Venue: Main Council Chamber - City Chambers
Contact: Gavin King
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
Declaration of interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
Minute of 24 November 2022 The City of Edinburgh Council of 24 November 2022 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: |
Leader’s report Additional documents: |
Appointments If any Additional documents: |
Appointment to Chief Officer Posts Additional documents: |
Review of Political Management Arrangements 2022 Additional documents: |
Council Business Plan 2023-27 Additional documents: |
Response to Motion by Councillor Mumford – Operation Unicorn Additional documents: |
Support for Roseburn Businesses Additional documents: |
Additional documents: |
By Councillor Day - Support for Ukrainian Refugees By Councillor Day - Support for Ukrainian Refugees “Council notes: • The exemplar work of Council colleagues in providing support to Ukrainian displaced persons; and • The outstanding work by The Hub at Gogar and The Advice Shop on the High Street in providing support, advice and access to benefits. Council also recognises the sterling effort of Volunteer Edinburgh in staffing the airport arrivals hub, providing a warm welcome and support. Council further thanks the third sector, AUGB, Nat West and private businesses for their support across the city. Notes the Scottish Government have over 1200 Ukrainian people on the ship Victoria and over 350 people in hotels and/or apartments across Edinburgh. Notes the Council is awaiting clarification from COSLA on the funding for the education of Ukrainian refugee children, this should be confirmed on 6th December. Calls for an update report to Policy and Sustainability Committee in early 2023 on: • Scottish Government plans for onward housing; • Access to health provision and public health plans on the ship; and • Costs incurred to date and costs reimbursed by the UK and Scottish Governments.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Watt - Fair Work and Procurement By Councillor Watt - Fair Work and Procurement “Council: Notes Council’s continuing commitment to Edinburgh being a Fair Work and Living Wage City and our continuing commitment to the Hospitality, Festivals and Construction Charters. Asks that the Sustainable Procurement Report to Finance & Resources Committee (26 January 2023) includes a timetable for updating procurement policy to implement for all UK procurement contracts: 1) All the recommendations for contracting authorities contained in the Procurement schedule of the Fair Work Convention Construction Inquiry Report 2022; 2) The Real Living Wage; 3) A presumption against zero hours contracts; and 4) Workers’ rights, including Trade Union access to workplaces.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor McFarlane - Community Drug Checking By Councillor McFarlane - Community Drug Checking “Council: 1) Notes with interest the Scottish Government Drug Deaths Taskforce’s research and development into a Scottish drug checking programme, which is due to end in March 2023. This study aims to build evidence for and facilitate the development of a service in Dundee, Glasgow and Aberdeen. 2) Understands the study involves the lived experience of people who use drugs, affected family members and a range of health professionals with the aim of assessing the key opportunities and barriers to providing a city-based drug checking service. 3) Notes that drug checking services are increasingly viewed as an important public health intervention, with a global review in 2018 finding 31 drug checking services across 20 countries. 23 of which are in Europe, with others in South and North America, and Australasia. 4) Understands that drug checking can be a tool to connect those who use drugs with relevant support and services to help them stop using drugs, or to reduce the harm experienced from using drugs. It can act as a linking point to substance use, housing, harm reduction, and a range of other services. Drug checking can also provide important benefits which extend beyond those who use the service. Furthermore, it provides opportunities for public health bodies to get a clearer picture of the drugs market and to tailor public health messages and approaches accordingly. In the event where particularly dangerous substances are detected, health warnings can be communicated to people who use drugs - both directly and via services working with the client. 5) Agrees that drug checking services would increase Scotland’s capacity to identify dangerous substances in circulation and would provide targeted warnings. 6) Recommits to a public health and social care harm reduction approach to drug use in the city. 7) Requests a report to Policy and Sustainability Committee on the publication of findings from the study exploring the implementation of an Edinburgh Drug Checking Service at the earliest possibility.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Biagi - Eurovision 2023 Bid By Councillor Biagi - Eurovision 2023 Bid “Council: · Notes that on 11th August 2022 the Council Leader announced publicly that the City of Edinburgh Council had submitted a bid to host 2023 Eurovision Song Contest, following calls from across the political spectrum in the capital. · Notes this publicised bid sadly did not result in Edinburgh being shortlisted for consideration. · Recognises the importance of public scrutiny to the bid, while unsuccessful, to allow public and councillors to scrutinise the strength of the bid in order to learn for future opportunities to deliver inspiring events to the city. · Agrees that the bid will be published in full and be presented for noting to the next Policy and Sustainability Committee, or, should commercial confidentiality prevent full publication, be presented to the next Policy and Sustainability Committee as a B agenda item.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Dalgleish - Energy Efficiency Taskforce By Councillor Dalgleish - Energy Efficiency Taskforce “Council Notes: · That this winter and beyond will be extremely difficult for many people across Edinburgh, with a worrying amount of our residents, community groups and businesses facing financial challenges due to the cost-of-living crisis and pay not keeping pace with inflation. As a result of increased costs of gas and electricity bills, individuals may have to turn off their heating this winter. · That both council officers and elected members do their upmost as a matter of urgency to help our residents and communities during this winter period and beyond. Council Supports: The call for a freeze on energy prices for the next six months, an end of the premium paid by nearly half a million households who have pre-paid meters. Council Requests: A report to the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee in one cycle which seeks to establish a “Energy Efficiency Taskforce” with the aim of working alongside other relevant partners and stakeholders to give residents/owners, community groups and businesses information about insulation and energy efficiency renovations, including planning and building warrant requirements, as well as general advice regarding energy efficiency. The report should outline ongoing work related to this and detail clear objectives for the Taskforce.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Nicolson - Self-Directed Support By Councillor Nicolson - Self-Directed Support “Council: 1) Notes the benefits of the Direct Payments scheme which empowers people who have been assessed as requiring critical social care support to achieve their independent living outcomes other than by traditional services. 2) Notes that many across the city already access these payments in lieu of community care or children’s services, at a scale of approx. 1400 individuals across the city being in receipt of Direct Payments. 3) Notes that care and support services appear to be so broadly defined in legislation that in practice the Council is near sole arbiter of what constitutes support, for which these payments are surrogate. 4) Notes that many cannot find the support they critically need as a consequence of staff shortages, largely due to Brexit impacts, which can cause delayed hospital discharge, increased hospital admissions and other stresses for individuals and unpaid carers. 5) Further notes this results in underused Direct Payments being ‘clawed back’ by the council despite the criticality of unmet need affecting so many. 6) Agrees that the parameters of use are made as broad as statutory guidance encourages, by delivering care and support through the widest means possible including options to support people with the cost-of-living crisis. 7) Therefore, agrees to immediately suspend the clawback of underused resources allocated to those in critical need. 8) Further agrees that the Policy and Sustainability Committee will receive a report in 3 cycles to confirm that clawbacks have been suspended, and with information on the impact on outcomes for people in need - and the scale of clawbacks prior to the suspension.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Caldwell - Planter-based protection on Leith Walk By Councillor Caldwell - Planter-based protection on Leith Walk “Council; Notes: 1) Pavements and segregated cycle infrastructure are respectively there to protect the most vulnerable in the transport hierarchy. 2) The cycle lane on Leith Walk is closed until the legacy lamp-posts are removed. 3) That pavement parking can still be legal in certain conditions until the Council are delegated powers from the Scottish Government in The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 by 2024. Understands: 1) Pedestrians and cyclists may be at risk by vehicles driving on a busy pavement to park and/or unload. 2) Street furniture should be sparse where possible, serve multiple purposes where present and shouldn’t be necessary until there is evidence of need. 3) Town centres are enhanced by greenery such as plants and trees and planter positioning options are being explored by Trams to Newhaven. Requests collaboration between Place and Trams to Newhaven: 1) To identify pavement parking ‘hotspots’ along Leith Walk as a matter of priority. 2) To identify appropriate areas for planters to be installed between the cycle way and main carriageway, as well as moving any new signage poles which could be moved from the main pavement to the land between the cycle lane and main carriageway. 3) The findings of this review are to be published in two cycles in the Transport and Environment Committee business bulletin, and whether outcomes can be standardised for other areas where pavement parking is a known issue Additional documents: |
By Councillor Rae - Peaceful Assemblies By Councillor Rae - Peaceful Assemblies “Council notes the newly published Scottish Government Report on Facilitating Peaceful Assemblies and the implications within that report that impact both Council and the City. Council therefore requests a briefing for members, specifically those in Licencing and Policy and Sustainability, on the report and the challenges it presents in February 2023.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - Maximise By Councillor Campbell – Maximise “Council notes the outstanding work of Maximise! as a holistic, whole family resource, addressing need, risk and vulnerability through income maximisation and advice (including debt advice), employability and family support. Council notes the need to continue this work to ensure residents get access to the holistic support they need, and the importance of this work in tackling poverty. Council notes that Maximise! is not funded strategically through multi-year award which would give certainty of service and the issues this is causing to the ability for the service to continue. Council therefore agrees then officers will immediately engage with Maximise! to offer any support available to protect these vital services for residents through winter. Council also agrees to receive a report to the next Full Council meeting, with options presented for decision on any further support, including direct financial support, required to ensure the continuation of these services for families across the City.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mattos Coelho - Liberton High School - Schools for Young Carers 2022 Award Winner By Councillor Mattos Coelho - Liberton High School - Schools for Young Carers 2022 Award Winner “Council: Recognises and congratulates Liberton High School for the achievement of the We Care; Schools for Young Carers 2022 Award, along with 5 other schools in Edinburgh, Stirling and Fife. Notes that the award recognises how these schools have gone above and beyond to support young carers during really challenging times and ensured that all staff are young carer aware and feel more confident to identify and support hidden young carers. Therefore, requests that Lord Provost writes to Liberton High School congratulating the students for their success, encouraging their achievement.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Thornley - Bus Service Single Fares By Councillor Thornley - Bus Service Single Fares – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Neil Ross - Committee Membership By Councillor Neil Ross - Committee Membership – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Young People's Assembly By Councillor Lang - Young People's Assembly – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Religious Representatives on the Education, Children and Families Committee – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Capacity within Queensferry, Echline and Dalmeny Primary Schools By Councillor Lang - Capacity within Queensferry, Echline and Dalmeny Primary Schools – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Caldwell - Trams to Newhaven Pre-snagging Works By Councillor Caldwell - Trams to Newhaven Pre-snagging Works – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Davidson - Traffic Delays and Volume on St John's Road By Councillor Davidson - Traffic Delays and Volume on St John's Road – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Davidson - Deep Clean Initiative By Councillor Davidson - Deep Clean Initiative – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Caldwell - London Road Left Turn By Councillor Caldwell - London Road Left Turn – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Parker - Braid Road, Greenbank-Meadows Quiet Route By Councillor Parker - Braid Road, Greenbank-Meadows Quiet Route – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - Congestion Charging By Councillor Aston - Congestion Charging – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - Housing Stock Condition Surveys By Councillor Campbell – Housing Stock Condition Surveys – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - Social Rented Properties By Councillor Aston - Social Rented Properties – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - Lifelong Learning Review By Councillor Campbell - Lifelong Learning Review – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Booth - Licensing Board Membership By Councillor Booth - Licensing Board Membership – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Booth - Licensing Forum By Councillor Booth - Licensing Forum – for answer by the Vice-Convener of the Licensing Board Additional documents: |
By Councillor Booth - Bòrd na Gàidhlig Meetings By Councillor Booth - Bòrd na Gàidhlig Meetings - for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |