Venue: Virtual Meeting - via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Blair Ritchie
No. | Item |
1. Appointment of Convener Additional documents: |
Appointment of Convener The Local Review Body is invited to appoint a Convener from its membership. Additional documents: |
2. Order of Business Additional documents: |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
3. Declaration of Interests Additional documents: |
Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
4. Minutes Additional documents: |
Minute of the Local Review Body (Panel 1) of 19 June 2024 – submitted for approval as a correct record. Additional documents: |
5. Local Review Body - Procedure Additional documents: |
Local Review Body - Procedure Note of the outline procedure for consideration of all Requests for Review Additional documents: |
6. Requests for Review - Contiunued Additional documents: |
235 - 237 Leith Walk, Edinburgh 235 - 237 Leith Walk Edinburgh - Change of use from Class 1 (retail) to mixed-use Class 3 (ground floor) and existing Class 1A (cellar) - application no. 23/03406/FUL. (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents (c) Further Reps (d) Request for Further Information (e) Further Information
Note: The applicant has requested that
the review proceed on the basis of an
assessment of the review documents and a site inspection. At the meeting of 19 June the Panel agreed to continue consideration of the application to ask the case officer if any further discussions took place with the applicant regarding ventilation and noise issues. Also, to ask Environmental Protection to confirm that if a restricted cooking condition was imposed, it would be content to approve the application.
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7. Requests for Review - New Additional documents: |
4 - 6 Anderson Place, Edinburgh 4 - 6 Anderson Place, Edinburgh - Part change of use of Class 5 factory building to proposed mixed-use development incorporating artisan workshops, events space, office space, general mixed business space (in retrospect) - application no.23/01336/FUL (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents and a site inspection. Additional documents: |
10 Drumdryan Street, Edinburgh 10 (PF1) Drumdryan Street, Edinburgh - Change of use from residential to short term let, (in retrospect), and to alter an existing window to form a new entrance door - application no. 23/04506/FULSTL. (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only. Additional documents: |
7 Drumsheugh Place, Edinburgh 7 Drumsheugh Place (At Proposed Telecomms Apparatus 35 Metres North Of), Edinburgh - Temporary consent for a period of up to 2 years for the installation of 20m high street furniture style mast with 3 No. antennas, 2 No. cabinets and all ancillary development - application no. 23/02368/FUL. (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only.
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16 Easter Dalry Road, Edinburgh 16 (Flat 3) Easter Dalry Road, Edinburgh - The property is solely used as self-catering unit-holiday let - application no.23/04287/FULSTL. (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents and a site inspection.
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40 Hawthornvale Newhaven, Edinburgh 40 (3F2) Hawthornvale Newhaven, Edinburgh - Change of use from residential to a short term let - application no.23/06483/FULSTL.DECISION (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents (c) Further Reps and Response to Further Reps Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only.
Additional documents:
9 John's Place & 15, 16 & 17 John's Lane, Edinburgh 9 John's Place & 15, 16 & 17 John's Lane, Edinburgh - Alter an existing guest house at 9 John's Place, change the use of and extend adjacent buildings at 15, 16 and 17 John's Lane from disused garage to guest house an interconnect with 9 John's Place - application no. 23/02622/FUL. (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents and a site inspection. Additional documents: |
22 Meggetland Terrace Firrhill, Edinburgh 22 Meggetland Terrace Firrhill, Edinburgh - To create a driveway in the side garden adjacent to the property to facilitate off street parking and charging of electric vehicle. The car cannot be parked outside on the street to allow charging at present due to the double yellow lines on the road - application no. 23/06527/FUL. (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents (c) Further Reps and Response to Further Reps Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only.
Additional documents:
1 - 2 Wolseley Terrace, Edinburgh 1 - 2 Wolseley Terrace, Edinburgh - Change of Use of part retail unit to form dwelling - application no. 23/04946/FUL. (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only.
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8. Extracts of Relevant Policies from the Edinburgh Local Development Plan Additional documents: |
Extracts of Relevant Policies from the Edinburgh Local Development Plan Extracts of Relevant Policies from the Edinburgh Local Development Plan for the above review cases
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9. Non-Statutory Guidance Additional documents: |
Non-Statutory Guidance Non-Statutory Guidance
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