Agenda and minutes

Venue: Main Council Chamber - City Chambers

Contact: Gavin King 


No. Item


Order of Business

Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.

Additional documents:


Declaration of interests

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.

Additional documents:



If any

Additional documents:


Minute of Special Meeting of 27 June 2024 pdf icon PDF 117 KB

The City of Edinburgh Council Special Meeting of 27 June 2024 – submitted for approval as a correct record

Additional documents:


Minute of 27 June 2024 (Main Meeting) pdf icon PDF 1 MB

The City of Edinburgh Council of 27 June 2024 – submitted for approval as a correct record

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Leader's Report pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Leader’s report

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Appointments to Committees, Working Groups and Organisations pdf icon PDF 94 KB

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Executive Appointments

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Committee Best Practice Guide Annual Review 2024 pdf icon PDF 843 KB

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Prohibition of Council and ALEO Use of Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act Work Notices pdf icon PDF 99 KB

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Office of the Lord Provost: Year 2 Annual Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 291 KB

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Rolling Actions Log pdf icon PDF 176 KB

Rolling Actions Log – May 2015 to June 2024

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Request for Funding for the International Fairtrade Towns Conference 2025 pdf icon PDF 297 KB

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City Art Centre Display of Jean F. Watson Bust pdf icon PDF 75 KB

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Roseburn to Union Canal Active Travel Route and Green Corridor – Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) pdf icon PDF 13 MB

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Edinburgh Workplace Parking Levy - Engagement Results - referral from the Transport and Environment Committee pdf icon PDF 677 KB

Edinburgh Workplace Parking Levy – Engagement Results - referral from the Transport and Environment Committee

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Future Libraries - Progress Update - referral from the Culture and Communities Committee pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Future Libraries - Progress Update - referral from the Culture and Communities Committee

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Low Emission Zone Summer 2024 Update - referral from the Transport and Environment Committee pdf icon PDF 512 KB

Low Emission Zone Summer 2024 Update - referral from the Transport and Environment Committee

Additional documents:


Forth Green Freeport - Full Business Case - referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee pdf icon PDF 838 KB

Forth Green Freeport - Full Business Case - referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Booth - Two-child Benefits Limit and UK Child Poverty Strategy

By Councillor Booth - Two-child Benefits Limit and UK Child Poverty Strategy


1)         Notes that the two-child limit on universal credit and tax credits was introduced by the Tory UK Government in 2017;

2)         Notes that, according to the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG), “The two-child limit breaks the link between what children need and the support they receive. Removing the two-child limit would lift 300,000 children out of poverty and mean 800,000 children are in less deep poverty”;

3)         Notes that the Resolution Foundation states that reversing the two-child limit would be, “one of the most efficient ways to drive down child poverty rates”, while the Poverty Alliance note that the failure of the Labour UK Government to include a commitment to ending the two-child limit in the King’s Speech means, “millions across the UK will still face the same policies and rules that have kept them in poverty under the last government.”

4)         Agrees the two-child cap should be ended as soon as possible, as a first step to developing an effective UK strategy on ending child poverty.

5)         Therefore agrees that the council leader will write to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Liz Kendall, urging her to end the two-child limit as soon as possible, as a first step to developing an effective strategy on ending child poverty.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Lang - Two-child Benefits Cap

By Councillor Lang - Two-child Benefits Cap


1)         notes the strategic priority set out in the Council’s business plan to “take the local actions needed to end poverty in this city.”

2)         notes the recommendation within the final report of the Edinburgh Poverty Commission that the UK Government should lift the 2-child limit benefits cap, a position repeated in 2023 End Poverty in Edinburgh Annual Progress Report.

3)         therefore, calls on the new UK Labour Government to immediately remove the two-child limit on universal credit.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Rae - Flying the Palestinian Flag

By Councillor Rae - Flying the Palestinian Flag

“1)        Council recognises that the flying of flags from the City Chambers can be an important way to express solidarity with oppressed peoples, and communicate the values of the council, for example through flying the progress pride and Ukrainian flags;

2)         Therefore following support of Edinburgh Council for a permanent, bilateral ceasefire in Palestine, and the recognition of the State of Palestine, Council agrees that the Palestine flag should be flown from the City Chambers, starting immediately;

3)         In acknowledgment of the potential conflicting requirements related to flag-flying, agrees that the Palestine flag should be flow, as a minimum, from Fridays to Mondays inclusive, and that this practice should continue until there is an internationally recognised bilateral ceasefire.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Kumar - Two Child Benefit Cap

By Councillor Kumar - Two Child Benefit Cap



1)         That more than 1 in every 5 children across the city live in relative poverty which is approximately 17,000 children.

2)         Council notes the findings of the Child Poverty Action Group that children growing up in poverty are more likely to suffer from Asthma and other childhood diseases and more likely to experience poor health in later life.  Further, children in poverty are more likely to have poor mental health and are at higher risk of psychological distress. 

3)         The Conservative Party introduced the devastating policy to cap Universal Credit and tax credits for families to two-children only forcing families into poverty during the worse cost-of-living-crisis. Shamefully, families can only claim for a third or subsequent child by requiring women to prove that a third child was a result of rape. The Labour Government had an opportunity to scrap this and chose to continue this abhorrent Tory policy.


4)         The value of the Scottish Government’s Child Payment and the impact it has had in lifting an estimated 90,000 children out of poverty – thereby giving them significantly better life chances. Parents in receipt of the Scottish Child Payment consider it a vital lifeline for them and their families.

5)         The recommendations of the Edinburgh Poverty Commission as previously agreed which stipulates our ambition that no one should feel stigmatised, abandoned, or treated with less respect by the city as a result of their income or their wealth.


6)         For council to reject the choice of not rescinding this abominable policy and is dismayed that all Scottish Labour MPs voted to support its retention.

7)         For Council Leader to write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the strongest and most robust terms setting out Edinburgh’s position in line with the Poverty Commission’s recommendations and to emphasise the vital importance of rescinding the policy in order to support better outcomes for our children. Further agrees to share this letter with elected members for information.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Hyslop - Voter Suppression in UK General Elections

By Councillor Hyslop - Voter Suppression in UK General Elections


Notes that ‘Voter ID’ was introduced by the Conservative Government through the Elections Act of 2022 requiring citizens to produce a photographic Voter ID in order to cast their vote.

Notes that this was merely an attempt to boost election chances as explicated by former minister, Jacob Rees-Mogg.

It is estimated that this redundant scheme could cost the tax - payer up to £180,000,000 over a decade accounting for increased costs in staffing, equipment, training, certification, and so on.

Council therefore requires the Council Leader to write to the Prime Minister, condemning the requirement for Voter ID in UK General Elections as overt Voter Suppression and demanding that this odious element of the Elections Act 2022 be repealed at the earliest opportunity.

Council agrees that requiring Voter ID leads to discriminate against some protected groups for example, old age pensioners, ethnic minority communities, people with physical and learning disabilities. racial and disabilities.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Kumar - Community Safety Against Riots and Hate Crime

By Councillor Kumar - Community Safety Against Riots and Hate Crime


Condemns in the strongest terms the acts of violence and riots occurring across the UK. Such actions threaten the safety, security, and wellbeing of all citizens and must be unequivocally denounced.

Expresses solidarity with ethnic minority, asylum seeker, and refugee communities, recognising the unique challenges they face and affirming our unwavering support for their rights and safety. The Committee is committed to ensuring that communities are heard, respected and protected at all times.

Recognises that Edinburgh, as a diverse and welcoming capital, embodies the values of inclusivity and tolerance. We stand firm in our commitment to uphold and champion these principles, ensuring that all residents and visitors feel safe and respected.

Acknowledges the ongoing collaborative efforts with key stakeholders, including Police Scotland, NHS Lothian, Edinburgh Interfaith, and other community partners. These partnerships are crucial in our mission to safeguard the welfare of all residents and to foster a community environment that prioritises safety and mutual respect.

Ensures readiness of the Council to respond promptly and effectively to any similar unrest that may occur in Scotland. This includes bolstering our emergency response strategies, enhancing communication with community leaders, elected members, education institutions, festival organisers, and other stakeholders, and providing necessary information and support to maintain peace and order.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Nicolson - Cut in Pensioner Winter Fuel Allowance

By Councillor Nicolson - Cut in Pensioner Winter Fuel Allowance

“Council notes with dismay that the Chancellor of the Exchequer has chosen to remove the Winter Fuel Allowance from pensioners who do not claim Pension Credit – impacting an estimated 800,000 pensioners.

Council recognises that there is an increased risk of pushing pensioners into poverty and works directly in conflict with the recommendations of the Edinburgh Poverty Commission.

Following a £160 million cut to funding, Scotland is now being forced to replicate this decision and restrict payments to pensioners who receive eligible benefits. Council further notes that, as widely reported, there was no consultation with the Scottish Government.

Given the prediction of more severe Scottish winter, the council agrees that employees actively promote, signpost, and assist in the uptake of pension credits and all eligible benefits whenever possible.

Council instructs the Council Leader to write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer highlighting the dangerous impact on many Edinburgh pensioners of this choice and asking her assurance that she will provide additional funding to cover those ‘pensioners in peril’ to be made available to the Scottish Government in the October budget.

Council agrees that this letter will be shared with all elected members for information and that an update will be provided as part of existing reports scheduled at Policy and Sustainability Committee under End Poverty in Edinburgh progress report.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Dobbin - Cancellation of Edinburgh University Exascale Super Computer

By Councillor Dobbin - Cancellation of Edinburgh University Exascale Super Computer

“1)        “Council notes that the Labour Manifesto for the General Election made much of their pledge to Kickstart Economic Growth through the innovation and expertise of UK research institutions in order to keep the UK at the forefront of global innovation, with particular reference to the development of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) sector.

2)         Council is extremely proud that Edinburgh University has been at the forefront of nationally strategic computing and AI developments since the University established research hubs in those disciplines 60 years ago.

3)         Council further notes that Edinburgh University was selected as the preferred location for the Exascale Computer – which would have been only one of a handful of its kind in the world - the University being renowned for its depth of global talent in computer science and AI, hosting the UK’s current national supercomputer, ARCHER2.

4)         It is therefore with extreme disappointment and regret that Council notes that in her first acts as Chancellor, Rachel Reeves chose to cancel the planned £800 million investment for Edinburgh University in an Exascale Supercomputer.  Particularly since the University’s new £31 million Advanced Computing Facility makes Edinburgh one of the few places in all of Europe able to host a computer of such enormous scale.

5)         Council therefore agrees for the Council Leader to write to the Chancellor, the Prime Minster and all Edinburgh MPs to challenge the decision and seek assurance that Edinburgh University, as the leading R&D centre in strategic computing and AI developments will have the funding restored to ensure the UK’s leading position in AI research and development.

6)         Further agrees that this letter should be shared with elected members for information.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Day - George IV Bridge

By Councillor Day - George IV Bridge


Notes the continued delays in one of the city’s premier streets, due to excessive delays in development and refurbishment to the former G&V hotel on Geroge IV bridge.

Additionally notes key traffic, pedestrian and cycles routes have been out of action for around five years, and this delay represents a blight on the local historic environment.

Further notes that despite assurance from officers no further progress has been made.

Calls for an urgent report to the Transport and Environment Committee, on the shortest timescale possible, to return the footpath and road network back into proper usage.

Further calls for the report to include what actions have been taken, what penalties have been applied and a timeline for the full reinstatement of road and footpaths to the city.

Finally calls for a policy statement on charging developers for over run and or excessive use of our active travel networks and roadways.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron - The Moonwalk Scotland - 7 September 2024

By Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron – The Moonwalk Scotland – 7 September 2024


Notes that the Walk The Walk " uniting against breast cancer" charity is organising The MoonWalk Scotland 2024 which takes place in Edinburgh on the evening of Saturday 7 September.  The MoonWalk Scotland 2023 raised almost £2.7 million.

Understands in addition to raising money and awareness for vital breast cancer causes, Walk The Walk encourages men, women, and children to start walking as a way of keeping fitter, healthier and an important part of cancer prevention.

Gathers that the support given by Walk The Walk to organisations in Scotland has included contributing £5 million to fund a new breast cancer ward, a new operating theatre, and the renovation of the Mammograph Unit at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh.

Council agrees to the lighting up in pink of key Council owned buildings including the City Chambers and the EICC in support of The MoonWalk Scotland 2024.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron - One City Trust as Charity Partner of Choice

By Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron - One City Trust as Charity Partner of Choice


Notes that the OneCity Trust is an independent charity uniquely linked to our city. The trust's mission is "to fight inequality and exclusion in the City of Edinburgh".

Further notes all funds raised by the OneCity Trust are disbursed to a wide range of charities, good causes and organisations operating within Edinburgh.

Understands that sadly, a great many Edinburgh people and their families continue to live in poverty, including in-work poverty, and struggle to cope with the cost of living and making ends meet.

Notes that opportunities exist to raise funds for the OneCity Trust by being a charity partner of choice, via contracts awarded by Council to third parties to deliver programmes of events.

Council therefore agrees to investigate the possibility of the OneCity Trust becoming the default charity partner of choice wherever possible and provide a report back to the Finance and Resources Committee within two cycles.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Younie - Capital City Supplement

By Councillor Younie - Capital City Supplement

“1)        Council recognises that Edinburgh remains the worst funded Local Authority in Scotland per capita and that the pressures of the current funding settlement have catastrophic ramifications if left unchanged.

2)         Notes that Edinburgh, as Scotland’s capital, has additional responsibilities beyond those of other Scottish Councils and that the reintroduction and uplifting of the Capital City Supplement would support vital service delivery throughout the City.

3)         Requests that the Convenor for Finance and Resources Committee writes to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government, Shona Robison, to request a meeting with group finance spokespeople to discuss Edinburgh’s funding settlement and, specifically, the steps needed to have the Capital City Supplement restored in full.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Davidson - School VAT

By Councillor Davidson - School VAT

“Council notes:

1)         The new UK Labour Government was elected on a manifesto pledge to remove VAT exemption from independent schools;

2)         That around 30% of Edinburgh school children attend independent schools;

3)         That many parents in the independent sector have stated that a commensurate rise in school fees would force them to withdraw their children from their current school.

Council is concerned:

4)         That many Council schools are already facing significant resourcing and staffing challenges and that an influx of additional pupils would stretch resources even further.

Council requests:

5)         A report to the November Education, Children and Families Committee on planning for the implications of any introduction of VAT to independent school fees.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Campbell - EICC Arms Conference

By Councillor Campbell - EICC Arms Conference

“Council notes and condemns the use of the Council owned venue to facilitate an Arms Conference. The SPIE defence and security conference will take place between September 16 and 19 for the event at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC). 

Council recognises the value of meetings to progress technology and facilitate conversations between scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. However, the Council unequivocally rejects and condemns the sales of arms that are used to commit human rights violations, including genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes as stipulated by Amnesty International.  

Council refers to policy on advertising and sponsorship and agrees that this should be applied to hosting events by ALEOs and third parties.  

Recognises that there may be a need for some exceptions to apply, for example, in the event of existing contractual agreement. However, agrees that any new and/or renewed contracts must adhere to existing advertising and sponsorship policy.  

Requests officers to bring a report to Policy and Sustainability Committee in three cycles outlining the application of existing policy for conferences and events hosted in council owned properties.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Rust - Colinton Dell Footpath

By Councillor Rust - Colinton Dell Footpath


1)         Regrets that four and half years has passed since a relatively minor landslip (in size) impacted the lower of the two footpath routes along the Water of Leith in Colinton Dell as well as local properties.

2)         Recognises (a) that the Council felt obliged to close access to the path; and  (b) the steepness of slopes throughout Colinton Dell and elsewhere along the Water of Leith may be affected by damaging slope movements in the future and that the Council has a responsibility to repair and to maintain these areas.

3)         Notes that there has been extensive communication with the Council regarding the landslip, with a long tendering timescale, but limited progress.  

4)             Therefore:

a)         Calls for a report to Transport and Environment Committee within two cycles detailing costs, timescale and timeline for all necessary remedial work to ensure stabilisation and reopening of the path, including all potential budgetary options.

b)         In advance of said report, given widespread local interest and concern, requests officers meet with local community groups (including, inter alia, representatives from Colinton Community Council, Colinton Amenity Association and Colinton Parish Church) and proprietors of Dell Road properties, to include a full discussion of options.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Mumford - Antifascist Edinburgh

By Councillor Mumford - Antifascist Edinburgh


1)         Welcomes the actions of people across the UK – including in Edinburgh – who swiftly mobilised to oppose the racist and Islamophobic violence and show solidarity with migrants and communities of colour;

2)         Welcomes the Council Leader’s statement acknowledging that these riots were fuelled by racists and those intent on causing fear and division, and reiterating that the Council is proud that Edinburgh is a welcoming and diverse city;

3)         Acknowledges that Scotland is not immune to the threat of fascism – as shown by events in Erskine - but expresses its firm faith that the vast majority of people across the country, including here in Edinburgh, will reject any attempts to spread hatred and division;

4)         Encourages Council Officers and the Edinburgh Partnership to do all they can to enable and support anti-fascist demonstrations and support the safety of those coming out in defence of their neighbours;

5)         Understands that Edinburgh Council has a Duty towards ‘fostering good relations’ under the Public Sector Equality Duty and regrets the successive underfunding of Councils by both the UK and Scottish Government which has led to reductions in community and third sector programmes aimed at community cohesion;

6)         Expresses solidarity with everyone feeling under threat, particularly members of Council staff who may experience racism and islamophobia, and requests that the council:

a)         Undertakes updated risk assessments for any staff in frontline roles as well as those working supporting refugees and asylum seekers in Edinburgh

b)         Reiterates a previous communication that has been sent to staff including those who cannot access the Orb – giving information about how to record racist threats/abuse on the SHE portal and how these will be responded to, and reiterating the Council Leader’s message of solidarity.

7)         Recognises the importance of the Edinburgh Partnership in preventing and responding to threats of violence and requests that Council representatives raise the following requests at the September meeting:

a)         That Police Scotland provide an update on hate crime figures and responses in Edinburgh since the introduction of the Hate Crime and Public Order Act in April 2024, with a particular focus on racism and islamophobia, the support available for those facing persecution, and deradicalisation.

8)         Believes that Community Wealth Building can be key to tackling some of the challenges around community cohesion, threats of violence, and radicalisation, and requests that these are specifically referenced in the Council’s Community Wealth Building strategy and action plans.

9)         Requests that in addition to the actions already being undertaken, in ongoing conversations among the CLT, officers consider following the recommendations of the LGA in England and reports on these conversations in the Policy and Sustainability Committee business bulletin for the next six months.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Griffiths - SQA Exam Results

By Councillor Griffiths - SQA Exam Results


1)         Congratulates all the pupils who received their exam results on Tuesday 6 August 2024.

2)         Notes a total of 44,003 resulted awards were certificated for 12,392 candidates (including special school, adult and mainstream secondary pupils) in over 92 subjects ranging from Accounting to Urdu.

3)         Acknowledges the performance of pupils across Edinburgh was maintained or improved in most measures for National 5 and Higher courses when compared to both 2023 and 2019 performance.

4)         Praises all colleagues and pupils who have worked extremely hard to achieve these results.

5)         Wishes all our young people all the best in their future endeavours.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Day - 200 Years of the Fire Service

By Councillor Day - 200 Years of the Fire Service


Notes that 2024 marks the bicentenary of the world’s first public and local authority funded Fire Service, established in the city of Edinburgh in 1824.

Understands that James Braidwood was appointed the first Edinburgh Master of Engines in October 1824, just a month before the Great Fire of Edinburgh would sweep through Old Town becoming one of the most destructive fires in the history of the city.

Further understands that Braidwood introduced a scientific and professional approach to quashing and preventing fires, introduced helmets that guarded the neck, protective uniforms and trained teams to enter buildings instead of standing outside pointing a hose at the building.

Notes that Braidwood has been immortalised with a bronze, memorial statue unveiled on 5 September 2008 by Professor Sir Timothy O'Shea, Principal of the University of Edinburgh and that the Fire Service has organised an event on 23 October to pay tribute to firefighters and the legacy of prominent firefighters in fire service history including James Braidwood.

Gathers that the Museum of Scottish Fire Heritage has teamed up with the Museum of Edinburgh to host an exhibition at their museum on High Street, Edinburgh.

Further gathers this exhibition journeys through two centuries of firefighting legacy from its humble beginnings in 1824 to the modern-day achievements as the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Understands the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service has organised a series of events, including a Doors Open Day on Saturday 28 September, and a special service at St Giles Cathedral

Congratulates the Fire Service on this remarkable milestone, thanks it for the essential service it has provided and continues to provide the city of Edinburgh and asks the Lord Provost to mark this occasion in an appropriate manner.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron - 35th Anniversary of Twinning Between Edinburgh and Kyiv

By Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron - 35th Anniversary of Twinning Between Edinburgh and Kyiv


Notes that 2024 marks the 35th anniversary of the formal twinning agreement between Edinburgh and Kyiv.

Council reaffirms its commitment to supporting Kyiv and Ukraine following the invasion of Russia to Ukraine in February 2022;

Council continues to welcome and value the contribution of people from Kyiv and Ukraine who have come to our city and made Edinburgh their home;

Notes that the Ukraine Consulate, supported by the German Consulate, hosted a classical music concert as part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe programme to commemorate the anniversary of the Edinburgh and Kyiv Twinning on Friday 9th August, attended by the Depute Lord Provost.

Further notes that the Consulate of Ukraine will host further concert on Saturday 24th August at the New Town Church, 13-17 George Street

Requests the Lord Provost to mark the 35th Anniversary of the Twinning of Edinburgh and Kyiv in a manner befitting.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Heap - St Martin’s Church, Dalry, Annual Art Exhibition

By Councillor Heap - St Martin’s Church, Dalry, Annual Art Exhibition

“Council notes that:

1)         This year’s edition of the popular and long-running St Martin’s Church Art Exhibition runs from 26-31 August.

2)         The exhibition provides an invaluable opportunity for local artists to exhibit and sell their work.

3)         The public can visit from 12pm-4pm Monday 26 August to Friday 30 August, and from 10am-12.30pm on Saturday 31 August to purchase art, with refreshments also available on the Saturday.

4)         The exhibition is organised by volunteers.

5)         This is a valuable opportunity for the public to access arts and culture in a part of the city which suffers from limited arts and cultural provision.

Council therefore requests:

6)         The Lord Provost write to organisers to offer the Council’s best wishes on this year’s edition and for future editions..”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Heap - Forget Me Notes

By Councillor Heap - Forget Me Notes

“Council notes that:

1)         Forget Me Notes, founded in 2015, is a charity that uses music to build community and combat isolation in a variety of settings.

2)         It runs three choirs, one which sings at the Saughton Park Bandstand, one in Gorgie and an online choir on Zoom, and these meet to sing regularly.

3)         It also runs Music Memories sessions for the residents and staff of care homes- and other community settings, and 3 regularly Music Memories open sessions at St Bride’s Centre in Dalry, Ashbrook on Ferry Road and St Cutherbert’s on Colinton Road.

4)         For those who are not able to leave home to sing, Forget Me Notes volunteers provide fortnightly home visits to providee singing sessions.

5)         It held a successful showcase event at the St. Bride's Centre on 13 August, with presentations on their work, and sing-alongs throughout the day

Council therefore requests:

6)         The Lord Provost write to organisers to offer the Council’s thanks for their work.”

Additional documents:


By Councillor Lang - The Northern Part of Silverknowes Road to the Promendade to be Re-opened to all Vehicles pdf icon PDF 12 KB

By Councillor Lang - The Northern Part of Silverknowes Road to the Promendade to be Re-opened to all Vehicles – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Caldwell - Response to ‘Safe Cycling at Work' pdf icon PDF 86 KB

By Councillor Caldwell - Response to ‘Safe Cycling at Work' – to be answered by the Leader of the Council

Additional documents:


By Councillor Davidson - Access to Vital Software for Education pdf icon PDF 10 KB

By Councillor Davidson - Access to Vital Software for Education – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Lang - Transport and Local Access Forum pdf icon PDF 10 KB

By Councillor Lang - Transport and Local Access Forum – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Heap - Blue Badge Application pdf icon PDF 10 KB

By Councillor Heap - Blue Badge Application – for answer by the Leader of the Council

Additional documents:


By Councillor Heap - Costs of Taylor Swift Concert pdf icon PDF 10 KB

By Councillor Heap - Costs of Taylor Swift Concert – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Parker - Implementing the Revised Greenbank-Meadows ‘Quiet’ Route pdf icon PDF 63 KB

By Councillor Parker - Implementing the Revised Greenbank-Meadows ‘Quiet’ Route – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Flannery - Spot Purchases for Temporary Accommodation pdf icon PDF 47 KB

By Councillor Flannery - Spot Purchases for Temporary Accommodation – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Booth - Travel Trackers pdf icon PDF 11 KB

By Councillor Booth - Travel Trackers – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Davidson - Edinburgh Youth Action pdf icon PDF 11 KB

By Councillor Davidson - Edinburgh Youth Action – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Kumar - Whole Family Wellbeing Fund pdf icon PDF 12 KB

By Councillor Kumar - Whole Family Wellbeing Fund – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor McNeese-Mechan - Tram Drivers pdf icon PDF 11 KB

By Councillor McNeese-Mechan - Tram Drivers – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Hyslop - Data Breach - Juniper Green Parent Council pdf icon PDF 11 KB

By Councillor Hyslop - Data Breach - Juniper Green Parent Council – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Dijkstra-Downie - School Travel Plans pdf icon PDF 11 KB

By Councillor Dijkstra-Downie - School Travel Plans – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Dijkstra-Downie - School Crossing Patrol Vacancies pdf icon PDF 12 KB

By Councillor Dijkstra-Downie - School Crossing Patrol Vacancies – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Lang - Actions being taken in response to death of Thomas Wong on Whitehouse Road pdf icon PDF 10 KB

By Councillor Lang - Actions being taken in response to death of Thomas Wong on Whitehouse Road – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Mowat - Low Emission Zone pdf icon PDF 11 KB

By Councillor Mowat - Low Emission Zone – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Rust - Bus Lane and Enforcement Camera, Lanark Road near Gillespie Crossroads pdf icon PDF 69 KB

By Councillor Rust - Bus Lane and Enforcement Camera, Lanark Road near Gillespie Crossroads – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee

Additional documents:


By Councillor Mowat - West End TRO pdf icon PDF 56 KB

By Councillor Mowat - West End TRO – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee

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By Councillor Whyte - Planters pdf icon PDF 20 KB

By Councillor Whyte – Planters – for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee

Additional documents: