Venue: Main Council Chamber - City Chambers
Contact: Gavin King
No. | Item |
1. Order of business Additional documents: |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
2. Declaration of interests Additional documents: |
Declaration of interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
3. Deputations Additional documents: |
Deputations If any Additional documents: |
4. Minutes Additional documents: |
Minute of 29 August 2024 The City of Edinburgh Council of 29 August 2024 – submitted for approval as a correct record Additional documents: |
5. Leader's Report Additional documents: |
Leader’s report Additional documents: |
6. Appointments Additional documents: |
Appointments If any Additional documents: |
7. Reports Additional documents: |
Scheme of Delegation to Officers – September 2024 Additional documents: |
Streamlining Committee Business Working Group Additional documents: |
Regenerative Futures Fund Additional documents: |
Monitoring Officer Report - Conflict of Legal Obligations Additional documents: |
Council Business Plan Progress - referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee Council Business Plan Progress - referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee Additional documents: |
Treasury Management Strategy Annual Report 2023/24 - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
The City of Edinburgh Council - 2023/24 Annual Audit Report - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
City Strategic Investment Fund – Reallocation of Funds to Edinburgh Waterfront Programme - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
Internal Audit Annual Report and Opinion 2023-24 - referral from the EIJB Audit and Assurance Committee Additional documents: |
Public Performance Scorecard - Annual Report - referral from the Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee Additional documents: |
8. Motions Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bandel - Honouring Euan MacDonald By Councillor Bandel – Honouring Euan MacDonald “Council 1) Recognises the contribution to the city of disability rights advocate Euan MacDonald, who sadly died on the 22nd August; 2) Welcomes the work Euan undertook to champion the inclusion of disabled people in public life and make more venues accessible to everyone by founding Euan’s Guide with his sister Kiki, which began in Edinburgh but soon became a global resource; 3) Welcomes that the Council is undertaking work to assess the accessibility of the corporate property estate, but notes that not all Council buildings are currently listed on Euan’s Guide which would enable disabled people to understand whether their access needs will be met; 4) Requests that Officers consider registering the Council as a contributor on Euan’s Guide and listing accessibility information about Council-owned buildings; 5) Requests that an update on this is provided in the Business Bulletin of Finance & Resources within 6 months.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Parker - Nature Restoration Fund By Councillor Parker - Nature Restoration Fund “Council 1) Notes with deep concern that Scottish Government ministers have written to Councils telling them to divert funding from the Nature Restoration Fund to settle pay deals. 2) Understands that in Edinburgh this would represent a loss in £140k worth of funding which is likely to be spent on projects including habitat protection and restoration works in parks and open space (including measures to reduce coastal habitat erosion); restoration of eroded banks on burns in parks; wetland and pond restoration and creation in parks; additional work to support nature networks and pilot ‘Nature in your neighbourhood’ initiatives, as well as tree planting schemes to support further woodland restoration and expansion. 3) Notes that the Scottish Government has indicated that the funding is being taken as capital redirection and that it will be restored in both capital and future year revenue allocations. 4) Therefore, agrees to allocate £140k from unallocated reserves to cover the loss in funding for this year and allow planned projects to go ahead, in line with Council priorities to tackle the climate and nature emergencies.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Campbell - Hamilton Drive School Streets Signs By Councillor Campbell - Hamilton Drive School Streets Signs “Council notes that the school streets sign in Hamilton Drive have not been working for over a year and a half. Notes this sign is for an area where there are two primary schools in very close proximity, one of which is a Roman Catholic school with a large catchment and therefore a higher likelihood of parents driving their children to school. Notes that the police say that they cannot issue fines if the flashing lights are not working. Notes that new signs were ordered and arrived in November last year but they were too big for the poles and so were not able to be installed. Notes there was an update that these would be installed in May of this year. Notes the most recent update was that there is an issue with the relay for the signs, only discovered in August this year, and that there is now a process to look at a quote for replacement which has not been approved. Recognises that it is totally unacceptable for safety around our school streets for a sign to be out of action for this long, with no confirmation at this stage that it will even get replaced. Agrees that there should be an audit of all school streets signs to ensure that they are all in working order, keeping children and young people safe as they go to and from school. Agrees that the ward Councillors in Portobello Craigmillar and Craigentinny Duddingston, the parent councils at Duddingston Primary and St Johns and the Community Councils of Portobello and Northfield Willowbrae will all receive a briefing note setting out a timeline for when they can expect these signs to be replaced. Agrees that all contracts for school streets signs will be reviewed to ensure we are receiving best value.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Faccenda - Edinburgh District Council’s Women’s Committee By Councillor Faccenda - Edinburgh District Council’s Women’s Committee “Council; Recognises the groundbreaking work of the Edinburgh District Council’s Women’s Committee established 40 years ago in 1984 by Edinburgh’s first Labour led council administration. Understands that the women’s committee created a space for grassroots and community organisations to bring their work into the council and campaigns such as the Zero Tolerance campaign launched against male violence against women were replicated across the country. Further understands that under austerity, women will be disproportionately impacted by cuts to services and we need council policies which recognise and address this. Council resolves to call for a report to the Policy and Sustainability Committee to investigate what steps would be needed to reestablish the Women’s Committee as a cross Edinburgh forum including the voluntary sector, campaigning groups and community activists to support women to organise withing their communities, reach out to more marginalised communities.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Improving Safety Around Schools By Councillor Lang - Improving Safety Around Schools “Council 1) notes the ongoing work with parent councils to create and deliver school travel plans and recognises the crucial part these play in helping pupils travel to and from school in safe and sustainable ways. 2) notes the concerns expressed over delays to both the completion of school travel plans and the delivery of key plan actions. 3) notes some of these actions can require structural changes to roads and footways in the immediate areas around schools which can necessitate the need for legal orders and lengthy statutory processes, even where such changes are uncontentious. 4) therefore, requests that officers undertake a review of all current statutory powers available to the Council to deliver traffic calming and road safety improvements around schools, and how such powers and changes to current processes can be used to expedite improvements. 5) Requests a report to the November meeting of the Transport & Environment Committee on the outcome of this review.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Government U-turn on Universal Free School Meals for Primary Aged Children By Councillor Lang - Government U-turn on Universal Free School Meals for Primary Aged Children “Council 1) notes the commitment made by the Scottish Government in its 2023/24 Programme for Government to “work with COSLA in the coming year to prepare schools and infrastructure for the expansion of universal free school meal provision to Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils”. 2) notes the comments made by the First Minister as recently as 16 May 2024 who said he would ensure “every pupil can have a nutritious meal at school” and “ensure no child is penalised simply because their family is struggling.” 3) therefore, expresses its dismay that, despite eradicating child poverty being stated as the Scottish Government’s “central mission”, it has now chosen to u-turn on the full universal roll out of free school meals for all primary school pupils. 4) Agrees the Leader of the Council should write to the First Minister to express this Council’s opposition to this change in policy, recognising that free school meals do not just ensure primary school children get a nutritious meal at school but also avoids the unintended stigma which can be associated with means testing.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Thornley - West Edinburgh Link By Councillor Thornley - West Edinburgh Link “Council; 1) Notes the aim of the West Edinburgh Link to “connect up South Gyle, Edinburgh Park and local neighbourhoods with high quality walking and cycling routes and new public spaces.” 2) Notes that the connectivity of communities across the city has been agreed as a priority for the Council, as outlined in the Council Business Plan 2023-27. 3) Regrets that the ability of many residents in South Gyle to get around the city has been dramatically reduced in recent years by the withdrawal of a direct bus link to the city centre, and the reduction in the Number 12 bus route. 4) Notes that these bus service reductions have seen an increase in pedestrian use of the path behind Torwood Crescent, particularly late at night, causing concern for many users due to the poor condition of the path, in surface quality but also in terms of lack of lighting, exposed wires and other hazards such as remaining construction debris. 5) Further notes that the Torwood path is planned to be upgraded as part of the West Edinburgh Link, with lighting to be installed and a new surface laid, and then to be adopted for maintenance by the Council. 6) Regrets that work on the West Edinburgh Link has not yet begun, and that the project timeline on the website still states that construction begins in 2023 and will finish in 2024. 7) Therefore, requests an update in the November Business Bulletin to the Transport and Environment committee, to include an updated timescale, an update on the financial situation of the project and an explanation of the delays to date.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Beal - Emergency Yellow Lines By Councillor Beal - Emergency Yellow Lines “Council 1) Welcomes the success of the pavement parking ban and the significant benefits this has brought for pedestrians, but notes how it has, as expected, exacerbated parking challenges, particularly in ‘Significant’ or ‘Red’ streets. 2) Notes the ‘Strategic Review of Parking’ Phase 1 has also led to significant parking pressures in some boundary areas, as reported in the Monitoring Update on 15 August 2024. 3) Inappropriate parking can lead to pressures on emergency services, public transport, refuse collection, other road users, and pedestrians who require clear lines of sight to cross the street. 4) That while some streets have had emergency yellow lines installed using the Temporary Traffic Orders process (TTRO) to ensure ‘refuse collection and emergency service vehicle access’, such action has not been taken in other known problem areas. 5) Therefore, requests that the upcoming agreed report before the Transport & Environment Committee include specific provisions on: a) how decisions around implementing emergency yellow lines can be applied consistently and objectively across the city, b) the criteria on which decisions are taken to implement emergency yellow lines, and; c) how the process for residents to report parking problems on streets not currently covered by yellow lines can be improved.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron - Community Councils By Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron - Community Councils “Council resolves: To ensure there is sufficient lead-in time to promote public awareness and encourage interest in the statutory remit and role of Community Councils and Community Councillors, and therefore Council agrees: Council officers liaise with the Edinburgh Association of Community Councils and the Council's Member Equalities Working Group to discuss potential actions and activities which would meaningfully help: To raise public interest and awareness of the role of Community Councils and Community Councillors; and To encourage and increase the diversity, level of citizen participation, and the demographic profile of Edinburgh's Community Councils. Council further agrees that an appropriate event is hosted by Lord Provost to formally recognise and convey Council's gratitude for all the work and service given by Community Councillors to their local communities and the City of Edinburgh before the current Community Council term concludes.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - World Suicide Prevention Day – 10 September By Councillor Kumar - World Suicide Prevention Day – 10 September “Council: Notes World Suicide Prevention Day, observed annually on September 10th, provides an important opportunity to raise awareness about suicide prevention, highlight the resources available for those in need, and foster a supportive community environment. Recognises There are multiple interventions and initiatives at local and national level. Despite the availability of resources, many individuals remain unaware of how to access help or may face barriers to seeking assistance. Agrees To address this gap in awareness and accessibility, a concerted effort be made to disseminate information about suicide prevention and available resources. This initiative aims to ensure that individuals in need have clear and immediate access to information and support services. For officers to source existing information and materials from organisations such as Samaritans, NHS 24 Mental Health Hub, Edinburgh Crisis Centre, Breathing Space, Childline, Papyrus and other helplines to be display at council buildings focusing on schools, libraries and community centres. To provide an update in the business bulletin on this work at Policy and Sustainability Committee in three cycles.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Hyslop - Active Schools Provision By Councillor Hyslop - Active Schools Provision “1) Council notes the new school term's Active Schools clubs are being sent to parents during this month. 2) Council notes the method of allocating places is on a first come, first served basis with many classes and clubs filling up within one hour of bookings going live. 3) Council requests a report to the Education, Children and families committee outlining: a) How many places across all clubs are available per school, with year-by-year analysis of provision against the total numbers of pupils in each school cohort. b) How many requests for bookings were not fulfilled this year due to places already being filled. c) The proportion of children living in areas of SIMD 1-4 who secured places in each school, against the total number of children living in areas of SIMD 1-4 in each school. d) Details on how provision across clubs and classes are priorities to those children who would benefit most from them, contributing the closure of the attainment gap.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Key - Housebuilding By Councillor Key – Housebuilding “Council Welcomes the Scottish Government’s recent announcement of an extra £40 million investment to support Scotland’s housing. We particularly welcome the additional £15 million allocated to Edinburgh – the highest for any city. This funding represents a critical step toward addressing the housing shortage in our city and improving access to affordable homes for residents. In light of this significant investment, Council requests report in three cycles to Housing, Homeless, and Fair Work committee to detail: 1) how this funding will translate into existing plans and investment to help with a robust house-building programme for Edinburgh; 2) projected number of new homes to be delivered; 3) the timeline for completion; 4) how this initiative will support our commitment to sustainable, affordable housing and tackling homelessness across the city.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Nicolson - Ethical Investment By Councillor Nicolson - Ethical Investment “1) Notes reports to the Pensions Committee on June 26th 2024 explored the pension fund’s approach to responsible investment in terms of climate change as well as conflict affected areas. 2) Further notes both reports identified a total of 3.5% of the total investment portfolio that is subject to discussion pertinent to climate change and companies participating negatively in conflict affected areas. 3) Notes that the Lothian Pension Fund is currently outperforming current liabilities, meaning Edinburgh Council has reduced employer contributions by almost £60m over a 3 year period. 4) Regrets that decisions relating to pension fund investments are still framed entirely as a financial consideration. With considerations of climate change impact or investments leading to death and destruction in war only being considered through financial assessment, rather than any sense of applied ethics to whether members of the pension fund would want their money used to promote such activities. 5) Agrees that the Finance and Resources Convenor will write to the UK Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to ask if the new UK Government plans to strengthen legislation on ethical investment to better enable and track the UK pension sector’s investments. This should request legislation to refocus the sector with a mission to invest in the UK’s future to reach net-zero and empower funds to set policies to avoid and withdraw investments from ethically objectionable companies. This should also look to enshrine the principle that pension capital acts as a force for good in society and economy, rather than maintain a narrow focus on investment return.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Parker - City of Edinburgh Council Supports Rent Controls By Councillor Parker - City of Edinburgh Council Supports Rent Controls “1) Notes the cross-union support for rent controls within the Scottish Government’s Housing Bill including from the STUC, UNISON, Unite, GMB, ASLEF, UCU, PCS, NUS and Living Rent. 2) Notes support for rent controls from a variety of 3rd sector organisations including the Poverty Alliance, Womens Aid, Age Scotland, Engender, Rape Crisis Scotland, Stonewall, Equality Network, Future Economy Scotland and others. 3) Notes that recent polling from August 2024 shows that 82% of people in Scotland support rent controls, including 90% of SNP voters, 88% of Labour voters and 61% of Conservative voters. 4) Recognises concerns around resourcing within Local Authorities to implement rent controls effectively. Nevertheless, also notes the multitude of benefits rent controls will bring for tenants and the Council, and therefore agrees that the Council should work constructively through COSLA and with the Government to address any concerns, whilst remaining steadfast in its support for the introduction of robust rent controls as part of the Housing Bill. Therefore: 5) Reaffirms Council’s support for rent controls, in advance of the second reading of the Housing Bill. 6) Agrees the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work committee writes to the Housing Minister to reaffirm the Council’s support for robust rent controls within the Housing Bill. 7) Agrees that, as part of the Council’s consultation response to the Housing Bill, specific and explicit reference will be made to the Council’s support for rent controls.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Kumar - Inquiry into Mismanagement of Council Funds By Councillor Kumar - Inquiry into Mismanagement of Council Funds “Council expresses deep concern over the £2.4 million in overpayments to staff, with particular concern over the Council's mechanisms for claw back creating hardship amount staff. Requests a detailed report to Policy and Sustainability Committee in two cycles explaining how these overpayments happened, why this was not identified earlier, and outlining what measures are being taken to rectify the situation. Report should outline how repayments would be managed by the Council including through deductions from future pay cheques or by establishing repayment plans tailored to the financial situation of the affected employees. However, notes with significant concerns about staff who may have come to rely on the overpaid amounts and the affordability to repay without facing hardship. Any review of such overpayment incidents should involve ensuring fair repayment arrangements that minimise financial strain with the aim of seeking a fair resolution to this issue. Further requests details identifying the root causes of these overpayments, what action is being taken to prevent future overpayments occurring, and how Council will reviews its financial management practices.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Macinnes - Addressing the Health Impacts of Austerity on Edinburgh Residents By Councillor Macinnes - Addressing the Health Impacts of Austerity on Edinburgh Residents “Council: 1) Expresses concern over the Westminster government's austerity measures, which have worsened due to benefit cuts and rising energy costs. 2) Recognises that Edinburgh and Scottish residents will be disproportionately affected by harsher winter conditions and higher utility rates compared to other UK regions. 3) Acknowledges that while the council lacks control over these policies, it holds responsibility for mitigating their effects on residents. 4) Requests an urgent Business Bulletin update at the next Policy and Sustainability Committee, detailing specific measures to support affected residents, such as expanding warm spaces, assisting with unclaimed benefits, and addressing financial impacts on the council and EIJB. 5) Calls for a report on post-winter health outcomes, using a public health approach to track how cold and food insecurity have affected residents’ health. 6) Urges the Council Leader to write to the UK Prime Minister, outlining the council’s concerns and expected financial impacts, with the letter to be published for public transparency.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Dobbin - Condemnation of Violence and War in the West Bank By Councillor Dobbin - Condemnation of Violence and War in the West Bank “This Council strongly condemns the escalating violence and military actions by Israel in the West Bank, contributing to the spread of war and worsening humanitarian conditions. Council calls for an immediate ceasefire and unrestricted access to humanitarian aid in the region. The council instructs the Leader to urgently write to the UK Foreign Secretary, urging them to strictly oppose these actions and to support international efforts for peace and protection of civilians, particularly through diplomatic engagement and humanitarian intervention. Requests that this letter is shared with all elected members for information.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bandel - Free Bus Travel for Asylum Seekers By Councillor Bandel - Free Bus Travel for Asylum Seekers “Council: 1) Notes that free bus travel is available through concessionary cards to anyone aged under 22 as well as 60 and over, regardless of asylum status. 2) Notes that an asylum seeker in receipt of statutory support receives £49.18 per week to cover all living costs in self-catered accommodation, or £8.86 in catered accommodation. 3) Recognises the findings by Mental Health UK that “getting out of the house improved their wellbeing, but that affording public transport services was difficult”, with 84% of asylum seekers and refugees they surveyed saying that they had “experienced being unable to use public transport because of the cost” in Scotland. Further recognises findings by the Community Transport Association which highlight the importance of public transport to asylum seekers in order to access shops, advice, education, legal and medical appointments, as well as social activities that support integration. 4) Notes Refugee Survival Trust’s 12-week pilot in 2023 providing 150 asylum seekers in Glasgow with free bus travel, which was a springboard for the Scottish Government’s plans to roll out a national pilot. 5) Declares its deep disappointment in the Scottish Government’s decision to reverse their pledge to provide free bus travel to asylum seekers nationally. 6) Affirms its support for the rollout of free bus travel through a national concessionary card scheme for asylum seekers aged 22-59 who are not covered by existing provision. 7) Requests the Convener of Transport and Environment Committee to write to the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Transport to state the City of Edinburgh Council’s support for the free bus travel scheme for asylum seekers and to ask that the decision to not expand this provision nationally be reversed. 8) Requests that the Leader of the Council write to the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Transport within the UK Government to request that work is carried out to roll out a free concessionary bus card scheme for asylum seekers UK-wide, following the successful pilot in Glasgow.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Whyte - Enforcement of the City of Edinburgh District Council Order Confirmation Act 1991 By Councillor Whyte - Enforcement of the City of Edinburgh District Council Order Confirmation Act 1991 “Council agrees to take all necessary steps to fully enforce the requirements of the City of Edinburgh District Council Order Confirmation Act 1991, especially in relation to Section 22 and the Restrictions on buildings in certain parks.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mowat - Events in August By Councillor Mowat - Events in August “Council notes: 1) 2024 saw another successful Festival season in the city and congratulates all those involved in the delivery of the myriad of events that were on offer in the city during August; 2) Expresses concern that the number of visitors and events puts pressure on the city and transport infrastructure both in bringing people to the city and for getting around the city; and, 3) Agrees it will organise a meeting with Festival organisers and other large scale event holders (sport stadia mangers etc) and transport providers to discuss infrastructure capacity; whether this is sufficient to support large scale events during August and whether there is engagement needed with national bodies to consider how they schedule events.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bruce - Sheriffhall Roundabout By Councillor Bruce - Sheriffhall Roundabout “Council recognises that the city by-pass is very congested at most times of the day but especially around the Sheriffhall Roundabout where traffic can be backed up nearly as far as the A1 heading west or beyond the Gilmerton Road junction heading east and further notes that: a) delays to traffic can cause loss of business but also create more pollution. b) the residents of Edinburgh rely on this dual carriageway to get to shopping centres either to work or as a customer in the east and west of the city, including East Lothian, Midlothian and West Lothian. c) many more housing developments have been built on the fringes of the city but also in East Lothian, Midlothian and West Lothian and thus adding to the volume of cars and other vehicles that traverse this route. d) the Sheriffhall Roundabout was to be delivered as part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal which was signed in 2018 (6 years ago). e) the independent Reporter’s report was issued to the Scottish Government on 10th October 2023. f) the Scottish Government has had nearly a year to consider the recommendations, and we are still no further forward with this project. Council therefore asks the Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council to convey his disappointment at the speed of this project and write to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport (Scotland) at the Scottish Government to explain: 1) Why is it taking so long to come to a decision? 2) When will this project start? 3) Whether a study of other congested hotspots along the length of the city by-pass would be considered and how to help keep traffic moving in both directions?” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mowat - – Plan Hierarchy and Strategic Efficiency By Councillor Mowat – Plan Hierarchy and Strategic Efficiency “Council: 1) Notes it has been necessary to spend significant time discussing how Council improves efficiency but yet many Council reports cycle through a number of committees with little clarity for the role of each committee. 2) Considers a contributing factor is the lack of a clear hierarchy of plans and strategies and that Councillors and officers are unclear about why plans/strategies/reports are presented repeatedly. 3) Further considers establishing clearer plan hierarchy would improve decision making and transparency and accountability, with the added benefit of helping the public, whom we serve, understand how and where decisions are made and where accountability lies. 4) Notes such an approach should increase focus on outcomes and deliverability. 5) Calls for the setting up of an All Party Working Group, which should sit under Policy and Sustainability Committee, to develop a clear plan hierarchy and report back in March 2025.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Hyslop - ASN Holiday Hubs By Councillor Hyslop - ASN Holiday Hubs “Council notes: 1) That the Education Children and Families Committee received verbal reassurance at the Tuesday 3 September Committee Meeting that the Holiday Hubs planned for October and February will go ahead. 2) That Committee was informed that the Executive Director of Education and Children’s Services had commenced discussions with parents of children with ASN who attend the Holiday Hubs and who had been in contact with Councillors. Further, that those discussions would continue as the Council seeks to consult parents on potential changes to the February Holiday Hub. 3) That the threat of losing this essential service is a cause of considerable anxiety for the families of children who access the Holiday Hubs. Council agrees: 4) That this proposal should not have been included in the savings paper as part of the proposals. 5) That the February provision would’ve come from existing 2024/25 budget allocations 6) That any changes to Holiday Hubs, including the February 2025 Holiday Hub, will be done in consultation with parents who are affected by the proposed changes and that all parents currently accessing the service should be given the opportunity to take part in these discussions. 7) That ahead of the budget setting process Councillors must be fully informed about the devastating impacts that changes to Holiday Hub provision would have on the children and families currently accessing the service. 8) Council agrees to receive a report to the Education, Children and Families Committee in one cycle outlining: a) What work has been done, and is planned, for consultation with all parents who have accessed Holiday Hub ahead of any changes. b) The impacts, including testimonies from parents and young people, that a cut to Holiday Hub provision would have on them. c) A detailed plan for the future of transport arrangements to/from the Holiday Hubs. d) The associated financial cost of continuing the Holiday Hub provision in 25/26 with no changes to the service currently offered, including transport.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Flannery - Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) By Councillor Flannery - Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) “Council notes: 1) That members are still waiting for the long overdue report by the SG into PBSAs. Similarly, requests by the HHFW to SG for updates still draw a blank. In December 2024, it will be 3 years since the SG Roundtable into the Student Housing Crisis at SG and a report scheduled for Spring 2023 – this and subsequent deadlines have come and gone. 2) In September 2024, the 4 Edinburgh-Based universities released a summary report into Student Living that highlights the demand/need for more student housing needs. Council is concerned: 3) the impact and future of PBSAs and how they fit into the City’s Housing Emergency Action Plan is of importance 4) With potential impact on: Supply – meeting the demand for both private and HEI supplied accommodation Addressing the impact of HEI financial pressures – pressures on accommodation supply and affordability, options for construction and operational costs Standards and Best Practice – progress and impact of the Student Accommodation Code of Practice Policy – potential impact of the Renters’ Rights Bill on/off campus Student Experience – meeting the needs of different student groups including international students Collaboration – strengthening government, local authority, HEI and private sector partnerships Therefore council agrees: 5) Discussions need to be had on progress in implementation of the Student Accommodation Code of Practice, the potential effect of planning system reform outlined in the Planning and Infrastructure Bill on provision of student accommodation moving forward. 6) Calls on the leader of the Council to write to SG to seek publication of the report into PBSAs in Scotland as a matter of urgency, particularly considering the issues raised above, with an update to the BB of FC, HHFW, Planning, P&S, F&R and TEC Committees.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor McKenzie - Amendment to Committee Terms of Reference By Councillor McKenzie - Amendment to Committee Terms of Reference “Committee Terms of Reference state at 5.1: “Where permitted by law and where specified in these Committee Terms of Reference, a member may, subject to paragraph 5.2 below appoint a substitute member from his or her political group to attend a meeting of the committee in his or her place, by email to the Clerk in advance of the meeting.” Council agrees to remove the words “from his or her political group” and replace with “from any member of the Council”.” Additional documents: |
9. Congratulatory Motions Additional documents: |
By Councillor Faccenda - 70th Anniversary of the Death of Captain Archibald Mackenzie By Councillor Faccenda - 70th Anniversary of the Death of Captain Archibald Mackenzie “Council notes the 70th anniversary of the death of Captain Archibald Mackenzie in Italy on the 6th of October 1944. Understands Captain Mackenzie served in WWII in the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders and escaped from a POW camp to take a leading role in the Italian Resistance during the Liberation of Italy and is fondly remembered by many Italians as a hero of the fight against the Nazis and Fascists to this day. Notes he is buried in Genoa and is remembered here in Edinburgh by a memorial plaque in the Dean Cemetery and the Council joins his family and ANPI in remembering the heroic life of Capitano Mac and asks the Lord Provost to commemorate this anniversary in an appropriate way.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Day - 50th Anniversary of the Federation of Small Business By Councillor Day - 50th Anniversary of the Federation of Small Business “Council; Notes that the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) celebrates its 50th anniversary on the 15th of September. Understands that the FSB started in 1974 with the aim of speaking up for the small business community and has gone on to become the largest direct business membership organisation in the UK. Further understands that the FSB provides advice, financial expertise, support and a powerful advocating voice to government at all levels, as well as its aim to achieve changes for 5.5 million small businesses and the self-employed. Gathers that micro and small businesses comprise almost all enterprises in Scotland, at 98% of the total, and employ 900,000 people with a turnover of £82 billion. Requests the Lord Provost congratulate the FSB in an appropriate manner.” Additional documents: |
By Councillor Meagher - Rachel Ashe, Mental Health Swims By Councillor Meagher - Rachel Ashe, Mental Health Swims “Council; Notes that Rachel Ashe, Founder and Managing Director of Mental Health Swims was awarded an MBE in the King’s birthday honours for services to People with Mental Health issues. Understand Rachel was born and brought up in Edinburgh and attended Portobello High School before eventually moving to Wales where she founded her UK – wide organisation, with groups around the country. Further understands that Edinburgh now has Mental Health Swims in Wardie Bay and Portobello, which would not have happened without Rachel’s determination and persistence. Council therefore asks the Lord Provost to write to Rachel, congratulating her on her achievements and recognising her contribution to Mental Health in Edinburgh.” Additional documents: |
10. Questions Additional documents: |
By Councillor Biagi - Additional Council Tax Rate By Councillor Biagi - Additional Council Tax Rate – for answer by the Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Aston - Travel Tracker By Councillor Aston - Travel Tracker - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Caldwell - Pharmacy Sharps Collections By Councillor Caldwell - Pharmacy Sharps Collections – for answer by the Vice-Chair of the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bennett - Adoption Allowance By Councillor Bennett - Adoption Allowance - for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Bennett - EV Charging Channels By Councillor Bennett - EV Charging Channels - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - 2023-24 Budget Allocation for Maintenance of Communal Areas on Housing Account Land – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Faded Road Markings Inspections By Councillor Lang - Faded Road Markings Inspections - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Thornley - Maybury Road-Craigs Road Junction By Councillor Thornley - Maybury Road-Craigs Road Junction - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Thornley - Speed Limit Reductions in West Edinburgh By Councillor Thornley - Speed Limit Reductions in West Edinburgh - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor McFarlane - Leasing Houisng Gaages and Lock-ups By Councillor McFarlane - Leasing Housing Garages and Lock-ups – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mattos Coelho - Pavement Parking By Councillor Mattos Coelho - Pavement Parking - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Parker - Grenfell Inquiry By Councillor Parker - Grenfell Inquiry – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Lang - Queensferry Road Speed Limit Reduction Timescale By Councillor Lang - Queensferry Road Speed Limit Reduction Timescale - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Gardiner - Robertson Construction By Councillor Gardiner - Robertson Construction – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Staniforth - International Strategy By Councillor Staniforth - International Strategy – for answer by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mitchell - Seagulls By Councillor Mitchell - Seagulls - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Whyte - Tram and Bus Ticketing By Councillor Whyte - Tram and Bus Ticketing - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mitchell - Department Inbox Management By Councillor Mitchell - Department Inbox Management for answer by the Convener of the Regulatory Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - Fallen Leaves By Councillor Cowdy - Fallen Leaves - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - Craiglockhart and Colinton Dells Management By Councillor Cowdy - Craiglockhart and Colinton Dells Management – for answer by the Convener of the Culture and Communities Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mattos Coelho - Planning Local Review Body By Councillor Mattos Coelho - Planning Local Review Body – for answer by the Convener of the Planning Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Mattos Coelho - Planning Local Review Body By Councillor Mattos Coelho - Planning Local Review Body – for answer by the Convener of the Development Management Sub-Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Fullerton - Proposed Cuts to Holiday Hubs for ASN Children By Councillor Fullerton - Proposed Cuts to Holiday Hubs for ASN Children – for answer by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Booth - Travel Tracker By Councillor Booth - Travel Tracker - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor McKenzie - Parking Tickets on Gorgie Road and Dalry Road By Councillor McKenzie - Parking Tickets on Gorgie Road and Dalry Road - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Flannery - Winter Fuel Payments Decision By Councillor Flannery - Winter Fuel Payments Decision – for answer by the Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Cowdy - Local Weeding Events By Councillor Cowdy - Local Weeding Events - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor Booth - Road User Charging Scheme By Councillor Booth - Road User Charging Scheme - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
By Councillor O'Neill - Collisions in the City of Edinburgh By Councillor O'Neill - Collisions in the City of Edinburgh - for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee Additional documents: |
11. Resolution to Consider in Private Additional documents: |
Resolution to consider in private The Council, is requested under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they would involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 8 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act. Additional documents: |
12. Private Reports Additional documents: |
Update on Tram Litigation: CEC v DLA Piper Scotland LLP |
Late Reports Additional documents: |
Additional documents: |
Questions and Answers Additional documents: |
Motions and Amendments Additional documents: