
Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers

Contact: Blair Ritchie 


No. Item

1. Appointment of Convener

Additional documents:


Appointment of Convener

The Local Review Body is invited to appoint a Convener from its membership.

Additional documents:

2. Order of Business

Additional documents:


Order of Business

Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.

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3. Declaration of Interests

Additional documents:


Declaration of Interests

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.

Additional documents:

4. Minutes

Additional documents:


Minutes pdf icon PDF 201 KB

Minute of the Local Review Body (Panel 2) – 30 August 2023 – submitted for approval as a correct record


Additional documents:

5. Local Review Body - Procedure

Additional documents:


Local Review Body - Procedure pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Note of the outline procedure for consideration of all Requests for Review

Additional documents:

6. Requests for Review

Additional documents:


50 Balfour Street, Edinburgh pdf icon PDF 209 KB

50 Balfour Street, Edinburgh - Change of use from residential to holiday short term let, (in retrospect) - application no.  22/05090/FULSTL.SION NOTICE


(a) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents


(b) Letters of Representation


Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only.


Additional documents:


63 Brunstane Road South Edinburgh pdf icon PDF 975 KB

63 Brunstane Road South (At Land 29 Metres East Of), Edinburgh - Demolition of existing dilapidated buildings and erection of two houses with associated garages - application no. 22/03084/FUL.SION NOTICE


(a) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents


(b) Letters of Representation


Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only.


Additional documents:


6 Commercial Wharf Edinburgh pdf icon PDF 226 KB

6 (Flat 12) Commercial Wharf, Edinburgh - Permission to continue to use residential apartment for short-term letting - application no. 22/04892/FUL.NOTICE


(a) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents


(b) Letters of Representation


Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents and further written submission on specific matters.


Additional documents:


42 Ladysmith Road Edinburgh pdf icon PDF 231 KB

42 Ladysmith Road, Edinburgh - Formation of an area of hard standing to accommodate a new driveway that will allow two cars to park parallel to one another. The driveway is paved with Tobermory Teguela Hydropave to provide a porous surface. (IN RETROSPECT) - application no. 22/05759/FUL.OTICE


(a) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents


(b) Letters of Representation


Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only.



Additional documents:


21B Strathearn Road Edinburgh pdf icon PDF 186 KB

21B Strathearn Road, Edinburgh - Change of use from HMO to short-term let - application no. 22/05083/FULSTL.


(a) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents


(b) Letters of Representation


Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents and a site inspection.


Additional documents:


3 Warrender Park Terrace Edinburgh pdf icon PDF 234 KB

3 (3F1) Warrender Park Terrace, Edinburgh - Application for change of use from sui-generis flat to short-term let - application no. 22/04952/FULSTL.


(a) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents


(b) Letters of Representation


(c) Further Representations


Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents and a site inspection.


Additional documents:

7. Extracts of Relevant Policies from the Edinburgh Local Development Plan

Additional documents:


Extracts of Relevant Policies from the Edinburgh Local Development Plan pdf icon PDF 745 KB

Extracts of Relevant Policies from the Edinburgh Local Development Plan for the above review cases

Local Development Plan Online

Extracts of Relevant Policies from the Edinburgh Local Development Plan for the above relevant cases


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Des 1 (Design Quality and Context)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Des 3 (Development Design - Incorporating and Enhancing Existing and Potential Features)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Des 4 (Development Design - Impact on Setting)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Des 5 (Development Design - Amenity)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Des 7 (Layout design)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Des 12 (Alterations and Extensions)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Del 1 (Developer Contributions and Infrastructure Delivery)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Env 21 (Flood Protection)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Hou 1 (Housing Development)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Hou 2 (Housing Mix)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Hou 3 (Private Green Space in Housing Development)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Hou 4 (Housing Density)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Hou 7 (Inappropriate Uses in Residential Areas)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Tra 2 (Private Car Parking)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Tra 3 (Private Cycle Parking)


Edinburgh Local Development Plan Policy Tra 4 (Design of Off-Street Car and Cycle Parking) 


National Planning Framework 4 Policy 1 (Sustainable Places Tackling the climate and nature crises)

National Planning Framework 4 Policy 2 (Climate mitigation and adaptation)


National Planning Framework 4 Policy 3 (Biodiversity)


National Planning Framework 4  Policy 4 (Natural Places)


National Planning Framework 4 Policy 7 (Historic Assets and Places)


National Planning Framework 4 Policy 9 (Brownfield, vacant and derelict land)


National Planning Framework 4 Policy 14 (Design, quality and place)


National Planning Framework 4 Policy 15 (Local Living and 20 minute neighbourhoods)


National Planning Framework 4 Policy 16 (Quality Homes)


National Planning Framework 4 Policy 20 (Blue and Green Infrastructure)


National Planning Framework 4 Policy 22 (Flood risk and water management)


National Planning Framework 4 (Policy 30 (Tourism) 




Additional documents:

8. Non-Statutory Guidance

Additional documents:


Non-Statutory Guidance pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Additional documents: