Venue: Main Council Chamber - City Chambers
Contact: Gavin King
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
Declaration of interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
The City of Edinburgh Council of 31 August 2023 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: |
Leader’s report Additional documents: |
Appointments If any Additional documents: |
Governance Documentation PDF 409 KB Additional documents: |
Independent Inquiry and Whistleblowing Culture Review Update PDF 557 KB Additional documents: |
Resource to Appoint Interim Service Director Operations PDF 165 KB Additional documents: |
Proposed Cancellation of the City of Edinburgh Council Meeting of 23 November 2023 PDF 129 KB Additional documents: |
Annual Performance Report 2022/23 - referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee PDF 2 MB Annual Performance Report 2022/23 - referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee Additional documents: |
Connected Communities Edinburgh 2024-27 Grants Programme - referral from the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
2022-23 Capital Outturn, Month 3 Capital Monitoring and Revised 2023-33 Capital Budget Strategy - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
City of Edinburgh Council - Yearly Annual Audit Report to the Council and the Controller of Audit (Audited Annual Accounts ISA260) – referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
Treasury Management Annual Report 2022/23 - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
Edinburgh Living – Acquisition of Homes 2023/2024 - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Day - RAAC in the Council Estate By Councillor Day - RAAC in the Council Estate “Recognises the swift response from Council officers to investigate the risks to the council estate and where appropriate initiate action. Notes that the Council Leader has already written to the Scottish and UK Governments and to COSLA, for additional funding as the RAAC issue is likely to affect not just housing stock but schools, community centres and other buildings across the Council estate and our ALEOs. Further notes the use of RAAC in local authority buildings across the whole UK. Instructs a report back to the Finance and Resources Committee in 2 cycles on the timescale for any remedial work, and in the interim to provide any updates in the Business Bulletin and/or Member’s Briefing where appropriate.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - Labour Campaign Event By Councillor Campbell - Labour Campaign Event “1) Council notes an electoral campaign event for the Edinburgh East and Edinburgh North and Leith Labour election campaigns took place in City Chambers on September 7th 2023. 2) Council notes the use of Council facilities in this way is likely to be contrary to the Councillors’ Code of Conduct as set out by the Chief Executive on September 11th 2023 in writing stating that Councillors should not use Council resources “for any party political or campaigning activities or matters relating to these”. Further notes this could be a potential breach of the Local Government Act 1986. 3) Further recognises this also could constitute an impermissible donation to the respective campaigns of the candidates present under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000. 4) Council agrees this brings the council into disrepute and therefore requests that the Chief Executive refers all councillors present to the Commissioner for Ethical Standards on behalf of the Council in order for this to be investigated fully. 5) Council further agrees the Chief Executive refer all evidence held by the Council (including diary records and emails) to the Commissioner for Ethical Standards. 6) The Chief Executive should also refer evidence to the Electoral Commission and the Police in order that they may investigate further, as appropriate, whether electoral law has been breached in relation to the two parliamentary campaigns.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Davidson - Edinburgh Safe Consumption Room By Councillor Davidson - Edinburgh Safe Consumption Room “Council, Recognises the critical importance of addressing the ongoing public health crisis of drug deaths in light of recent figures showing increased deaths in Edinburgh. At the same time, Scotland overall had seen a decrease in fatalities. Welcomes the recent advice published by the Lord Advocate regarding the legal status of Safe Consumption Rooms, wherein she stated she ‘would be prepared to publish a prosecution policy that it would not be in the public interest to prosecute drug users for simple possession offences committed within a pilot safer drugs consumption facility.’ Notes the guarantee given by the Secretary of State for Scotland, Alister Jack, who stated ‘if the Scottish Government and the Lord Advocate decide to proceed with a pilot and on DCRs, drugs consumption rooms, the UK Government will not intervene.’ Therefore, this council: 1) Reaffirms its commitment in June 2022 to support the principle of a safe consumption room for Edinburgh. 2) Commits to support rapid action on the feasibility study that is due to the next Policy and Sustainability Committee 3) Commits to working with the Alcohol and Drugs Partnership and IJB to ensure that any such facility has a sound financial footing. 4) Requests the council leader to write to the Scottish Government requesting their support for an Edinburgh Safe Consumption Room,” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Davidson - Sexual Health Services in Edinburgh By Councillor Davidson - Sexual Health Services in Edinburgh “Council Notes: 1) In response to Question 25 at the meeting of the Council on 31 August 2023 it was confirmed that only 11-13% of online requests for sexual health testing kits were met by Lothian Sexual & Reproductive Health Services (LSRHS). 2) LSRHS have resumed face to face testing for those without symptoms in response to these concerning figures. 3) That the online ordering was part of a national pilot which ended in August. Agrees 4) Access to sexual health testing should be available and accessible to everyone that wants it within a short period of time. 5) That ideally online ordering of tests will continue but this option should only be pursued if it is properly resourced and available. Requests: 6) That in light of the review following the end of the national pilot a briefing note should be provided to council IJB representatives and members of policy and sustainability within the next three months on the availability of tests and appointments within Lothian Sexual & Reproductive Health Services (LSRHS).” Additional documents: |
By Councillor McKenzie - Retail, Trades and Business Parking Permits - Places of Worship By Councillor McKenzie - Retail, Trades and Business Parking Permits - Places of Worship “Council - Notes: 1) The vital role that places of worship play in our communities, not just for their own members, but frequently in the provision of space and support for the wider community. 2) The challenges experienced by places of worship in the face of ongoing reductions in regular attendance, and the consequent requirement for those who manage places of worship to travel between multiple venues as part of their working day. 3) That the Strategic Parking Review is introducing Controlled Parking Zones into areas of the city where places of worship are among the only community spaces available. 4) The Retail, Trades and Business Parking Permits policy excludes places of worship from access to parking permits. 5) This means, for example, that Tobacconists, Letting Agents and Clairvoyants qualify for parking permits, but Church Ministers do not. Agrees: 6) That a report be presented to the Transport and Environment Committee on 16th November 2023 on amending the Retail, Trades and Business Parking Permits policy for all Peripheral and Extended Zones to include places of worship.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor McKenzie - Early Years By Councillor McKenzie - Early Years “Council – Notes: 1) The Business Bulletin presented to the Education, Children and Families Committee on 5th September 2023 contains an item titled ‘Early Years Change Programme’ which states, in full: “In order to achieve best value and the highest quality of service delivery, the model for provision of early learning and childcare is due to be submitted to the council’s change programme to be included as one of the key portfolios for change.” 2) The ‘Revenue Monitoring 2023/24 – month three report’, presented to the same committee meeting states: “A further reduction of £6.0m in ringfenced Scottish Government funding for Early Years following the transition to a fully needs-based allocation methodology has contributed to in-year pressure of £3.5m”. 3) That no further details of either the proposed changes to delivery of early learning and childcare, or the reduction in funding to Early Years have been provided to Committee. Agrees: 4) That the development of the changes to the delivery of early learning and childcare alongside substantial cuts to the budget of the service requires close scrutiny from elected members. 5) That a report will be presented to the Education, Children and Families Committee of 7th November 2023 which will include: a) Details of changes to the model for provision of early learning and childcare being submitted to the Council’s ‘change programme’, along with an outline of the engagement that led to the proposals and a schedule for the process of assessing the potential impacts of these changes. b) Further information on the reduction in ringfenced Scottish Government funding for Early Years, including details of when and how this reduction was communicated to the Council, and an outline of the specific steps being proposed to bridge the resulting funding gap. c) Further information on changes to the allocation of discretionary early years places, including on how the decision was made to change the allocation process and how the impacts of the change are being assessed.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Day - Tram Inquiry By Councillor Day - Tram Inquiry “Council: Notes Lord Hardie has published his Tram Inquiry findings. Notes its extensive nature, cost and lengthy timescale. Requests a report on these findings and implications to the November Transport and Environment Committee, then to the December Full Council meeting as a matter of urgency.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Macinnes - Devolution of Workers Rights By Councillor Macinnes - Devolution of Workers Rights “Council welcomes the Unite motion at the recent Trades Union Congress which supported the devolution of employment law to the Scottish Parliament. Council notes the TUC General Council has agreed to campaign for devolution of employment law as well as repealing all Tory anti-trade union laws including the Strikes Bill and the Trade Union Act 2016. Council further notes comments of the STUC General Secretary, Roz Foyer: 'It's clear, especially to any incoming UK Labour government, that the voices of workers across the country now support the Scottish Parliament having full autonomy over labour and employment rights.' Therefore, requests that the Council Leader writes to the leaders of all parties at Holyrood and the four main parties in Westminster expressing Edinburgh council's support for the STUC position, explicitly supporting the devolution of employment law to the Scottish Parliament. This would allow the Scottish Government to make further progress, in collaboration with the trade unions, in overcoming the current lack of current powers in these areas.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mowat - Digital Connectivity Old Town By Councillor Mowat - Digital Connectivity Old Town “Council notes that certain areas of the Old Town do not have access to fibre broadband from any provider (Openreach, City Fibre, Virgin Media and Hyperoptic) and are left to rely on single digit standard broadband that requires a phone line and is below the USO*: (*"Universal Service Obligation: A Universal Service Obligation for broadband was launched in 2020. Regulated by Ofcom, everyone in the UK has a legal right to request a broadband connection of at least 10Mbps.") That We Link was providing broadband services until they withdrew in August 2023 leaving large areas to rely on single digit broadband and inadequate mobile data coverage which struggles to provide a service when the Old Town is busy; That reliable and affordable broadband or fibre is a necessary utility for residents and businesses who struggle to serve customers during busy peaks and that there was very poor data coverage during the Festival which impacts negatively on residents, businesses and visitors despite data boosters being put in place; Requests a report in two cycles to GRBV on: 1) the withdrawal of We Link; 2) information on provision of broadband/fibre given UK and Scottish Government commitments to provide full fibre coverage and the governance on delivering this; and 3) Information on whether there is a role for the Council to work with fibre and broadband providers and telecoms companies to improve coverage.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Jones - More Public Toilets for Portobello By Councillor Jones - More Public Toilets for Portobello “Council Notes that Portobello is one of the most popular destinations for the city of Edinburgh residents and for tourists and attracts large numbers of visitors each year, especially in the summer months. In very good weather the beach and the Promenade are extremely crowded, and it is estimated that on any given day there could be many thousands of visitors. Notes that there are only two sets of public toilets, one in Bath Street, which is not on the Promenade and visitors have to travel the full length of the street to access them. The other is at the far end of the Promenade past the Tower Amusements. Notes that the public toilet facilities in Bath Street, which are in need of upgrading, fall far short of the facilities required to cope with such large numbers of visitors. Notes that owners of cafes and restaurants on the Promenade are usually full to capacity during the summer months and that for visitors to ask to use their facilities puts an impossible strain on these businesses. Notes that businesses have refused entry to visitors who are not customers, and this has sometimes resulted in anti-social behaviour and some members of the public urinating in public spaces. Council, therefore, requests that a report be submitted in one cycle to examine the feasibility and cost of building new public toilets and shower facilities in a location which is situated in a central position on the Promenade and close to the beach.