: Main Council Chamber - City Chambers
Contact: Gavin King
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
City's Past Role in Sustaining Slavery and Colonialism - Statement by the Lord Provost City's Past Role in Sustaining Slavery and Colonialism - Statement by the Lord Provost Additional documents: |
Declaration of interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
Minute of 22 September 2022 The City of Edinburgh Council of 22 September 2022 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: |
Leader’s report Additional documents: |
Appointments If any Additional documents: |
Concessionary Travel on Edinburgh Trams for Young People (Under 22) - referral from the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
Interim Appointment of the Council's Chief Social Work Officer Additional documents: |
Resolution to Consider in Private The City of Edinburgh Council, is requested under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it would involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1, 3 and 12 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act. Additional documents: |
Monitoring Officer Report |
By Councillor Mumford - Operation Unicorn By Councillor Mumford – Operation Unicorn “Council: · Congratulates officers and the Executive Team for successfully running Operation Unicorn; · Notes that as the capital city, Edinburgh was the main focus for mourners wishing to pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth in Scotland, incurring significant logistical challenges and costs; · Notes that despite careful planning, last-minute changes to Operation Unicorn beyond the control of the council led to considerable extra work and costs; · Therefore calls for a report to December’s Full Council outlining the full costs of Operation Unicorn to the council, including but not limited to: o officer time, including detail of overtime worked by officers to deliver Operation Unicorn, whether appropriate time has been taken back for this and details of the impact this has had on wider council workplans; o costs associated with queuing and crowd management including sanitation, policing, and security; o details of overspend for Operation Unicorn, including costs incurred due to unplanned elements of Operation Unicorn, for example the change from train to plane travel and associated road closures. o where possible, separation of costs incurred for the facilitation of mourning Queen Elizabeth and for the proclamation of King Charles III · Additionally calls for a report to Finance and Resources Committee within 3 cycles outlining the costs associated with future planned visits from Charles III or other members of the monarchy that will be incurred by the council over the next year and whether this is covered in full by the Capital City Supplement; · Further asks for detail of equality impact assessments undertaken – both formally and informally – relating to activities surrounding Operation Unicorn, especially concerning the impact on access to the city for disabled people and older adults, and safety for women; · Finally, instructs the Council Leader and relevant Executive Staff to raise the costs of Operation Unicorn with the Scottish and UK Governments to: ascertain whether any funds will be received by the council towards this; make requests for this if not; and report back to all members on the outcome of this request.” Additional documents: |
Minute of 16 September 2022 The City of Edinburgh Council of 16 September 2022 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: |
By Councillor Younie - Sexual Entertainment Venues By Councillor Younie - Sexual Entertainment Venues “Council; 1) Notes that the key aims of civic licensing are the preservation of public safety and the prevention of crime and disorder. 2) Notes the implementation of a Nil Cap policy on Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) on 1 April 2023, which may lead to the closure of four venues. 3) Notes that entertainers may continue to work in the industry despite possible closures and may be working in less safe and completely unregulated environments. 4) Recognises that this could lead to the further deterioration of performers’ safety in the city. 5) Therefore, agrees that a report shall be presented to the Regulatory Committee within 1 cycle to consider this.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Hyslop - School Bicycle Storage By Councillor Hyslop - School Bicycle Storage “Council: 1) Notes that current statistics used by the Council, provided by the Hands Up Scotland Survey 2021 results, indicate that 12.3% of pupils across Edinburgh cycle, scoot and/or skate to school. 2) Notes the success of Bikeability programmes throughout the City and welcomes schemes from individual schools to increase active travel to and from school, for example by providing bikes on loan to pupils. 3) Notes that there are a number of factors which affect the number of pupils cycling to school, including access to bikes; and access to secure bike storage facilities at home and at school. 4) Notes, with concern, incidents of bicycle theft from school bicycle storage facilities. 5) (a) Requests a report to be submitted to Education, Children and Families Committee, to be referred to Transport and Environment Committee within 2 cycles which outlines potential targets for increasing the uptake of cycling, scooting and skating to school in the City. (b) The report should include an overview of current security measures of bike storage facilities across the school estate; the cost of extra security measures that could be implemented including provision of street hangars on school grounds. (c) The report should also include a map of current bicycle hangars across the city; a range of potential targets for an increase in residential bicycle hangars; and a range of potential targets for an increase in cycling, scooting and skating to school for consideration by Committees.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Day - Hong Kong Protesters By Councillor Day - Hong Kong Protesters “Council notes with concern the recent alleged attacks on Hong Kong protestors outside the Chinese Consulate in Manchester Council notes that the Vienna Convention, which gives some diplomatic immunity to consular staff and their properties, diplomats and their employees are still covered by UK law and can potentially be declared persona non grata by the British government. Agrees That the council leader writes to the Chinese Consulate re affirming our support for freedom of speech and the right to protest peacefully, and that this is expected during any future protests in our city.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - Edinburgh Leisure Pitch Hire Prices By Councillor Campbell - Edinburgh Leisure Pitch Hire Prices “Council: 1) Notes that prices for hiring 3G pitches within the schools’ estate that are operated by Edinburgh Leisure are lower than for pitches within Edinburgh Leisure’s own facilities. 2) Notes that this produces anomalies where prices are lower at some locations in the least deprived deciles on the SIMD index on account of them being part of the schools’ estate, but higher at some locations in areas of high multiple deprivation, such as at the Jack Kane Leisure Centre/Hunter’s Hall Park in Niddrie, which form part of Edinburgh Leisure’s own facilities. 3) Notes that team sports are hugely important and beneficial for children and young people for a wide range of reasons – e.g. fostering good mental and physical health, developing social skills, instilling a sense of community, and creating friendships. 4) Recognises that sports clubs for children and young people in areas of high multiple deprivation are reluctant to pass on rising costs to families, particularly during the current cost-of-living crisis, but that sometimes this is unavoidable. 5) Recognises that the Council, being committed to achieving the goals of the Poverty Commission, has a crucial interest in ensuring that children and young people in our poorest communities have continued and expanding access to team sports at an affordable price because of the benefits these provide as noted above. 6) Further notes that the Council is the owner both of Edinburgh Leisure’s facilities and the schools’ estate and therefore can exert influence in how pricing structures for the pitches operated by Edinburgh Leisure are set. 7) Calls upon the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee to write to the Chief Executive of Edinburgh Leisure asking that prices for 3G pitches in Edinburgh Leisure facilities in the poorest areas of the city are set no higher than the cheapest rates available for pitch hire at sites within the schools’ estate.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - Seafield Sounding Board By Councillor Aston - Seafield Sounding Board “Council: · notes that the Development Management Subcommittee recently considered an application which it judged would undermine work to develop a masterplan for the wider Seafield waterfront site and accordingly rejected it. · requests a Business Bulletin update to come to Planning Committee in three cycles confirming timelines for outputs from the Seafield Sounding board consultation and masterplan, including appointment of community consultation consultant.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Gardiner - Information about Vaping By Councillor Gardiner - Information about Vaping “Council notes that vaping occurs among young people within or near to our secondary schools. Council notes existing Council policy banning vaping from Council premises, including schools and wider ongoing work by health professionals to establish health impacts. Council requests a report to Education, Children and Families Committee within one cycle which considers a coordinated approach involving council school staff, NHS Lothian school nurses to raise awareness and provide evidence based public health information in schools and across services for young people about any potential health side effects from vaping to ensure young people are well informed about the choices they make.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Gardiner - Pentland Hills as Scotlands new National Park By Councillor Gardiner - Pentland Hills as Scotland’s New National Park “Following the recent Scottish Government call for potential new National Parks, Council requests that officers provide an outline report to the next Pentland Hills Regional Park Joint Committee to enable members to consider the merits of the Pentland Hills forming a new National Park. Key issues to be outlined include: safe and sustainable access from urban populations near to the park; high quality, well maintained path networks within the park; how the park can accommodate sustainable land uses and employment in addition to recreation and health benefits to the region. The outline report should also identify key stakeholders and provide a potential timeline for: stakeholders engagement; committee reporting and subject to committee approval, identify the process, timeline and requirements for a potential submission of a Pentland Hills National Park proposal to the Scottish Government, for their consideration.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Fullerton - Champion Roles By Councillor Fullerton - Champion Roles “Council: Notes the valuable impact elected members champions have made in areas such as advocating for veterans, people experiencing homelessness, older people and younger people and areas of the City like Edinburgh’s festivals and events and small businesses. Notes that since May 2022, no appointments have been made to continue any of this work. Calls for a report within one cycle to make appointments to the full existing list of Elected Member Champions, with job descriptions included in the report. These roles would continue to act as an ambassador for their specific area and taking responsibility for maintaining and raising the profile of their area.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Miller - Safe Surgeries By Councillor Miller - Safe Surgeries “Council: 1) Reaffirms that Edinburgh welcomes migrants to our city. 2) Notes the Safe Surgeries initiative, for GP practices which commit to taking steps to tackle the barriers faced by many migrants in accessing healthcare, which is organised by Doctors of the World, an independent humanitarian movement working to empower excluded people to access healthcare. 3) Notes that Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB) is responsible for primary care in Edinburgh and reaffirms this council’s commitment to working in partnership with the board 4) Asks the EIJB to consider ways in which GP practices could be supported to become Safe Surgeries. 5) Recommits to working collaboratively with the EIJB on all issues relating to the health and wellbeing of migrants in Edinburgh.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Parker - Ethical Advertising Sponsorship Policy By Councillor Parker - Ethical Advertising Sponsorship Policy “Council: · Notes that the purpose of advertising and sponsorship is to stimulate demand for goods and services, including those which are environmentally damaging · Notes that some advertising prohibitions and restrictions already exist across the UK, including for tobacco products and offensive weapons · Notes that Councils across the UK – including Liverpool, Bristol, Norwich and North Somerset – have passed versions of ethical advertising policies which use powers available to Councils to prohibit the advertising of environmentally or socially irresponsible goods and services · Recognises the contradiction between the Council’s declaration of a Climate Emergency and the continued advertising of environmentally damaging goods and services in Edinburgh · Therefore, requests a report to Policy & Sustainability committee within 2 cycles which: o Sets out current council policy towards advertising and sponsorship, including what consideration is given to the advertisement of products and services which undermine the council’s commitment to tackling the climate emergency, ending poverty and making the city a welcoming place for all o Explores the feasibility and process by which an ethical advertising and sponsorship policy could be developed including information about: § How other councils have developed their ethical advertising policy § What products and services are currently being advertised in Council land / property in Edinburgh § Any potential legal or financial risks for the council related to adopting an ethical advertising and sponsorship policy.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mumford - 16 Days Activism Against Gender Based Violence By Councillor Mumford - 16 Days Activism Against Gender Based Violence “Council: - Notes that the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day. And further notes that the international theme of this year’s 16 Days is ‘UNITE’, and the Scotland theme is #WhatNext – together recognising that everyone must come together to take action against gender-based violence; - Recognises that gender-based violence is both a cause and consequence of women’s inequality and reaffirms our commitment to eradicate both violence and inequality for everyone in Edinburgh; - Recognises that while gender-based violence is overwhelmingly experienced by women, people of other genders, including men, are also victim-survivors of gender-based violence. - Commends the work of service-delivery organisations Edinburgh Women’s Aid, Shakti Women’s Aid, Edinburgh Rape Crisis, as well as all organisations involved in the Equally Safe Edinburgh Committee working for an end to gender-based violence. Council further: - Instructs party leaders and civic office holders to work together with the relevant officers, and in reference to the Improvement Service’s 16 Days Toolkit to mark the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence by taking public action to highlight Edinburgh Council’s objections to all forms of gender-based violence, including but not limited to: - Cyber-flashing - Sharing of intimate images (revenge porn) - Stalking - Rape and sexual abuse - Female Genital Mutilation - Domestic Abuse including coercive control, financial abuse and reproductive control - Sexual harassment in schools, the workplace and in public - Forced marriage - Requests a report to Full Council in four cycles from the Equally Safe Edinburgh Committee on how the Council is taking action against Gender-Based Violence throughout the year, not just during the 16 days. This report should include highlights of the work over the past year, key aims and activities over the coming year and, in addition to reporting on activities throughout Edinburgh, include detail on any steps that are being taken to protect elected members, employees and workers in the Council from all forms of gender-based violence.”
Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mumford - Get Me Home Safely By Councillor Mumford - Get Me Home Safely “Council recognises: · Many industries which make Edinburgh thrive – including hospitality, health and social care, and cleaning – depend on shift work which can often entail late-night working. · These are sectors which predominantly employ women, and many workers are increasingly worried about their safety travelling to and from work at night; · Both employers and decision makers have a duty of care towards workers in Edinburgh, which does not end when an employee finishes their shift but need to take into consideration journeys home, especially during unsocial hours; · Unite the union’s ‘Get Me Home Safely’ campaign calls on employers to take all reasonable steps to ensure workers are able to get home safely from work at night, · Last year, East Dunbartonshire Council adopted a Supplementary Statement of Licensing Policy meaning that Hospitality venues in East Dunbartonshire will now have to ensure their employees can safely travel to and from work late at night, or risk losing their licence. And therefore council: - Fully supports Unite the union’s ‘Get Me Home Safely’ campaign - Instructs relevant officers in Licensing, Transport and Community Safety to design an implementation plan to meet the aims of this campaign including: - adopting of a policy to ensure that the approval of late-night licences will be contingent on employers funding safe transport home for their shift workers, thereby ensuring that workers don’t face additional financial penalties or risk for undertaking late night shifts; - engaging with Lothian buses and Edinburgh trams regarding the provision of better night-time public transport services which links with the needs of shift workers; - Using Edinburgh Council’s voice on regional and national bodies to advocate for any additional legislative changes, for example around private car hire use and taxable benefits, which may be required to ensure that our city’s workers are able to travel home safely without incurring additional costs.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - YouTube access at High Schools By Councillor Cowdy - YouTube Access at High Schools “Council: Recognises the huge benefits that pupils from schools across the city receive from accessing educational information on YouTube including tutorials, documentaries and news items. Acknowledges that inappropriate material is abundant on the internet so responsible steps are necessary to protect children and young people from these risks, and that YouTube has strict content policies which cover content relating to nudity, hate speech, graphic violence, or dangerous acts. Understands that a blanket ban on YouTube at schools will not stop access to the other sources of inappropriate material on the internet through search engines or through personal devices. Agrees to overturn the blanket ban on YouTube at schools to allow pupils to access material vital to their educational attainment.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jones - Absenteeism in Schools By Councillor Jones - Absenteeism in Schools “Council notes: Boroughmuir High School's absence rate among girls rose from 5% in 2018 to 7% in 2021, while among boys it rose from 5.3% to 6.2%. At Craigroyston High, girls' absences rose from 12.7% to 18.3% and boys' from 10.6% to 16.5%. At Portobello High, girls' absences rose from 9.7% to 13.5% and boys' from 8.7% to 11.3%. Council notes that while attendance in schools in Edinburgh is generally good, a significant number of children are ‘slipping through the net’. Council calls for a report in one cycle to Education, Children and Families Committee to report on how schools are addressing absenteeism with specific reference to: 1) Ensuring schools identify children who have had less than 85% attendance in the years following covid in order to support them. 2) Whether schools are providing tailored catch-up plans for the children noted above with specific measurable achievable learning outcomes for each child; 3) Whether provision of private one-to-one tuition or small group tuition is available outside the normal school day. Where the above is not in place, what steps the Authority can take to assist Headteachers in providing pupils with increased assistance to improve attendance and, ultimately individual attainment.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Burgess - Bridgend Farmhouse By Councillor Burgess - Bridgend Farmhouse “Council, Recognises that Bridgend Farmhouse is an award winning, community-owned and run charitable organisation in South Edinburgh with a mission to ensure that their renovated farmhouse exists as a sustainable community-owned centre for learning, eating and exercise, where all can learn, work and grow together to develop a flourishing community and place; Congratulates Bridgend Farmhouse on their 4th anniversary since opening as a community hub in 2018 and the recent opening of their straw-bale and timber Eco Bothy & Play area in October 2022 after seven years work by over 80 volunteers; Notes that Bridgend Farmhouse is the first example of a successful community asset transfer from this Council, having taken place in 2015; Welcomes the aims and objectives of Bridgend Farmhouse; · To advance community development through the shared ownership of Bridgend Farmhouse and providing opportunities for active citizenship and volunteering. · To advance education and training in the community by utilising the farmhouse site for various learning activities, particularly those that support engagement in the outdoors, local woodlands, sustainability, and environmental and place-based education. · To advance health, both physical and mental, and address health inequalities and social isolation to support people to live happy, healthy and enriched lives. · To advance the arts, heritage and culture of the local area and on site. · To promote equality and diversity by providing accessible facilities and a diversity of activities. · To advance environmental protection, biodiversity and the enjoyment of the Craigmillar Castle park, and promote and enable sustainable development and living practices. Further welcomes that Bridgend Bike Hub project is a well-used active travel hub in South-East Edinburgh, with bike hire, bike repair, cycling classes and electric-bikes, generating work and opportunities that are contributing towards the Council’s active travel targets and providing local, affordable, accessible and supported cycling and walking facilities; Agrees in principle that the council should provide advice and in-kind support for Bridgend Farmhouse Community Benefit Society with Charitable Status as a contribution towards its continuing success.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Faccenda - Human Rights in Iran By Councillor Faccenda - Human Rights in Iran “Council: Condemns the violent oppression of the anti-governmental protestors in Iran after the death of Mahsa Amini following her arrest and alleged beating by the so-called “morality police” and recognises the bravery of those fighting for human rights many of them women. Condemns the violence of state forces including shooting, firing of tear gas and arrest of many protestors leading to reports of the death of at least 154 people including children and injury of many others. Notes that many of those leading the protests are women who are calling for the protection of the rights of women in Iran and for an end to enforced veiling and the daily violence and oppression they face. Agrees the Leader of the Council will write to the Iranian Ambassador to the United Kingdom expressing our solidarity with those demonstrating in favour of human rights in Iran and condemning the violent oppression being used against them. And further agrees the Leader of the Council will write to the Home Secretary urging her to take all actions possible to help Iranian refugees seeking asylum in the United Kingdom.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron - Small Business Saturday 2022 By Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron - Small Business Saturday 2022 “Small Business Saturday is a grass roots, non-commercial campaign which highlights small business success and encourages people to “shop local” and support businesses in their communities. This year Small Business Saturday falls on Saturday 3 December. Council committed to, and achieved, in the period up to the Covid 19 pandemic impacting the UK, year on year increases in the percentage of overall Council budget spend with Small Businesses. Council agrees: To promote and support Small Business Saturday by proactively engaging with Edinburgh’s Small Businesses and Community Councils in the run-up to Small Business Saturday on 3 December 2022. That Council engagement with Small Business should include highlighting the benefits which Active Travel and Public Transport usage, together with access and infrastructure improvements, bring to supporting our city’s small businesses and local shopping areas year-round. To call for a report back to the Transport & Environment Committee within 2 cycles on establishing an appropriate and cost neutral mechanism through which ideas and suggestions to Council on low-cost measures for improving user and shopper access to local shopping streets via Active Travel and Public Transport means – dropped kerbs, bike racks, clutter removal etc. The methods for doing this should include: 1) Linking with the 20min neighbourhood programme which already has committed to working with businesses; and/or, 2) Ways in which the Council can proactively engage with the small business community to promote Active Travel and public transport.” Additional documents: |
By the Lord Provost - David Pollacchi By the Lord Provost - David Pollacchi - Sport Scotland – Volunteer of the Year Award 2022 “Council Congratulates David Pollacchi, a dedicated Committee Member and team coach from Lochend Football Academy who, from 200,000 nominated volunteers across Scotland won the ‘Sport Scotland’s Volunteer of the Year’ Award 2022! David has championed a successful fundraising campaign over a fourteen-month period to raise funding of circa £70,000 to replace the previous, almost unplayable surface with a new 3G sustainable facility that will last for the next decade. During this time the club have become a registered charity and also Scottish Football Association Quality Mark accredited. As per the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 2020, Lochend is one of the most deprived areas in the city of Edinburgh and this grassroots community football academy opened in 2008, located on the edge of Lochend Park and attracts children and young people from the local neighbourhood. The club promotes a strong community ethos where both mental and physical wellbeing are enhanced with football in an outdoors environment, aiding the children’s growth and potential. Following fundraising initiatives, David has this year managed to secure funding from the OneCity Trust to provide free football camps and coaching sessions for children (both boys and girls). In addition, sponsorship deals have been negotiated for the children’s football strips with Farmers Autocare and NRS Healthcare. David has shown a high level of dedication in making a positive difference to the wellbeing of local children and young people, by inspiring them with his commitment to football, the club and the community. Council requests that the Lord Provost recognises this success in an appropriate manner.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor McVey - Numbers Enrolled in Fulltime Education in Edinburgh Schools By Councillor McVey - Numbers Enrolled in Fulltime Education in Edinburgh Schools – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mattos Coelho - School Staff Recruitment By Councillor Mattos Coelho - School Staff Recruitment – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor McVey - Edinburgh's Christmas By Councillor McVey - Edinburgh's Christmas – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor McNeese-Mechan - Edinburgh's Christmas By Councillor McNeese-Mechan - Edinburgh's Christmas – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Macinnes - Edinburgh's Christmas By Councillor Macinnes - Edinburgh's Christmas – for answer by the Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Queensferry High School Operating Capacity By Councillor Lang - Queensferry High School Operating Capacity – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Resurfacing of Station Road in Queensferry By Councillor Lang - Resurfacing of Station Road in Queensferry – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Garden Waste Collection Compensation Scheme By Councillor Lang - Garden Waste Collection Compensation Scheme – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Neil Ross - Pedestrian Improvements for Local Town Centres By Councillor Neil Ross - Pedestrian Improvements for Local Town Centres – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Davidson - Kinship Carers By Councillor Davidson - Kinship Carers – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Dijkstra-Downie - Surface Treatment By Councillor Dijkstra-Downie - Surface Treatment – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Dijkstra-Downie - School Travel Plans By Councillor Dijkstra-Downie - School Travel Plans – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Thornley - Community Council Support By Councillor Thornley - Community Council Support – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Osler - Dropped Kerbs By Councillor Osler - Dropped Kerbs – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Davidson - School Trips Abroad By Councillor Davidson - School Trips Abroad - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Thornley - Cycle Lane in Maybury Drive By Councillor Thornley - Cycle Lane in Maybury Drive – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Caldwell - Smart Bins Date By Councillor Caldwell - Smart Bins Date – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Neil Ross - Parking Permits for Carers By Councillor Neil Ross - Parking Permits for Carers – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - Homelessness Services By Councillor Campbell - Homelessness Services – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor McFarlane - BT Phone Boxes By Councillor McFarlane - BT Phone Boxes - for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - City Plan 2030 By Councillor Aston - City Plan 2030 – for answer by the Convener of the Planning Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - James Gillespie's High School By Councillor Kumar - James Gillespie's High School – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Key - Education, Children and Families Committee Reports By Councillor Key - Education, Children and Families Committee Reports – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mattos Coelho - Bus Passes Under 22 By Councillor Mattos Coelho - Bus Passes Under 22 – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor McVey - Ukranian Funding By Councillor McVey - Ukranian Funding – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mumford - Gender Budgeting By Councillor Mumford - Gender Budgeting – for answer by the Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Younie - CCTV with Links to Human Rights Abuses By Councillor Younie - CCTV with Links to Human Rights Abuses – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Younie - Day Centres By Councillor Younie - Day Centres – for answer by the Chair of the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Additional documents: |
By Councillor Booth - Licensing Board By Councillor Booth - Licensing Board – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Dijkstra-Downie - Schools Kitchen Upgrade By Councillor Dijkstra-Downie - Schools Kitchen Upgrade – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bruce - Currie and Wester Hailes High School Swimming Pools By Councillor Bruce - Currie and Wester Hailes High School Swimming Pools – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bruce - Recycling/Garden Waste Bins By Councillor Bruce – Recycling/Garden Waste Bins – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bruce - South West Bus Services By Councillor Bruce - South West Bus Services – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - Cycle Infrastructure Investment By Councillor Cowdy - Cycle Infrastructure Investment – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - Dell Bridges By Councillor Cowdy - Dell Bridges – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - Edinburgh Recycling Centres By Councillor Cowdy - Edinburgh Recycling Centres – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - EV Charging for Organisations By Councillor Cowdy - EV Charging for Organisations – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor McVey - Edinburgh's Christmas By Councillor McVey - Edinburgh's Christmas “1) Council notes the collapse of the arrangements for this year’s winter festivals and the outcome of the emergency Finance and Resources Committee on October 10th agreeing the way ahead. 2) Notes with regret that the Council Administration has failed to provide the briefings to councillors on progress with the contract as instructed by Finance and Resources Committee in June 2022- showing contempt for Councillors, Committee and Council. 3) Council agrees to revisit the options of the Christmas and Hogmanay delivery and requests a report within 3 cycles to Policy and Sustainability Committee to examine options including a joint venture model of delivery which would be publicly owned or part publicly owned. 4) Council agrees to re-establish the Festival and Events All-Party oversight group to oversee this year’s contract and work highlighted in point 3 with membership of the Council Leader as the Convenor, Convenor of Culture and Communities and all City Centre Ward Councillors, Group Leaders and Culture Spokespeople.”
Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - Road Repairs and Street Design Guidance By Councillor Cowdy - Road Repairs and Street Design Guidance – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - Sewerage Infrastructure Capacity By Councillor Cowdy - Sewerage Infrastructure Capacity – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Doggart - General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) – Fitness to Teach By Councillor Doggart - General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) – Fitness to Teach – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jones - Attainment in Primary Schools By Councillor Jones - Attainment in Primary Schools – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committtee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jones - Brunstane Road ETRO By Councillor Jones - Brunstane Road ETRO – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jones - Placing Appeals Process By Councillor Jones - Placing Appeals Process – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Gardiner - Edinburgh's Christmas By Councillor Gardiner - Edinburgh's Christmas – for answer by the Convener of the Development Management Sub-Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Work - Edinburgh's Christmas By Councillor Work - Edinburgh's Christmas – for answer by the Convener of the Licensing Board Additional documents: |
By Councillor Fullerton - Edinburgh's Christmas By Councillor Fullerton - Edinburgh's Christmas – for answer by the Convener of the Licensing Sub-Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Fullerton - Edinburgh's Christmas By Councillor Fullerton - Edinburgh's Christmas – for answer by the Convener of the Regulatory Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Caldwell - Edinburgh's Small, Independent Shopfronts By Councillor Caldwell - Edinburgh's Small, Independent Shopfronts – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Heap - Gorgie Farm By Councillor Heap - Gorgie Farm – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |