Venue: Main Council Chamber - City Chambers
Contact: Gavin King
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
Declaration of interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
Minute of 22 June 2023 The City of Edinburgh Council of 22 June 2023 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: |
Leader’s report Additional documents: |
Appointments If any Additional documents: |
Religious Representative - Voting Rights Additional documents: |
Rolling Actions Log - May 2015 to June 2023 Rolling Actions Log - May 2015 to June 2023 Additional documents: |
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Castlegreen and North Merchiston Care Homes – Transfer Update - referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee Additional documents: |
Response to Critical Risk Motion Additional documents: |
The Edinburgh Award Additional documents: |
Lauriston Castle Trust - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Lauriston Castle Trust - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
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By Councillor Griffiths - Childcare 4 All By Councillor Griffiths - Childcare 4 All “Council: Requests an urgent report on the needs of the families who were receiving support and how these needs can now be supported.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Day - Co-operative Council By Councillor Day - Co-operative Council “Council: notes that the Co-operative Councils’ Innovation Network is a collaboration between local authorities who are committed to finding better ways of working for, and with, local people for the benefit of their local community. Further notes that this is a non-party political association of like-minded local authorities focused on policy development, innovation and advocacy. Understands that the network acts as vehicle for helping councils translate co-operative policy and principles into practice existing documentation; is funded by modest membership subscriptions from its member councils; is open to all UK Councils with a shared belief that working co-operatively with communities holds the key to tackling today’s challenges; and is a Special Interest Group registered with the Local Government Association, to promote innovation in local government. Council believes that as the lowest per head funded local authority in Scotland and at a time of reduced funding from the Scottish Government, that being a Co-operative Council would help maximise our impact to improve services for the residents and the city. Council agrees in a shared aspiration to become a Co-operative Council and asks the Chief Executive to bring forward a report in two cycles with a detailed breakdown of the specific actions necessary to realise this aspiration. This report will include what actions will be necessary to: a) Ensure that future procurement practices confirm to the ethical commitments contained in the membership of the network and b) Align the priorities of the Council to those of the network, plus any other germane considerations Arrange for a briefing to elected members on the principles of the Co-operative Councils Innovation Network.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - Edinburgh Leisure Must Pay the Real Living Wage By Councillor Campbell - Edinburgh Leisure Must Pay the Real Living Wage “Notes that Edinburgh is a Living Wage City. Further notes, with sadness, that Edinburgh Leisure, an arm’s length external organisation (ALEO) of the council, is no longer paying the real living wage to all staff. Council agrees that this is unacceptable and resolves to take action so that every member of staff working for an organisation owned by the council is paid at least the real living wage as agreed by the Living Wage Foundation. Council therefore asks the Chief Executive to bring forward a proposed route by which the council can, as shareholder, instruct Edinburgh Leisure to pay the real living wage to all staff, backdated to the start of this financial year. This should be reported to the next Policy and Sustainability committee for ratification. Council further instructs the chief executive to bring a report in two cycles to Policy and Sustainability which sets out the levers available to the council currently to ensure that all ALEOs pay the real living wage, and a plan for how this can be embedded in shareholder agreements as these are updated through the governance work being done on ALEO reform.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Council Tax By Councillor Lang - Council Tax “Council 1) notes that the SNP was first elected to government in 2007 on a pledge of ‘scrapping the unfair council tax’ but, 16 years on and despite holding a working majority in the Scottish Parliament for over half of its time in office, it has failed to deliver on this promise. 2) notes the new consultation from the SNP / Green coalition government on changes which, rather than scrapping council tax, would further embed council tax through an increase on bands E-H. 3) notes that, if implemented, people living in four in ten households in Edinburgh would see a rise in their council tax bills, some by as much as £800 every year. 4) notes how national policy means Edinburgh would only retain 55% of the additional money raised from these changes and that further ongoing cuts to the Council’s central grant means Edinburgh is unlikely to be any better off financially. 