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Munro - Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month By Councillor Munro - Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month “Council Notes that November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. Pancreatic cancer is often discovered at an advanced stage, making it one of the deadliest cancers. While survival rates have improved enormously for most cancers. Sadly, for pancreatic cancer, this is not the case. Currently, more than half of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer die within three months. Council notes that Pancreatic cancer can be difficult to diagnose because it doesn’t usually cause many specific symptoms in the early stages, and symptoms can be quite vague. Council agrees there is a need to improve survival rates of pancreatic cancer by ensuring more people are diagnosed early and that everyone has access to effective treatments, support, information, and care. Council further agrees to highlight Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month throughout our public buildings through signage, leaflets, and information. The aim being to improve survival rates from pancreatic cancer by ensuring more people are diagnosed early and that everyone has access to effective treatments, support, information, and care.“ Additional documents: |
By Councillor Arthur - City Chambers Quadrangle Operations By Councillor Arthur - City Chambers Quadrangle Operations “Council: Notes and welcomes the increased use of the City Chambers Quadrangle for public events, not least weddings. Agrees, however, that this adds to the risk of injury due to the number of drivers entering the Quadrangle. Reminds Councillors & Staff that City Chambers car parking is for essential users only, and that taxis should normally be called to the High Street unless the user has a mobility problem. Notes that the City Chambers bike racks are often full and do not accommodate non-standard bikes. Notes the lack of changing facilities in the City Chambers. Agrees that options to improve pedestrian safety & cycling parking at the City Chambers, and the surrounding area, including appropriate facilities, should be reported to the Finance and Revenue Committee by March 2024 Agrees that any options should not result in the loss of pedestrian space and must respect the civic use of the City Chambers and heritage value of the area.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Faccenda - Edinburgh School Uniform Bank By Councillor Faccenda - Edinburgh School Uniform Bank “Council notes and congratulates the invaluable work being carried out by the Edinburgh School uniform Bank which was established in 2015 as the Edinburgh Back to School Bank. Council recognises the essential role the Edinburgh School Uniform Bank serves in ensuring that all Edinburgh school pupils have access to new and good as new school clothes and the uniform packs they provide help give children the dignity to attend school without being self-conscious and that this makes an enormous difference to their inclusion in school life and that in providing this help the ESUB are collecting essential data on families in Edinburgh and the impact of the cost of living crisis. Council recognises that although some families qualify for the School Clothing Grant the application process is complicated and some families remain unaware of its existence and of their eligibility to both this and holiday payments and that many families are failing to qualify for School Clothing Grants by as little as £20 and that although we welcome the provision of free school meals for all P1-5 and would like to see this extended to all school children, there are some families who do not realise they still have to apply so they will receive their clothing grant and holiday payments. Council requests that a report should be brought to Education, Children and Families Committee in two cycles detailing: · How many families in P1-5 are eligible but are not receiving their clothing grant and/or holiday payments · How earlier opening of the application process can help families get everything ready for the new school term · How we can ensure families with NRPF are aware of the ESUB and that they can use its services. · How the application for the School clothing Grant can be simplified and made more accessible including running sessions in schools prior to the end of term. · Where schools already have uniform banks and how those can work in partnership with ESUB and have access to more stock.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor O'Neill - Gaelic Medium Education Secondary School - Potential Use of Police Scotland Site By Councillor O’Neill - Gaelic Medium Education Secondary School - Potential Use of Police Scotland Site “Council: 1) notes that in a report to Education, Children and Families Committee on 20 September 2022, the potential to use the Police Scotland headquarters at Fettes for a possible future Gaelic Medium Education (GME) high school was ruled out, on the basis that Police Scotland were still using the site; 2) notes comments by James Gray, Police Scotland’s Chief Financial Officer, in evidence to the Scottish Parliament's Criminal Justice Committee on 13 September 2023 stating that reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) had been found in the Police Headquarters building at Fettes, and that Police Scotland were therefore looking to start a consultation on "exiting" Fettes; 3) believes that, while it is likely Police Scotland will be expecting a capital receipt for the site, nonetheless the potential for assistance from the Scottish Government in exploring the feasibility of transferring part of the Police Scotland HQ to the council to be used as a future GME secondary should be further explored; 4) therefore agrees that the council leader will write to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and the Chief Constable of Police Scotland seeking an urgent discussion on the feasibility of using part of the Fettes site for a future GME High School for the capital.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - Josh Kerr By Councillor Cowdy - Josh Kerr “Council notes: Britain's Josh Kerr produced a stunning run to take 1,500m gold at the World Championships in Budapest. Council further notes Josh’s early membership of Edinburgh Athletics Club and his proven commitment to promoting athletics in the city through recent visits supporting various local clubs. In what was an incredible race that replicated the success of another Edinburgh runner at last year’s World Championships in Oregon, the 25-year-old produced a brilliant final burst to pass Olympic champion Jakob Ingebrigtsen and clinch the title in 3 minutes 29.38 seconds. He is now the second Edinburgh man to win the world 1,500m title for Great Britain in as many years and comes on the back of his bronze medal in the Tokyo Olympics in 2021. Council acknowledges the incredible athletic performance of yet another Edinburgh runner and asks that the Lord Provost celebrates this world champion in an appropriate manner.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Arthur - Scotland's Best Bus Drivers By Councillor Arthur - Scotland's Best Bus Drivers “Notes that Gary Black (Lothian Buses) and Thomas Gilhooley (East Coast Buses) finished second and third respectively out of 119 entries at the 55th National Final of the UK Bus Driver of the Year Competition which took place in Blackpool on Sunday 3 September. Notes that Gary also won prizes for Best Driver from a Scottish Depot and Best Placed Finisher by an Association of Local Bus Company Managers Member. Notes that this follows Lothian bus driver, Adam Stitt, winning the UK Bus Driver of the Year at the 53rd National Final in 2019. Congratulates Gary & Thomas for the skill and commitment they have shown to be ranked so highly in such a fiercely contested competition which fundamentally focuses on running a safe and accessible bus service and commends Lothian Buses for running their award winning fleet. Asks that the Lord Provost finds an appropriate way to congratulate Gary & Thomas for being recognised as Scotland's best bus drivers.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron - International Day of the Girl By Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron - International Day of the Girl “Council: Notes the 11th anniversary of the United Nations International Day of the Girl takes place on 11th October 2023; Agrees that achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is integral to each of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals; and only by securing the rights of women and girls across all goals can justice and inclusion, economies which work for all, and the sustaining of our shared environment now and for future generations be achieved. Supports efforts which highlight and address issues affecting girls such as gender inequality, education, nutrition, and medical care; and the provision of more opportunities for girls to have their voices heard locally, nationally and on the global stage. Recognises that given the skills and opportunities, girls can drive progress to make communities stronger for everyone, including women, boys, and men. Commends the work of organisations like SHE Scotland which support girls and young women to become more empowered, supported, aspirational and improve their life chances. Asks that awareness of the UN International Day of the Girl be promoted and raised through Council channels.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Munro - Opening of the Eric Liddell Gym By Councillor Munro - Opening of the Eric Liddell Gym “That Edinburgh City Council congratulates the opening of The Eric Liddell Gym at the University of Edinburgh Pleasance Sports Complex named in honour of Eric Liddell, Paris 1924 Olympic gold medallist and University of Edinburgh alumnus. Notes the refurbishment coincides with the beginning of a new awareness drive launched by The Eric Liddell Community – a group set up to celebrate the athlete. Called Eric Liddell 100 – and timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of his medal winning run in Paris – the campaign brings together a programme of events and activities to recognise and celebrate his life and achievements. Track athlete Liddell, whose life was celebrated in the film Chariots of Fire, set a British sprint record in 1923 that stood for 35 years. A sporting all-rounder, he also played rugby for Scotland. He became a missionary in China in 1925, following his Olympic success. The new gym was opened by Liddell's niece, Sue Caton.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Ross - Parking Attendants and Parking Regulations PDF 12 KB By Councillor Ross - Parking Attendants and Parking Regulations – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Ross - 20MPH Speed Limit Implementation PDF 12 KB By Councillor Ross - 20MPH Speed Limit Implementation – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Improve Bus Services in Edinburgh PDF 11 KB By Councillor Lang - Improve Bus Services in Edinburgh – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Young - Play Parks PDF 14 KB By Councillor Young - Play Parks for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Beal - Corstorphine Connections Data PDF 11 KB By Councillor Beal - Corstorphine Connections Data – for answer by the Convene r of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Dijkstra-Downie - Repeat Surface Treatment Following Use of Defective Micro-asphalt – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Dijkstra-Downie -School Crossing Patrol Vacancies PDF 11 KB By Councillor Dijkstra-Downie -School Crossing Patrol Vacancies – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - Additional Support Needs PDF 58 KB By Councillor Kumar - Additional Support Needs – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - Connected Edinburgh Grants Programme PDF 11 KB By Councillor Kumar - Connected Edinburgh Grants Programme – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - Edinburgh Leisure Real Living Wage PDF 14 KB By Councillor Campbell - Edinburgh Leisure Real Living Wage – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - Empty Council Houses North East Edinburgh PDF 11 KB By Councillor Aston - Empty Council Houses North East Edinburgh – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - Hovercraft Service between Leith and Kirkcaldy PDF 11 KB By Councillor Aston - Hovercraft Service between Leith and Kirkcaldy – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor McFarlane - Labour Campaign Event PDF 11 KB By Councillor McFarlane - Labour Campaign Event – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor McNeese-Mechan - Labour Campaign Event PDF 11 KB By Councillor McNeese-Mechan - Labour Campaign Event – for answer by the Depute Convener Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - Labour Campaign Event PDF 11 KB By Councillor Kumar - Labour Campaign Event – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Nicolson - Labour Campaign Event PDF 11 KB By Councillor Nicolson - Labour Campaign Event – for answer by the Vice Chair of the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Additional documents: |
By Councillor Macinnes - Labour Campaign Event PDF 11 KB By Councillor Macinnes - Labour Campaign Event – for answer by the Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Key - Labour Campaign Event PDF 11 KB By Councillor Key - Labour Campaign Event – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - Labour Campaign Event PDF 11 KB By Councillor Aston - Labour Campaign Event – for answer by the Convener of the Planning Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - Labour Campaign Event PDF 11 KB By Councillor Aston - Labour Campaign Event – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Dobbin - Labour Campaign Event PDF 12 KB By Councillor Dobbin - Labour Campaign Event – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - Marionville Road Speed Reduction Measures PDF 10 KB By Councillor Aston - Marionville Road Speed Reduction Measures – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - School Equipment PDF 12 KB By Councillor Campbell - School Equipment – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Dobbin - Taiwan Costs PDF 48 KB By Councillor Dobbin - Taiwan Costs – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Rust - Road Safety Team PDF 50 KB By Councillor Rust - Road Safety Team – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bruce - Ratho Bus Subsidies PDF 14 KB By Councillor Bruce - Ratho Bus Subsidies – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mitchell - Zone 5 (344) PDF 11 KB By Councillor Mitchell - Zone 5 (344) – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mumford - Connected Community Grants Fund PDF 50 KB By Councillor Mumford - Connected Community Grants Fund – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor O'Neill - Gender Split PDF 91 KB By Councillor O'Neill - Gender Split – for answer by the Convener of the Policy and Sustainability Committee Additional documents: |
Resolution to Consider in Private The Sub-Committee, is requested under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they would involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act. Minutes: The Committee, under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, excluded the public from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs [xx] of Part 1 of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.
Connected Communities Edinburgh 2024-27 Grants Programme - referral from the Education, Children and Families Committee Connected Communities Edinburgh 2024-27 Grants Programme - referral from the Education, Children and Families Committee |