Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers
Contact: Blair Ritchie
No. | Item |
1. Appointment of Convener Additional documents: |
Appointment of Convener The Local Review Body is invited to appoint a Convener from its membership. Additional documents: |
2. Order of Business Additional documents: |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
3. Declaration of Interests Additional documents: |
Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
4. Minutes Additional documents: |
Minute of the Local Review Body (Panel 1) of 22 May 2024 – submitted for approval as a correct record. Additional documents: |
5. Local Review Body - Procedure Additional documents: |
Local Review Body - Procedure Note of the outline procedure for consideration of all Requests for Review Additional documents: |
6. Requests for Review - Continued Additional documents: |
19 Inveralmond Drive Edinburgh 19 Inveralmond Drive, Edinburgh The erection of a perimeter fence (dark wood) vertical slats along the west, south and north of our property boundary. The installation of electric gates at the top of the drive to Inveralmond Drive - application no.23/00418/FUL
(a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents (c) Continuation Letter and Further Reps (d) Extract LDP North West Proposals Map Adopted Plan (e) LDP North West Proposals Map Adopted Plan Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only. Returning item from 13 December 2023.
Additional documents:
36 South Oswald Road Edinburgh 36 South Oswald Road, Edinburgh - Proposed rear extension, garage conversion, attic roof light and replacement of all window glass. application no. 23/04356/FUL.
(a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents (c) Further Information (d) Proposed Section AA & Elevations (e) Tree Protection Plan Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only. At the meeting of 22 May 2024, the LRB agreed to continue consideration of the application to get additional information on the proposed construction of the cantilevered beams and how the root protection area of the affected trees will be protected during construction and in the long term.
Additional documents:
7. Requests for Review - New Additional documents: |
1A Coltbridge Terrace Edinburgh 1A Coltbridge Terrace, Edinburgh - Garage conversion to residential - application no. 23/04442/FUL.
(a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only.
Additional documents: |
4A East Suffolk Road Edinburgh 4A (Flat 2A) East Suffolk Road ,Edinburgh - Change of use from residential to a short term let (in retrospect) - application no. 23/05252/FULSTL.
(a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only. Additional documents: |
36 Grindlay Street Edinburgh 36 (Flat 9) Grindlay Street, Edinburgh - Change of use to short term let (in retrospect). The property has been let out as a STL since May 2017 - application no. 23/05207/FULSTL.
(a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents and a site inspection Additional documents: |
235 - 237 Leith Walk Edinburgh 235 - 237 Leith Walk Edinburgh - Change of use from Class 1 (retail) to mixed-use Class 3 (ground floor) and existing Class 1A (cellar) - application no: 23/03406/FUL.
(a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents and a site inspection. Additional documents: |
2 Porteous' Pend Edinburgh 2 Porteous' Pend, Edinburgh - Change of use to short term let (in retrospect) - application no. 23/05137/FULSTL.
(a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents, a site inspection and a hearing session. Additional documents:
313 Webster's Land Edinburgh 313 Webster's Land, Edinburgh - Use of flat for short-term let use (Sui Generis) and residential flat (in retrospect) - application no. 23/03626/FULSTL.
(a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents and a site inspection. Additional documents: |
8. Extracts of Relevant Policies from the Edinburgh Local Development Plan Additional documents: |
Extracts of Relevant Policies from the Edinburgh Local Development Plan Extracts of Relevant Policies from the Edinburgh Local Development Plan for the above review cases Additional documents: |
Non-Statutory Guidance Additional documents: |
Non-Statutory Guidance Non-Statutory Guidance Additional documents: |