5) therefore calls on SNP and Green Party Ministers to scrap their proposals and instead respect the important role of local councils in delivering key services by ruling out any further cuts to local council grant funding, and begin a process of reversing the cuts they have chosen to impose on Edinburgh and other councils over recent years.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - After School Support for Pupils with Additional Support Needs (ASN) By Councillor Kumar - After School Support for Pupils with Additional Support Needs (ASN) “Council: 1) Notes that an operational decision was made to discontinue contract for providers of after school support for children with additional support needs. 2) Regrets that this decision was made and communicated to parents, carers, and families approximately two weeks before new school term starts causing a lot of worry and stress for vulnerable families. Further regrets that elected members were not made aware of this decision in a timeous manner. 3) Acknowledges that some provision has been reinstated. However, that either support workers have already been let go, or children and young people who had not already been accepted on to the scheme do not have their support back in place, and this represents around a third of families affected. 4) Recognises that earlier action, evaluation, and support to providers could have helped mitigate some of the challenges presented with. 5) Agrees that this vital service must not be wound down and makes a commitment to continue to provide ASN support, both as one to one provision for individual children, and through capacity building for after school clubs and childcare providers for this financial year at the level provided in previous financial years. 6) Agrees that all existing support arrangements will be honoured. 7) Agrees that the scheme must be open for new applications. 8) Agrees that although this amount of spending falls within delegated authority for officers it is clearly of strategic importance for some of the most vulnerable children in the city and therefore is politically sensitive, so any future decision about funding of this scheme must be explicitly brought in front of councillors by a report to committee or full council. 9) Agrees to receive a report to Education, Children and Families committee in 2 cycles detailing: a) Number of pupils impacted by the removal of this service (including new starts). b) Outline of KPIs and outcomes detailed in service provider contracts. c) Detail of how decisions were made culminating into service withdrawal including timeline and any engagement and support offered to service providers. d) What assurances have parents, carers, and families received around continuity of support and alternative arrangements. e) Detail how this programme will be reinstated, including timelines to ensure provision is in place for all children and young people affected. f) Include a copy of equalities impact assessment. g) Review of lessons learnt to protect future provisions.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mattos-Coelho - Asylum Seekers Right to Work By Councillor Mattos-Coelho - Asylum Seekers Right to Work “Council recognises that Lift the Ban is campaigning to restore the right to work for everyone waiting for more than 6 months for a decision on their asylum claim. Council further recognises that all people seeking protection in the UK should be able to work and make the most of their potential, to provide for themselves and their families, similar to Ukrainian refugees who do already have the right to work. Council further believes restrictions on right to work can lead to extremely poor mental health outcomes and waste of potentially invaluable talents and skills, both for the local economy and wider society. Council notes that since March this year the council’s own risk register has had workforce at critical and that this is unprecedented, with only one previous incidence during the height of the pandemic. Council believes that allowing people seeking asylum the right to work would lead to positive outcomes for individuals as well as benefiting public and private sector organisations in the city who are struggling with recruitment and retention. Council further notes that Scotland’s Urban AGE 2022 report supported by the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce alongside Glasgow and Aberdeen, called for immigration policy to be devolved to ensure cities and regions have access to the workforce they need to prosper and meet their workforce needs. Council welcomes that in 2022 the Shortage Occupational List was expanded to include positions like social care, nursing, opening the possibility of employment for people seeking asylum. Council also welcomes the UK Migration Advisory Council report in March 2023 into labour shortages in the construction and hospitality sectors and the potential use of the immigration system as a response, with a further report following a call for evidence due to be published this autumn. Council therefore agrees: · To confirm support for the Lift the Ban campaign and our belief that the right to work is a fundamental human right; · To formally join the Lift the Ban coalition alongside other local authorities, following the lead of Glasgow who joined earlier this year. · To request the Council Leader write to the UK Government to request that they give people seeking asylum the right to work, setting out the significant workforce pressures Edinburgh is currently facing.” Additional documents: |
Councillor Mattos Coelho - Employment Support for Refugees By Councillor Mattos Coelho - Employment Support for Refugees “Council: 1) Notes the serious issues from the UK Government affecting asylum seekers and refugees' ability to access employment but agrees the Council can help mitigate some of these impacts. 2) Notes the additional challenges faced by those who have fled their previously country or been displaced including but not limited to accessing proof of experience, qualifications, criminal record checks and some basic forms of ID. 3) Agrees therefore that the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee will receive a report in 3 cycles outlining the direct Council support open to asylum seekers and refugees to access employment and what scope there is for respective Council teams to identify and support refugees and asylum seekers overcome some of the likely barriers faced.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mattos Coelho - School Holidays Committee Meetings By Councillor Mattos Coelho - School Holidays Committee Meetings “Council notes that work is in progress to improve equal representation of elected members, with equality and diversity workshops taking place as well as several motions passed in this chamber, at least, since the beginning of this council term; Council agrees that carers, parents and grandparents of school age children should be able to balance their personal life with the demands of being a councillor, in order to give a much needed voice on policy making; Council therefore asks officers, when preparing the next council diary, to look to avoid any committee meetings within school holidays; Council further requests that officers review the current diary for the rest of the year and, where possible, bring back recommendations to alter the 3 committees meeting dates that clash with holiday periods: 18 September 2023 - Lothian Valuation Joint Board (Provisional) 7 May 2024 - Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee 20 May 2024 - Licensing Sub-Committee Council also asks conveners and committee services to avoid scheduling APMs during school holidays wherever possible.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Heap - Gorgie Farm Update By Councillor Heap - Gorgie Farm Update 1) That the Council invited the Edinburgh Council of Voluntary Organisations (EVOC) to develop a sustainable vision Gorgie Farm in March 2023. 2) The welcome work done so far by EVOC and the project Steering Group it has convened, including the appointment of a Project Manager and maintenance to the site. 3) Six months will shortly have passed since the project started. Council believes that: 4) It has a major interest in the project as it has been commissioned by the Council, is supported by Council funding; the farm is a Council-owned site, and also because the Farm is a much-loved institution across Edinburgh and beyond. 5) Councillors, therefore, should have regular updates on the work of the farm and opportunities to scrutinise work on the future of the farm done on behalf of the Council. 6) Local community groups and residents should have an opportunity to comment on the project’s work so far, and to speak to Councillors about their vision for the future of the Farm. Council therefore requests that: 7) Officers work with EVOC and the Gorgie Farm Steering Group to develop an update report to be presented to the Culture and Communities Commitee meeting scheduled for October 2023, with the report to include, but not be limited to, the following: a) Details of any maintenance of the farm site done since the commencement of the project. b) How the Project’s Steering Group was formed. c) The work of the Steering Group. d) Engagement with the local community. e) How a new model for the farm is being developed. f) When and how the Steering Group intends to recommend a way forward for the farm. g) When the Farm is likely to re-open to the public. h) How Council funding has been spent. 8) Officers invite a suitable representative(s) from EVOC and/or the Steering Group to speak to the report at the same meeting.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Nols-McVey - Reversing Damaging Council Cuts By Councillor Nols-McVey - Reversing Damaging Council Cuts “1) Notes the Council’s budget is now carrying a deficit of £600,000 following the cancellation of the change to the no compulsory redundancy policy approved in the February 2023 budget vote. Further notes the "best value service review" will show in-housing waste services is the most cost-effective and efficient method of waste collections delivering the best service for residents. This will add a further £500,000 deficit to the budget that will therefore mean a £1.1m additional gap is being funded through other actions either at the corporate or departmental level. 2) Further notes there are additional budget proposals in the Liberal Democrat budget, such as the decimation of the Education Welfare Officer team, which will remove support from the hardest to reach families across Edinburgh and agrees to treat this budget line the same way as the redeployment change that was passed in February. 3) Agrees the £400,000 cut to Education Welfare Officer (EWOs) must be reversed just as other budget proposals have been. 4) Agrees to receive a report on what actions the Chief Executive has taken to balance the budget, including any details of in-year savings requested of Directorates and any proposals that have come forward. 5) Agrees this report will set out how the cut to Education Welfare Officers can be reversed, along with a status report on the implementation of all other budget savings approved in the Liberal Democrat to enable Councillors to take further decisions to cancel damaging cuts.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Davidson - ASN Childcare Provision By Councillor Davidson - ASN Childcare Provision “Council Notes that: 1) The contract with Capability Scotland for additional ASN after school care provision was ended by officers on 31 July due to concerns that it was not delivering value for money. This followed two previous contract extensions. 2) Despite repeated extensions to the contract due to limited information being provided no update was provided to members of the Education, Children and Families Committee before the decision to end the provision was taken. 3) At the point of the contract ending the council did not have a list of families in receipt of support via the contract therefore many of the service users were not notified before the decision to end the contract was taken. Agrees: 4) That the decision to end this support represents a significant change in service delivery and therefore committee members should have been brought into the discussion before a decision was taken. 5) That families of children with ASN often face multiple challenges and have complex lives therefore any changes to services supporting them should be communicated clearly and efficiently. 6) That the council has a duty to ensure that taxpayers’ money is being spent efficiently therefore external contracts should always be scrutinised regularly to ensure value for money Therefore requests: 7) A verbal update from the service director to next week’s Education, Children and Families committee updating members on provision for affected families with a full report to come to the following meeting. 8) A further report to Governance, Risk and Best Value by the end of the year examining the various governance and best value issues surrounding this contract and the decision to end it.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mowat - Tram Project By Councillor Mowat - Tram Project “Council notes that the Tram project has been completed in the sense that trams are running the full length of the track from the Airport to Lindsay Road, but that there is outstanding work to be done and areas of road that have been affected by additional traffic carried because of works to permit the tram diversions and calls for: A report to Transport and Environment Committee in 3 cycles detailing: 1) To which Committee the outstanding defects will be reported; and how completion of these and tracking who is responsible for their remedy will be monitored, and who is picking up the bill; 2) An inspection of roads used by traffic carried because of tram diversions – what is their condition, is restoration needed; if so, who will pay for this and when the work is to be programmed; 3) The report schedule for the above matters to be considered by Committee.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mowat - Placing in School Appeals By Councillor Mowat - Placing in School Appeals “Council notes That in 2019 there was an Internal Audit carried out into School Admissions, Appeals and Capacity Planning which was reported to GRBV in July 2020. There were 3 red rated findings reported and whilst there are no outstanding actions being reported currently via GRBV, given the concerns expressed about the appeals process for this session including: 1) the lateness of hearing appeals this year – which did not start being heard until after the start of the summer holidays and therefore after the transition days had taken place increasing the stress for pupils, families and schools; 2) the resignation of a long-standing Chair who expressed grave concerns in their resignation letter about how the process was serving families and children; 3) the difficulty recruiting to the panels. Therefore, calls for a follow up report to Education, Children and Families Committee in one cycle detailing: a) whether all actions identified in the Audit have been completed and embedded in practice and what evidence supports this; b) Why the appeals did not begin to be heard until after the start of the summer holidays this year; c) A timescale for appeals for admission into 2024/2025 school year so that this year’s debacle can be avoided in the next academic session.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jones - After School Care Funding By Councillor Jones - After School Care Funding “Council notes: · The local authority entered into a contract with Capability Scotland in 2009 to support children with ASN (Additional Support Needs). · The annual cost of this contract was £190,000. · This contract was renewed every 3 years and the end date of the most recent contract was 31 March 2022. · The contract was extended to 30/06/23 and again to 31/07/23. · The contract with Capability Scotland has not now been renewed and this has impacted adversely on a number of families. Council regrets that those families affected only found out that the service is no longer available at a very late stage, leaving them unable to make alternative childcare arrangements in time for the beginning of the school year and causing great anxiety. Council requests a Report in one cycle – 1) to explain why the contract with Capability Scotland was terminated and why officers took so long to inform families. 2) to explain how the monies allocated to Capability Scotland were spent over each three-year period from the start date of the contract being awarded. 3) to detail what specific outcomes were achieved from the funding allocated to Capability Scotland. 4) to explain how Council ensured that public funds delivered best value. 5) to recommend what actions Council can take to help families access alternative services to provide their childcare needs. 6) to request what advice, training, and support is in place and will be shared with providers to enable them to offer a full service for all families.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Rae - Illegal Parking Disrupting Tram Operations By Councillor Rae - Illegal Parking Disrupting Tram Operations “Council: 1) Notes that there were 22 incidents of trams being delayed by illegally or irresponsibly parked vehicles in the period 7 June to 31 July 2023, and there have been further incidents in August; 2) Agrees that it unacceptable for illegally or irresponsibly parked vehicles to impede the city’s public transport infrastructure, that these incidents can have a significant negative impact on the reliability and journey times of our public transport network and can bring significant inconvenience to public transport users; 3) Notes that the council’s removal trucks are currently unable to operate near the tram line because of the overhead power cables; 4) Notes that, while the cost of a penalty charge notice (parking ticket / PCN) recently rose to £100, or £50 if paid within 14 days, that issuing a parking ticket does not remove the obstruction from the tram network; 5) Notes there are numerous designs of tow trucks in use in municipalities around the world, including wheel lift, hook and chain or flatbed trucks, which do not require an overhead lift and therefore may be safely operated near overhead lines; 6) Agrees that officers will urgently arrange to procure the use of one or more suitable vehicles to allow uplift of illegally or irresponsibly parked vehicles obstructing tram lines, and will ensure this service is available during tram operational hours; 7) Agrees that consideration will be given to additional measures to address the problem, including, but not limited to, consideration of: a) installation of physical barriers, such as bollards, correctly installed Sheffield cycle stands or planters at the worst-affected areas to prevent parking outside of a designated parking bay; b) increased use of parking attendants along the tram route, including travelling on trams, to facilitate enforcement; c) streamlined processes to allow members of the public to report potential breaches, and for this information to be passed timeously to parking attendants to allow enforcement; d) streamlined processes to allow photos and videos submitted by members of the public to be used in enforcement; 8) Agrees that Transport spokespeople and Leith and Leith Walk councillors will be offered a briefing from parking officers within the next month outlining progress to resolve this issue; 9) Agrees to receive a report to the next meeting of Transport and Environment Committee outlining progress to resolve this issue, and considering all the proposals outlined at paragraph 7) above, and considering whether the council's Parking Enforcement Protocol needs to be further updated to address this issue; 10) Agrees the Transport Convenor will write to Scottish Ministers requesting that powers to set penalty charge notices, powers to use CCTV installed on trams for enforcement, and powers to allow local authorities to use mobile phone footage submitted by the public for enforcement, should all be devolved to local authorities.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Day - Heart of Midlothian Football Club By Councillor Day - Heart of Midlothian Football Club “Council: Celebrates the 150th anniversary of Heart of Midlothian Football Club in 2024. Acknowledges the huge impact Heart of Midlothian Football Club have made to sport in the city and across the whole country, as the largest fan-owned club in the UK. Notes the positive economic impact the club provides for the city and the extensive charitable endeavours it undertakes including the Foundation of Hearts not for profit organisation, the Big Hearts Community Trust and the Hearts Memorial Garden, which offers a peaceful, contemplative space in which to remember those who have passed on. Agrees that Council officers work with officials from Heart of Midlothian Football Club to celebrate the 'Maroon Mile' which runs from the iconic war memorial at Haymarket to Tynecastle Park and arrange a programme of engagement and activities in recognition of this milestone. Calls for a report to the Transport and Environment Committee in one cycle to provide a detailed breakdown of this engagement.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Parker - Edinburgh's Circular Economy By Councillor Parker – Edinburgh’s Circular Economy “Council: 1) Welcomes the work of the Scottish Government and new legislation, the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill, that will introduce new powers to reduce waste and grow a green economy – namely additional enforcement powers to crack down on fly tipping and littering from cars. 2) Notes the Transport & Environment Committee approved a response to the Scottish Government's consultation which closes on 1st September 2023. 3) Further notes existing work by the Council to identify circular economy opportunities within the Economy Strategy, Edinburgh’s 2030 Climate Strategy and the upcoming Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy. 4) Understands that a circular economy is part of the solution to our climate and nature emergencies, shifting lifestyles and businesses away from a 'make, use, dispose' mindset. 5) Agrees that more work should be done now to ensure we meet our local recycling targets, reduce household and business waste and drastically reduce our city's carbon footprint. 6) Holds a roundtable discussion open to all interested members and relevant officers on how the city will deliver a circular economy including, but not limited to, the following: a) How we can establish closer links with the Circular Edinburgh scheme and ensure communication and dissemination of circular initiatives including outputs from the Scottish Business Sustainability Partnership b) How we will work closely with stakeholders, such as Edinburgh Remakery, Fresh Start, SHRUB (Zero Waste Hub), Zero Waste Scotland, to share best practice and accelerate progress to a circular economy. c) How we can work with appropriate enterprises to re-use or re-home ICT equipment, furniture, lighting and other electric products that would otherwise be sent to landfill d) How we can reduce our single-use plastic use in hospitality, events and festival settings and work with ALEOs and arms-length organisations to do the same. e) How we can use the space at the Forth Freeport to encourage and develop circular business models being established. 7) Following the discussion, requests a briefing for all elected members on how a circular economy can be delivered and how members can further promote, facilitate and enable a transition to a circular economy.”
Additional documents: |
By Councillor Day - LGBT Youth Scotland By Councillor Day - LGBT Youth Scotland “Council: Council notes the fantastic work of LGBT Youth Scotland in supporting equalities and inclusiveness across the City, by the provision of quality youth work to LGBTI young people that promoting health and wellbeing. Further notes the charity act as Scotland’s national charity for LGBTI young people, working with 13–25 year olds across the country and also deliver the LGBT Charter programme to schools, organisations and businesses. Supports the goal of LGBT Youth is to make Scotland the best place to grow up for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex young people. Notes that LGBT Youth recently opened their ‘Youthspace’ giving young people a safe space to meet and celebrate. Commends the work of LGBT Youth Scotland as they celebrate 20 years of support to the LGBT community and asks the Lord Provost to congratulate the charity in an appropriate way.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Day - Reverend Calum MacLeod, Minister of St Giles By Councillor Day - Reverend Calum MacLeod, Minister of St Giles “Council: Congratulates the work of the Reverend Calum MacLeod, Minister of the High Kirk of St Giles for his work presiding over the Memorial Service following the death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the National Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication to His Majesty King Charles III; Understands the Rev. MacLeod was the first new Minister at St Giles in 40 years and has been committed to referencing the role the High Kirk has played throughout Scotland in its almost 900-year history and to welcome those from all over the world; Believes the Rev. Macleod has acted as a positive role model for the city of Edinburgh during both high profile events; Agrees that the Lord Provost commends the dedication and service of the Rev. MacLeod in an appropriate manner.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor McFarlane - Tinderbox Collective By Councillor McFarlane - Tinderbox Collective “Council notes that Tinderbox Orchestra have just completed a sell-out run of performances at Edinburgh’s Central Library, featuring many musicians who got into music through the youth work and access to instruments provided by Tinderbox Collective. Council further notes that their instrument drive is still open, and donations of instruments in all conditions are welcome and will add to the growing collection available to be borrowed by young people from libraries across Edinburgh. Council understands that the event and wider programme has been supported by collaboration with CEC Community Librarian and poet Hannah Cooke who performed alongside the orchestra her new work inspired by community activist Dr. Helen Crummy who is remembered through a statue outside Craigmillar Library for her historic tireless campaign for access to music education for the children of Niddrie and Craigmillar. Council recognises the outstanding success of putting music and instrument provision in our cities libraries and commends Hannah for fostering the relationship between Tinderbox Collective and her library in addition to positively representing the work of the City of Edinburgh’s Library Service at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Council requests that the Lord Provost commends Tinderbox Collective for their success and community work in Edinburgh, in addition to recognising Hannah Cooke for her exemplary advocacy and work appropriately.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Craig's Road - Maybury Road Junction By Councillor Lang - Craig's Road - Maybury Road Junction – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Davidson's Mains Roundabout By Councillor Lang - Davidson's Mains Roundabout – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Queensferry Town Centre By Councillor Lang - Queensferry Town Centre – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Thornley - Wee Forests By Councillor Thornley - Wee Forests – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - Withdrawal of Services for After School Support for Pupils with Additional Support Needs – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor McFarlane - Lifelong Learning Staff By Councillor McFarlane - Lifelong Learning Staff – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - Car Useage in Edinburgh By Councillor Aston - Car Useage in Edinburgh – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Beal - Overhanging Foliage By Councillor Beal - Overhanging Foliage – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Thornley - Clermiston Road North Pedestrian Crossing By Councillor Thornley - Clermiston Road North Pedestrian Crossing – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Thornley - Turnhouse Road Bus Gate By Councillor Thornley - Turnhouse Road Bus Gate – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - Lifelong Learning Review By Councillor Campbell - Lifelong Learning Review -for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Nicolson - Stolperstein By Councillor Nicolson – Stolperstein – for answer by the Convener of the Policy and Sustainability Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor McKenzie - Eligibility Criteria for Discretionary Early Learning and Childcare – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Biagi - Class Sizes for P1 Pupils By Councillor Biagi - Class Sizes for P1 Pupils – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mowat - Parking Enforcement By Councillor Mowat - Parking Enforcement -for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Whyte - Short Term Let Licence Costs By Councillor Whyte - Short Term Let Licence Costs – for answer by the Convener of the Regulatory Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Whyte - CEC Void Properties By Councillor Whyte - CEC Void Properties – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bruce - Dalmahoy Junction - Land Ownership By Councillor Bruce - Dalmahoy Junction - Land Ownership – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bruce - Ratho Direct City Centre Bus Service By Councillor Bruce - Ratho Direct City Centre Bus Service – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Osler - Rotating Cones By Councillor Osler - Rotating Cones – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Osler - Micro-Asphalt Monitoring By Councillor Osler - Micro-Asphalt Monitoring – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Flannery - Edinburgh's City Centre LEZ By Councillor Flannery - Edinburgh's City Centre LEZ – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Caldwell - Tree Felling on HRA Land By Councillor Caldwell - Tree Felling on HRA Land – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Caldwell - Edinburgh Street Design Guidance 2015 and 2022 By Councillor Caldwell - Edinburgh Street Design Guidance 2015 and 2022 – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Davidson - Sexual Health Services in Edinburgh By Councillor Davidson - Sexual Health Services in Edinburgh – for answer by the Vice-Chair of the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Additional documents: |
By Councillor Dobbin - Garden Aid By Councillor Dobbin - Garden Aid – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Dobbin - Window Replacement By Councillor Dobbin - Window Replacement – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Whyte - Street Cleansing Obligations By Councillor Whyte - Street Cleansing Obligations – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jones - Standardised Attainment By Councillor Jones - Standardised Attainment – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jones - Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation Areas By Councillor Jones - Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation Areas – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jones - Free School Meals By Councillor Jones - Free School Meals – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mumford - Community Centre Communications By Councillor Mumford - Community Centre Communications – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Booth - Schools Offering Gaelic Learners Education (GLE) By Councillor Booth - Schools Offering Gaelic Learners Education (GLE) – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Booth - Size (in acres-hectares) of Each of the CEC's Secondary Schools By Councillor Booth - Size (in acres-hectares) of Each of the CEC's Secondary Schools – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
Resolution to Consider in Private The Council, is requested under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they would involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 8 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act. Minutes: The Committee, under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, excluded the public from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs [xx] of Part 1 of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.
Lauriston Castle Trust - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee |