Venue: Main Council Chamber - City Chambers
Contact: Gavin King
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
Declaration of interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
Minute of 21 March 2024 The City of Edinburgh Council of 21 March 2024 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: |
Leader’s report Additional documents: |
Review of Appointments to Committees, Boards and Joint Boards for 2024/2025 Additional documents: |
Appointment of Chief Executive Additional documents: |
Decision Making Framework 2024 Additional documents: |
Outcome of the Statutory Consultation Proposing the Closure of Cameron House Nursery Additional documents: |
Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB) - Contract Real Living Wage Uplift - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
Edinburgh International Conference Centre - Convention Bureau Funding - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
Passenger Transport Framework Agreement - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Walker - Festival Fringe Society By Councillor Walker - Festival Fringe Society “Council: Notes the recent comments in the news regarding the funding of the Festival Fringe Society. Understands that the Council Leader and the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee have met with the Fringe Society to discuss a number of matters including funding. Further understands that the Council has provided £75,000 in grant funding to support the Fringe Society in this financial year, along with the peppercorn rent for their offices in the High Street which has a current market rental of £155,000, despite being the lowest per head funded local authority in the country and at a time of cut budgets. Since 2018 the Council has provided a total of £1.2M in grant funding to support the Fringe Society. Recognises the challenges faced by the whole cultural sector and calls on the Scottish Government to provide additional resources to support the Festival Fringe which has such national importance. Calls for an update to the Culture and Communities Committee in two cycles to better understand the funding situation at the Festival Fringe Society and the work that is being carried out.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Arthur - Scottish Government Scrapping of Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets By Councillor Arthur - Scottish Government Scrapping of Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets “Council is asked – To note that Scotland led the world in becoming one of the first nations to declare a global climate emergency in April 2019. Scotland set an ambitious legally binding target to become 'Net Zero' by 2045, five years ahead of the rest of the UK, with interim targets of 75% by 2030 and 90% by 2040. These targets were set in law in the Emissions Reduction Targets Act of 2019. To note Edinburgh has made good progress so far against our climate goals, ranked best in Scotland for climate action by Climate Emergency UK and recognised by Carbon Disclosure Project as one of 120 cities in the world to lead the way on climate action. Further notes the extensive retrofitting of council homes that are underway by the Council and the plans for additional cycle lanes across the city. In light of this, to express extreme disappointment that Scotland’s ambitious 75% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 was subsequently scrapped by the SNP/Green Government on 18th April 2024, while retaining the long-term 2045 target. Notes that Friends of the Earth described this act as: "the worst environmental decision in the history of the Scottish Parliament" Notes that Oxfam Scotland said: “With the world becoming a dirtier and deadlier place every day, any decision by Scottish ministers to re-write Scotland’s climate rulebook would be an acute global embarrassment.” To note this announcement demonstrates the challenges in tackling the climate emergency and that more must be done to accelerate action on climate to ensure investment in low carbon infrastructure is a priority despite the challenges and continued cuts to public funding. To note that this announcement does not mean that climate change will be any less of a priority for us here in Edinburgh but that our success depends upon collective effort and collaborating with Scottish Government, not despite them. Agrees that a report should be brought to the Policy and Sustainability Committee within 3 cycles outlining the impact of the SNP/Green Government’s regrettable decision (and any subsequent policy/spending announcements) on Edinburgh.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Walker - Edinburgh Filmhouse By Councillor Walker - Edinburgh Filmhouse “Council: 1) Welcomes the UK Government announcement of 23 March 2024 that £1.5m will be committed to Filmhouse Edinburgh Ltd as part of the Community Ownership Levelling Up Fund. 2) Notes the Council’s decision in November 2023 to contribute £60,000 to support the return to use of the Edinburgh Filmhouse building on Lothian Road. 3) Recognises the ongoing work from the Council alongside partners including Filmhouse (Edinburgh) Ltd, Screen Scotland and the Scottish Government to secure a home for cultural cinema at the Filmhouse. 4) Commends the involvement of Caledonian Heritable, who now own the building and have been working with stakeholders to ensure this asset is secured. 5) Recognises the potential the new funding announcements have unlocked to not only return the cinema to use, but to create a fully refurbished cinema with the opportunity to provide a smaller screening room for educational use. 6) Therefore, requests a report to Culture and Communities Committee in 2 cycles providing an update on the progress made to return the cinema into use, the plans for future work, and any revenue implications the Council may need to consider moving into 2025/26 budget setting.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Day - Budget Outcomes By Councillor Day - Budget Outcomes “Council: Notes the City of Edinburgh Council Budget was passed on the 22nd February 2024 by a vote in the Chamber; and Further notes that the Executive Director of Corporate Services has issued a briefing note to members of the Finance and Resources Committee, which provides further details on the budget implications and detailed information associated with any additional or follow on decisions required. The briefing note identifies owners and timescales for completion and/or associated reporting to clarify who and where these decisions will be taken; therefore, Requests a report to each relevant Committee which sets out the delivery and timeline of the Budget, that the briefing note be circulated to all Councillors and that the Executive Director of Corporate Services will respond to any further queries related to the Budget that was passed.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Heap - Prohibition of Council and ALEO use of Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act Work Notices By Councillor Heap - Prohibition of Council and ALEO use of Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act Work Notices “Council notes 1) The passage of the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023 (“the Act”) and regulations made under it, including Strikes (Minimum Service Levels: Passenger Railway Services) Regulations 2023 2) This enables public service employers to issue ‘work notices’ to order striking staff to work. 3) That workers subject to such a notice who refuse to work lose protection against dismissal for not working. 4) Trades Unions whose members subject to such a notice who refuse to work lose immunity from being sued in for damages to the employer for economic loss. 5) That, in terms of the Council and Council ALEOs, this applies currently to Transport for Edinburgh as the employer of Edinburgh Trams staff under the light rail provisions of the above regulations. 6) That the Act could be extended in future to other services for which the Council or ALEO are an employer, including education and bus services. Council believes 7) That all workers have the right to strike and any attempt to force workers to work against their will and against a legally-called strike is an infringement of human rights. Council therefore: 8) Resolves that it will never issue work notices to any staff employed by the Council. 9) Requests a report within two cycles laying out how it can ensure that no ALEO delivering services on behalf of the Council issues a work notice.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Day - Anchorfield Building By Councillor Day - Anchorfield Building “Council is asked: 1) To note the constructive meeting which took place on 23rd April 2024 consisting of Anchorfield residents, senior council officers and local members. 2) To note Council’s gratitude to residents and officers alike for their efforts in making the building safe and working together towards a plan for this highly complex repair. 3) To agree officers will continue to engage with contractors to identify a timely solution and, subject to updates being available, hold fortnightly meetings with residents and local members to update on progress. 4) To commit to revaluating costs incurred by the council’s temporary “make-safe” works to ensure these are charged at reasonable rates that reflects the emergency nature of the works. 5) To agree an update report is submitted to the appropriate Committee which includes any required policy variances for the Missing Share Scheme. 6) To commit to provide continued support to Anchorfield residents until the permanent repair is complete.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Staniforth - Chinese Manufactured CCTV Cameras By Councillor Staniforth - Chinese Manufactured CCTV Cameras “Council: Notes: 1) That both security and ethical concerns have been raised regarding Chinese manufactured CCTV cameras, in particular those produced by Hikvision, Hauwei, Honeywell, Dahua and Nuuo. 2) That Hikvision have already been blacklisted by the US government over security concerns and that Honeywell is especially concerning with regard to the use of Uyghur forced labour in manufacturing. 3) That none of Edinburgh council’s new CCTV system is Chinese manufactured and that CEC’s one remaining legacy Hikvision camera is situated on the Radison Blu Hotel which is due to be removed when that location’s refurbishment is complete. Therefore resolves: 4) That henceforth, and subject to compliance with relevant legislatoion, the City of Edinburgh Council will have an ongoing presumption that these manufacturers (or companies closely linked to them) will not be used for any future council CCTV unless a report is presented with evidence that these concerns are no longer warranted.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Parker - Council Tax Discount for PhD Students By Councillor Parker - Council Tax Discount for PhD Students “Council: 1) Notes that many PhD students have faced an interruption or extension of studies over the past few years, especially given the COVID-19 pandemic and the long-lasting impacts on research and fieldwork this has had, including access to labs, archives, and libraries. 2) Notes that the Council policy is to award a Council Tax discount to PhD students for a maximum of 4 years only, covering 3 years of study and a maximum 1 year of write-up. 3) Notes that EUSA are reporting high numbers of 5th year students contacting the Advice Place having received unexpected Council Tax bills, backdated by many months / years, and requesting thousands of pounds at once. 4) Notes that the Cost-of-Living crisis is felt especially acutely by the student population, and that Council Tax debts are causing stress and anxiety for many students. Therefore, agrees that: 5) In consultation with the student community, officers will revise the Council’s Council Tax exemption policy to allow more discretion to be applied for Council Tax discounts for PhD students who take longer than 1-year to complete their PhD write-up. 6) Whilst this policy is being revised, affected PhD students will not be pursued for debts owed and this fact will be proactively communicated to them. 7) Agrees that information about the revised policy / approach will be reported as a Business Bulletin update to the next Finance and Resources Committee.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Younie -Breakfast Club Provision By Councillor Younie -Breakfast Club Provision “1) Council agrees that every young person should have the opportunity to have a full breakfast at the start of their day. 2) Council notes that ensuring affordable and equitable provision of a high-quality nutritious breakfast not only improves educational attainment but has a positive impact on reducing child poverty. 3) Council recognises the importance breakfast clubs have as a variety of childcare, enabling many parents to ensure their children are well fed in the morning but also leaving them enough time to complete their morning commute to work. 4) Council therefore requests a report in two cycles to Education, Children, and Families Committee which: a) Maps the demand across the city for breakfast club provision in CEC Primary Schools. b) Details the differences in provision across the City with specific focus on i) Cost to attend and number of places provided at no cost. ii) Availability of places iii) Comparison with neighbouring Local Authorities c) Explains the difficulties which may prevent Primary Schools from being able to provide breakfast clubs. d) Engages with breakfast club providers, whether private, third sector, or CEC. e) Present options to improve the provision of breakfast clubs through: i) improved accessibility ii) reduced cost iii) increased availability of places iv) additional staffing support.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Davidson - Engagement with Third Sector Partners By Councillor Davidson - Engagement with Third Sector Partners “Council Notes 1) The recent decision by the EIJB to cut grants to third sector by 10% across the board which will have a significant impact on the viability of some organisations and the capacity of others to deliver their current services. 2) The recent collaboration with the third sector in delivering the Connected Communities Grant programme. 3) That deputations from numerous third sector organisations regularly raise concerns about the level and quality of engagement from the Council with the sector. 4) That reports routinely contain Section 6 on the financial impact of decisions. Council requests: 5) A report in three cycles to Policy and Sustainability Committee detailing: a) the estimation of the value and savings that collaboration with the third sector brings to the council; b) how savings achieved through collaboration with Third Sector partners is captured in the financial impact sections of reports; c) the current extent and effectiveness of council consultation and collaboration with the Third Sector; d) the feasibility of a formal consultation route similar to the Joint Consultative Committee.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - UK Government Rwanda Bill By Councillor Kumar - UK Government Rwanda Bill “Council condemns in the strongest possible terms the passing of the UK Government’s Rwanda Bill by the UK Parliament. Council agrees this approach amounts to state-sponsored people trafficking, and it is a grotesque breach of international law and a disgusting way to demonise and target those seeking asylum in the UK. Council notes this policy had to date cost in the region of £400m while failing, on its own terms, to remove any person from the UK. Council further notes this policy has clearly not acted as a “deterrent” as numbers of unsafe crossings to the UK continue to be high, driven by the UK Government’s failure to provide safe and legal routes for those seeking asylum. Council therefore instructs the Council Leader to write to Edinburgh airport to seek assurances that Edinburgh Airport will not be used for rendition flights of people to Rwanda. Council further instructs the Council Leader to write to the Prime Minister of the UK to express Edinburgh’s condemnation and make clear the Council’s view that nobody in the City of Edinburgh should be deported to Rwanda for “processing” under the terms of the bill. Council instructs the Council Leader to write to the UK Labour Leader, Keir Starmer, to get a commitment this bill will be repealed post election if Labour form the next UK Government with a commitment on the timeline of the repeal, alongside a commitment to repatriate anyone who has already been deported prior to the election. Council agrees that these letters should be sent within 5 working days of this Council meeting and replies received, and the text of the letters, will be circulated to all councillors upon receipt.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - Edinburgh Community Learning and Development (CLD) Partnership Plan By Councillor Kumar - Edinburgh Community Learning and Development (CLD) Partnership Plan “Council 1) Notes that HM Inspectors evaluating and reporting on, the quality of CLD provision within local authorities found that City of Edinburgh Council is currently not meeting its legislative duties set out in the Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013. 2) Notes that a Draft CLD Plan 2024-2027 is coming to Education, Children and Families Committee in June 2024 and notes that there is a statutory publication date of 1st September 2024. 3) Regrets that the CLD Partnership is not providing the required leadership and governance for the delivery of the CLD Plan and these have been marked to be rectified as a matter of urgency by HM Inspectors. 4) Regrets that the Plan does not yet inform sufficiently council CLD services or partners’ priorities. 5) Regrets that the relocation of community development has resulted in a disconnect between community learning and the delivery of community development. 6) Council agrees that: a) The findings from HM Inspectors is of significant cause for concern and that an immediate action plan is needed to rectify this. b) Officers must engage with elected members and community stakeholders urgently to identify priorities for CLD Plan. c) To ask the Executive Director of Children, Education and Justices Services to produce an urgent action plan on proposals on how the recommendations of the HM Inspectorate will be taken forward. d) Due to the impending statutory deadlines, that the Convener and officers explore additional meeting(s), briefings, and other engagement with elected members and stakeholders before it comes to Education, Children, and Families Committee for recommendations. e) A summary update of the above actions should be included in report to Education, Children and Families Committee in June.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - Edinburgh Children’s Partnership By Councillor Kumar - Edinburgh Children’s Partnership “Council: 1) Notes that the Edinburgh Children’s Partnership is the statutory partnership between the Council, NHS Lothian and key partner agencies that work together to plan, provide and deliver services for children and their families. 2) Notes that the Partnership is responsible for producing a 3-year Children’s Services strategic plan. 3) Recognises the importance of multi-agency work and the value of consultation with children, young people, parents, carers and staff. 4) Notes that in various meetings of the Education, Children, and Families Committee, elected members have heard deputations from charities on topics such as Whole Family Wellbeing Fund and Community Mental Health contracts with no or limited powers to influence decision making within the Partnership. 5) Accepts that despite best efforts, communication between the Partnership and Council is lacking and therefore needs to be strengthened further to improve democratic processes. 6) Agrees to bring a report to Education, Children, and Families Committee in 2 cycles detailing: a) When and how decisions are delegated to elected members versus Children’s Partnership. b) Strategies to improve communication between Education, Children, and Families Committee and Children’s Partnership including shared decision making. c) Process for stakeholders to make direct deputations to Children’s Partnership. d) Methodology for reviewing and renewing membership to ensure diversity of charities and key partner agencies represented. e) Mechanisms for elected members to be better represented at Children’s Partnership including our ability to influence and collaborate on future iterations of the Children’s Services Plan.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - Edinburgh Bus Station By Councillor Aston - Edinburgh Bus Station “Council: 1) Notes with concern the news that the owner of the Edinburgh Bus Station site may not extend the Council's lease in order to redevelop the site. 2) Recognises that the bus station is a fundamental element of the city's strategic transport infrastructure and acknowledges that finding a suitable alternative site in the city centre would be extremely challenging. 3) Recognises further that there are serious concerns, including from the Edinburgh Bus Users Group, about any potential proposals to relocate the bus station to peripheral sites such as Ingliston, and that the viability of sustainable inter-city public transport in Edinburgh and the wider region would be severely weakened if this were to happen. 4) Therefore requests a report in three cycles to the Transport and Environment Committee outlining what discussions there have been to date with the owners and what options are available to Council, including agreeing to purchase the site through negotiation or using compulsory purchase powers to ensure that Edinburgh retains a bus station in a central location.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Gardiner - Sister Cities Recognition - Street Naming By Councillor Gardiner - Sister Cities Recognition - Street Naming “Council notes: 1) That Edinburgh is twinned with ten cities across the globe, five of which are also in Europe. These are (with dates of twinning arrangements): Aalborg (1991); Dunedin (1974; Florence (1964); Kyiv (1989): Krakow (1995); Nice (1958); Munich (1954); San Diego (1977); Vancouver (1977); Xi’an (1985). 2) The first twinning arrangement, with Munich, is now seventy years old. This was established ten years after the end of hostilities between our countries and has been an enduring success. Celebrations marking this include the visit of the Lord Provost of Edinburgh to Munich to meet the Buergermeister, on the day that Germany hosts Scotland in the opening day of the football ‘Euros’. 3) Sadly, hostilities in Ukraine have now entered the third year since the invasion by the Russian Federation. 4) That our sister city Kyiv, capital of an independent Ukraine, resisted capture in the opening months of this invasion. 5) That it is important for the City of Edinburgh to continue to show solidarity with the citizens of Kyiv. Council therefore requests that a report be provided to Planning Committee in one cycle which: 6) Asks members to consider that the section of the street in Edinburgh where the consulate of the Russian Federation is located is renamed Kyiv Street. 7) That the names of the names of our other nine sister cities are added to the name bank for new streets. 8) Given that six of our ten sister cities are located in Europe, asks that ‘Europe’ is also added to the name bank for new streets.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mumford - Landlord Registration Fees By Councillor Mumford - Landlord Registration Fees “Council: 1) Notes that Landlord Registration Fees are set nationally, with the current rates of £75 for the ‘principal fee’ and £17 for the ‘property fee’; 2) Further notes that the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) has confirmed that Local Authorities are permitted to charge an additional fee as part of the landlord registration process; 3) Notes that Freedom of Information Requests have revealed that while the majority of landlords rent out a single property in the city, over a quarter of Edinburgh’s HMO properties are owned by just 12 landlords; 4) Finally, notes that the private rented sector has been identified as an area which requires further scrutiny and action as part of the Housing Emergency Action Plan; 5) Therefore, requests a report within 2 cycles setting out options for additional, progressive charges which could be levied against landlords who rent multiple properties in the city, and any restrictions which might be placed on the spending of these funds.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Rae - Jean F Watson - Bust By Councillor Rae - Jean F Watson – Bust “1) Council recognises the extraordinary and unique contribution made to the culture and reputation of our City by Miss Jean F Watson, who, in 1961 established the Jean F Watson Bequest Fund in memory of her parents 'for the foundation and development of a municipal art gallery' and The City Arts Centre 1968 was instituted in 1968 together with a fund to purchase works. 2) The City Arts Centre, since moved to Market Street, has housed key purchases made possible by Ms Watson's bequest, across all artistic mediums, including John Bellamy's 'The Obsession', J D Fergusson's 'The Blue Hat' and Epstein's sculpture 'Kathleen with a 'Shawl'. However, the first purchase by the Jean F Watson Bequest was a bronze bust of Ms Watson herself, created by Eric Schilsky, Head of Edinburgh College of Art School of Sculpture (1945-69). This extraordinary piece is in storage. 3) Council requests that, in order to recognise the deep debt of gratitude owed by the City to Ms Jean F Watson, her vision, and her ambition for the artistic and cultural life of our City, that a report be returned in two cycles identifying a permanent home within the City Arts Centre to site her bust, and to tell her inspiring story.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - Banning the Use of Mobile Phones during the School Day By Councillor Cowdy - Banning the Use of Mobile Phones during the School Day “Council notes: 1) In November 2023, A Scottish Government research report found that the abusive use of mobile phones and digital technologies was one of the most frequently experienced serious disruptive behaviours among secondary staff. 2) In March 2024, Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association (SSTA) behaviour survey reported 71% of members said they were concerned that the misuse of mobile phones was having an impact on student behaviour and learning while 92% said that lessons are interrupted by mobile phones. 3) UK Government recently announced updated guidance on mobile phones in schools for England, which gives backing to headteachers who want to ban them during the school day. 4) The UK Gov guidance also includes a tool kit that provides support to help teachers communicate with parents and pupils about the policy. Council agrees: 5) That without strong Council policy, many classroom teachers and head teachers struggle to police mobile phone use in classrooms. 6) Scottish plans to follow the lead of UK Government and issue similar guidance on banning mobile phones in schools are likely to be stalled indefinitely given the current turmoil of the SNP Government. Council therefore: 7) Instructs Officers to present a Report to the Education, Children and Families Committee in June that discusses how the UK Government guidance could be implemented in schools from the beginning of the Autumn term to ensure a robust policy is in place while awaiting any Scottish Government guidance and thereafter to review to ensure Edinburgh uses the most robust and appropriate guidance available.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Councillor Aldridge's 40 years as a Councillor By Councillor Lang - Councillor Aldridge's 40 years as a Councillor “Council: 1) notes that 3 May 2024 marks exactly 40 years since Councillor Robert Aldridge was first elected to Edinburgh District Council as the councillor for the Parkgrove ward. 2) notes that Councillor Aldridge has subsequently been re-elected on nine separate occasions, providing 40 years of uninterrupted public service and making him one of Edinburgh’s longest ever serving councillors. 3) congratulates Councillor Aldridge on reaching this significant milestone and recognises his immense commitment and contribution to Edinburgh since 1984.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Heap - Increase in Take-up of Blue Badges By Councillor Heap - Increase in Take-up of Blue Badges – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Heap - Misuse of Blue Badges By Councillor Heap -Misuse of Blue Badges – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Heap - Negotiations with Large Events Organisers By Councillor Heap - Negotiations with Large Events Organisers – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Heap - Firework Control Zones By Councillor Heap - Firework Control Zones – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Parker - Grass Cutting Trials By Councillor Parker - Grass Cutting Trials – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor McFarlane - Morrison Street - LEZ By Councillor McFarlane - Morrison Street – LEZ – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Pedestrian Crossings By Councillor Lang - Pedestrian Crossings – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Planning Consents Granted within Queensferry over the last Eight Years – for answer by the Convener of the Development Management Sub-Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Planning Permission Granted for New Affordable Homes By Councillor Lang - Planning Permission Granted for New Affordable Homes - for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Speed Monitoring in Cramond and Barnton By Councillor Lang - Speed Monitoring in Cramond and Barnton – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - The Northern Part of Silverknowes Road to the Promenade being Re-opened to all Vehicles – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Caldwell - CPZ Phase 1 and 2 Dialogue By Councillor Caldwell - CPZ Phase 1 and 2 Dialogue – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Beal - Emergency Yellow Lines By Councillor Beal - Emergency Yellow Lines – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Nols-McVey - Charges to Anchorfield Residents By Councillor Nols-McVey - Charges to Anchorfield Residents – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Nols-McVey - Anchorfield By Councillor Nols-McVey – Anchorfield – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Dobbin -Tram Payments to Residents at Anchorfield following Crack in Building – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Dobbin - 4 Anchorfield - Permanent Repair By Councillor Dobbin - 4 Anchorfield - Permanent Repair – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Nicolson - Carer's Act Funding By Councillor Nicolson - Carer's Act Funding – for answer by the Vice-Chair of the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Additional documents: |
By Councillor Hyslop - West Craigs Transport Links By Councillor Hyslop - West Craigs Transport Links – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - Traffic Light and Pedestrian Crossing Lightbulbs By Councillor Aston - Traffic Light and Pedestrian Crossing Lightbulbs – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Parker - Council Involvement with the Military By Councillor Parker - Council Involvement with the Military – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Flannery - Site Visits for Phase 4 Bin Hub Design, Southside Area By Councillor Flannery - Site Visits for Phase 4 Bin Hub Design, Southside Area – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Flannery - Impact Assessments Carried out on Surrounding Roads of Major Road Works – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Flannery - Parking Permits Allocated to Southside Newington Residents By Councillor Flannery - Parking Permits Allocated to Southside Newington Residents – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Doggart - Mayfield Road Closure By Councillor Doggart - Mayfield Road Closure – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Doggart - Response Times to Residents Queries By Councillor Doggart - Response Times to Residents Queries – for answer by the Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jones - Number of Places Allocated for Early Years By Councillor Jones - Number of Places Allocated for Early Years – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mitchell - Communal Bin Review Complaints By Councillor Mitchell - Communal Bin Review Complaints – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Booth - Short Term Lets - Planning Applications By Councillor Booth - Short Term Lets - Planning Applications – for answer by the Convener of the Development Management Sub-Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Booth - School Street at Stanwell Street By Councillor Booth - School Street at Stanwell Street – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |