Venue: Main Council Chamber - City Chambers
Contact: Gavin King
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
Declaration of interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
Minute of 28 September 2023 - Special Meeting The City of Edinburgh Council Special Meeting of 28 September 2023 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: |
Minute of 28 September 2023 The City of Edinburgh Council of 28 September 2023 – submitted for approval as a correct record
Additional documents: |
Leader’s report Additional documents: |
Appointments If any Additional documents: |
Response to Motion – Cooperative Councils Additional documents: |
Revision of Polling Districts due to Creation of New UK Parliamentary Constituencies Additional documents: |
Millerhill Energy from Waste Plant Heat Offtake Unit Additional documents: |
Revenue Monitoring 2023/24 - Month Three Report - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
Forth Green Freeport - referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee Forth Green Freeport – Outline Business Case – referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Davidson - Sexual Health Services in Edinburgh By Councillor Davidson - Sexual Health Services in Edinburgh “Council Notes: 1) In response to Question 25 at the meeting of the Council on 31 August 2023 it was confirmed that only 11-13% of online requests for sexual health testing kits were met by Lothian Sexual & Reproductive Health Services (LSRHS). 2) LSRHS have resumed face to face testing for those without symptoms in response to these concerning figures. 3) That the online ordering was part of a national pilot which ended in August. Agrees 4) Access to sexual health testing should be available and accessible to everyone that wants it within a short period of time. 5) That ideally online ordering of tests will continue but this option should only be pursued if it is properly resourced and available. Requests: 6) That in light of the review following the end of the national pilot a briefing note should be provided to council IJB representatives and members of policy and sustainability within the next three months on the availability of tests and appointments within Lothian Sexual & Reproductive Health Services (LSRHS).” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Macinnes - Future Relationship with EIJB (All Party Motion) By Councillor Macinnes - Future Relationship with EIJB “As a result of a prolonged discussion on uses of the Council’s underspend during September and October in committee, during briefings and in elected member meetings the finance spokespeople of all 5 parties represented in this chamber have agreed to bring forward a joint, all-party motion. This concentrates on a recalibration of the relationship between the Council and the IJB, including NHS Lothian. It became apparent during Finance & Resources committee proceedings that we shared common concerns about a lack of clarity and information on the Council share of financial responsibilities within the IJB and what implications this has for the delivery of both social care in the city and for other Council activities. These issues are not new, but this year’s particular budget pressures have highlighted more than ever the need for an exploration of what can be changed going forward. We recognise that changing processes and expectations of our relationship with the IJB will not be achieved by a single officer report but that we are clearly signalling that elected members wish to stay closely involved with this process. We do not wish to face the same situation as we did this year. Council: 1) Welcomes the new Chief Officer of the IJB and looks forward to a positive and productive working relationship, and hopes this all-party motion will be seen as a reflection of our desire to recognise the shared aspirations for a functional, effective and sustainable health and social care system for Edinburgh; 2) Recognises: a) That we jointly have a deep concern about the financial and service delivery situation facing the IJB and that we need to move beyond the short termism which has resulted in us providing all of the Council’s unexpected underspend to fill the gap in the IJB’s budget. b) That we do not want the financial situation to develop again where a £14.2mbudget gap was brought to us as a CEC responsibility without sufficient clarity on why and how this had occurred. c) That we have since had more detailed briefings and a greater opportunity to scrutinise the current financial position of the EIJB and gain a better understanding of managerial challenges within the provision of health and social care. d) That Finance and Resources Committee agreed that Council officers should work with IJB officers to see how budget timings and processes can be brought into closer alignment including ensuring that IJB budgets are available for Councillors to take into consideration when setting CEC budgets, among other measures to improve scrutiny and governance; e) That decisions made in other areas of the Council can have knock-on impacts on health and social care – both positive and negative – and similarly that decisions taken by the IJB do not sit in isolation, but can impact on other areas of council operations; f) That there is a need to recalibrate the relationship that the City of Edinburgh Council has with the Edinburgh Joint Integration Board ... view the full agenda text for item 8.2 Additional documents: |
By Councillor Watt - 16 Days of Action on Gender-based Violence By Councillor Watt - 16 Days of Action on Gender-based Violence “Recognises the significant work carried out by the organisations that make up the Equally Safe Edinburgh Committee campaigning for equality and championing gender justice, in supporting victims and survivors of gendered violence and their children, and helping to bring perpetrators of such violence to justice. Commits its ongoing support to these organisations and to implementing Equally Safe across Edinburgh. Acknowledges the recommendations in the June 2023 report on the Independent Strategic Review of Funding and Commissioning of Violence Against Women and Girls Services, which, if accepted by Scottish Government, will bring about significant changes to how services are commissioned, and will provide a statutory footing to local Violence Against Women and Girls Partnerships, such as the Equally Safe Edinburgh Committee. Further notes that Equally Safe: Scotland’s strategy for preventing and eradicating Violence Against Women and Girls is currently under review, with a renewed iteration expected by early 2024. Council therefore asks relevant officers to work together with COSLA and the Improvement Service to organise an event for elected members, the Council’s corporate leadership team, service directors and relevant heads of services and senior managers in the spring of 2024 to introduce the reviewed Equally Safe strategy and the services that constitute the Equally Safe Edinburgh Committee. Council further asks that two members from each political group attend the event as nominated representatives, with other elected members invited to attend if they are available.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Meagher - Housing Emergency By Councillor Meagher - Housing Emergency “Council acknowledges Shelter Scotland’s call to declare a Housing Emergency by both Devolved and Local Authorities. In response, Council notes: 1. The acute nature of Edinburgh’s homelessness crisis, with approximately 5000 households in temporary accommodation, the highest number in Scotland. 2. The severe shortage of social rented homes, with approximately 200 bids for each property advertised through Edindex and additional pressures for accessible and family homes. 3. The increasing pressure within the private rental sector, with the highest rental inflation in the United Kingdom at 13.7% This is despite the range of Council efforts to tackle structural pressures including, but not limited to: 1. The Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan 2. Development of an Affordable Housing Policy 3. Development of the Strategic Housing Investment Plan 4. Lobbying Scottish government for additional, and targeted, funding Council notes the importance of collaborative working, and further notes the importance of engaging with tenants’ organisations and third sector groups involved with homelessness support in order to take a human rights-based approach to future work. Council, therefore, agrees to declare a Housing Emergency; agreeing to work with, Council Officers, existing third sector partners, external organisations such as SHAPE, Shelter Scotland and Cyrenians, with the goal of establishing a Housing Emergency Action Plan to build on and consolidate existing actions. Requests progress monitoring regarding the efficacy of the Housing Emergency Action Plan comes to the Housing, Homelessness, and Fair Work Committee through regular updates. Requests that the council leader writes to the First Minister, the Deputy First Minister, the housing minister, and the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, outlining the actions council is taking to address the housing emergency, and seeks additional resources to help meet the severe challenges.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor O'Neill - Mobility Aid Donation By Councillor O'Neill - Mobility Aid Donation “Council: Notes: 1) Conflict disproportionately affects disabled people as they face the lack of accessible shelter and inclusive evacuation plans, and the loss of life-affirming or lifesaving equipment and support; 2) Mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walking frames, crutches and accessories for bathing and cooking are often not provided for those who need them, especially where there are high levels of poverty, social stigma, and conflict; outside of conflict areas 1 in 10 people who need a wheelchair do not have access to one. 3) Organisations and groups based in Scotland are currently working alongside groups in England, Poland, Germany, and the West Bank to transport mobility aids to those in need in or around Ukraine and Gaza. 4) Volunteers, medical professionals, and aid workers have expressed concern about the rise in need of such items – along with hospital beds, dressings, first aid kits, painkillers, and blankets – and note the barriers being faced in terms of transport costs, border checks and importing in or through the European Union. Further notes: 5) Processes and information regarding ‘returning and reusing’ mobility aids across multiple NHS Boards are not yet consolidated which unfortunately sees several aids going to landfill when they could be re-used in the UK or abroad; Therefore requests that officers: 6) Organise a roundtable meeting with relevant organisations, elected members at all levels, NHS Lothian, and Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership to establish: a) How we can immediately respond to calls for donations of mobility aids to Ukraine, Gaza, and other areas affected by conflict; b) How we can work with existing organisations and groups to support disabled people with our stock where the medical need is greater due to conflict. c) How we can further encourage residents to return old or used mobility aids to a relevant health partner, thus reducing landfill waste and ensuring people who need items can get them. 7) An update back to the relevant committee as soon as possible that details the outcome of the meeting and any agreed actions or relevant information for elected members.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Macfarlane - Capital Theatres By Councillor Macfarlane - Capital Theatres “Council: Congratulates Fiona Gibson and her team at Capital Theatres on winning the UK Theatre Award for Excellence in Inclusivity. Understands that this recognises their pioneering and ambitious programme to nurture a dementia-friendly environment. Further understands that this success comes even before the refurbishment of the Kings Theatre is unveiled, which will go even further to ensure a fantastic and accessible experience to those with disabilities who visit, work, or perform in the theatre. Agrees that Capital Theatres is a shining example of an organisation in the city that is meeting the Citywide Culture Strategy but specifically: · AIM 1. ALL EDINBURGH RESIDENTS CAN EASILY ACCESS CULTURAL EXPERIENCES THAT THEY FIND MEANINGFUL IN THEIR LOCAL AREA, AND EVERYONE HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO CONTRIBUTE TO SHAPING LOCAL CULTURAL PROVISION · AIM 2. EDINBURGH IS A WELCOMING AND SUPPORTIVE CITY IN WHICH A BROAD SPECTRUM OF CREATIVE AND CULTURAL PRACTITIONERS CHOOSE TO DEVELOP THEIR CAREERS. Agrees that the Lord Provost should mark this achievement in an appropriate way.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Griffiths - Biology Teacher Hardeep Kaur wins GTC Scotland Saroj Lal Award By Councillor Griffiths - Biology Teacher Hardeep Kaur wins GTC Scotland Saroj Lal Award “Council: 1) Congratulates Hardeep Kaur, a biology teacher at Portobello High School, for winning this year’s GTC Scotland Saroj Lal Award; 2) Understands the Saroj Lal Award celebrates the efforts of GTC Scotland registered teachers who challenge adversity in a bit to promote and facilitate a culture and ethos of equality and diversity; 3) Recognises the equalities work Hardeep has undertaken at Portobello High School with both staff and learners including: a) training focusing on microaggressions and the importance of pronouncing the names of black and minority ethnic (BAME) learners correctly. b) leading a Standing Together campaign which involved placing posters around the school that include QR codes which allow learners to discreetly report racist incidents when they happen. c) establishing guidance in the school and writing a policy for managing racists incidents. 4) Applauds Hardeep’s pioneering spirit and leadership of anti-racist programmes and policies in her school which has created a safe space for understanding and learning in Portobello High School; 5) Thanks Hardeep for all her hard work and wishes all the best going forward. Requests the Lord Provost celebrates this achievement in the appropriate manner.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - Carlton Under 15s Cricket Club By Councillor Kumar - Carlton Under 15s Cricket Club “Council: 1) Congratulates Carlton’s under-15 boys’ Cricket Club on their historic win as National Champions lifting the ECB Vitality Under 15 club cup trophy. They became the first Scottish youth cricket team to play at Lord’s Cricket Ground and the first Scottish team to win the title. 2) Notes that the brilliant team achieved this by playing through four rounds of cricket in Scotland followed by another four regional rounds in England before progressing to the final at Lord’s and a victory over Surrey Club, Banstead, who have a history of producing England internationalists. 3) Recognises the work of Team Coach, Charles Stronach and his team of talented young players; and wishes them every success in the future as they continue their journey. 4) Acknowledges this achievement and asks that the Lord Provost celebrates the UK Champions.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jenkinson - Clovenstone Amateur Boxing Club By Councillor Jenkinson - Clovenstone Amateur Boxing Club “Council: Notes that on the 5th of November 2023 Clovenstone Amateur Boxing Club celebrates its 30th anniversary. Recognises the valuable contribution the club has made to promote the sport of boxing in Wester Hailes and commends its work to improve the health and wellbeing of its members of all ages. Asks that the Lord Provost finds an appropriate way to mark this significant achievement for the club.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor O'Neill - Euan's Guide Access Survey By Councillor O'Neill - Euan's Guide Access Survey “Council: 1) Notes Euan’s Guide is an Edinburgh based award-winning disabled access charity founded in 2013 by Euan MacDonald MBE, a powerchair user, and his sister Kiki after Euan was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease (MND). 2) Further notes that is a leading disabled access review website where disabled people, their families, friends, and carers can find and share the accessibility of venues around the UK and beyond. 3) Commends the work of Euan’s Guide team, board and Ambassadors who all play an integral role in championing accessibility and making it easier for disabled people to find great places to go. 4) Highlights that the 2023 Access Survey, supported by Motability Operations, is open now until the end of November; the survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and is also available in Word, Audio, Easy Read and British Sign Language (BSL) formats. 5) Further highlights that the 2022 Access Survey results showed: • 72% of respondents have found accessibility information on a venue’s website to be misleading, confusing or inaccurate • 74% of respondents have experienced a disappointing trip or having had to change plans due to poor accessibility • 51% of respondents said reviews from other disabled people improve their confidence when visiting new places • 46% of respondents have visited somewhere new after reading a review on • 91% of respondents said they try to find disabled access information about a new place before visiting • 58% of respondents said they avoid going to a venue if it has not shared its disabled access information because they assume it’s inaccessible • Respondents said that the top accessible facilities needed to improve confidence to visit new places were accessible parking (80%) and accessible toilets (76%) 6) Lord Provost congratulates Euan’s Guide for its continued work on improving accessibility for all and requests that the survey is shared to help a wide reach across the City of Edinburgh with the following messaging: a) For disabled people - please share your experiences of disabled access at venues and businesses in and around the city so they can improve their welcome to other disabled people. b) For businesses and venues - please make sure that you're promoting your disabled access information on, 58% of Euan's Guide Access Survey respondents said that they would actively avoid visiting a venue if it has not shared its disabled access information because they assume it’s inaccessible.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Parker - Homeless Presentations - Temporary Accommodation By Councillor Parker - Homeless Presentations - Temporary Accommodation – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Beal - Weeds By Councillor Beal – Weeds – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Thornley - Speeding Site Investigations By Councillor Thornley - Speeding Site Investigations – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor McKenzie - Education Welfare Service By Councillor McKenzie - Education Welfare Service – for answer by the Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor McKenzie - Controlled Parking Zones S6(E) and S6(W) By Councillor McKenzie - Controlled Parking Zones S6(E) and S6(W) – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Caldwell - Crossing Timings and Standards By Councillor Caldwell - Crossing Timings and Standards – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Caldwell - Leith Walk Heritage Kerbing By Councillor Caldwell - Leith Walk Heritage Kerbing – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - Hedge Trimming along Footpaths By Councillor Aston - Hedge Trimming Along Footpaths – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - Contract Spend with Children, Education and Justice Services Directorate – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - British Sign Language in Schools By Councillor Kumar - British Sign Language in Schools – for answer by the Convener of the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - Social Worker Recruitment By Councillor Kumar - Social Worker Recruitment – for answer by the Vice-Chair of the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - Multiply By Councillor Kumar – Multiply – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mowat - Community Participation By Councillor Mowat - Community Participation – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bruce - Pothole Killer By Councillor Bruce - Pothole Killer – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - Financial Education By Councillor Cowdy - Financial Education – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - Cycle Lane Usage By Councillor Cowdy - Cycle Lane Usage – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |