Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers
Contact: Blair Ritchie
No. | Item |
1. Appointment of Convener Additional documents: |
Appointment of Convener The Local Review Body is invited to appoint a Convener from its membership. Additional documents: |
2. Order of Business Additional documents: |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: |
3. Declaration of Interests Additional documents: |
Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: |
4. Minutes Additional documents: |
Minute of the Local Review Body (Panel 2) of 5 June 2024 - submitted for approval as a correct record
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5. Local Review Body - Procedure Additional documents: |
Local Review Body - Procedure Note of the outline procedure for consideration of all Requests for Review Additional documents: |
6. Requests for Review Additional documents: |
195 Canongate, Edinburgh 195 (Flat 4) Canongate, Edinburgh – Retrospective material change of use from home to short term let – application no 23/05307/FULSTL (a) Decision Notice and Report of Handling (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only. Additional documents: |
12 Castle Street, Edinburgh 12 (2f2) Castle Street, Edinburgh - Change of use from flatted dwelling to short term let in retrospect - application no. 23/05452/FULSTL (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents and a hearing session.
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17 Fowler Terrace, Edinburgh 17 Fowler Terrace, Edinburgh - Change of use from office accommodation to short term letting accommodation - application no:23/07524/FULSTL (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only.
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1 Gayfield Square, Edinburgh - Change of use from Class 3 and 4 to include Class 10 - application no:23/04307/FUL. (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents (c) Further Representation and Response Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents and a site inspection.
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59 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh - Change of use from residential to residential (ground floor) and guest house (1st and 2nd floors) - application no. 23/04664/FUL. (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only.
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Kellerstain Stables, Gogar Station Road, Edinburgh - Convert garage into dwelling - application no.23/06323/FUL (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents (c) Further Representation and Response Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents and a site inspection.
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11 Mentone Avenue, Edinburgh - Form driveway with car charging point - application no.23/05135/FUL. (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents only.
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3 (PF1) St Clair Avenue, Edinburgh - To expand a ground floor flat front window into a door, providing access to a private patio - application no.24/00047/FUL. (a) Decision Notice, Report of Handling and Letters of Representation (b) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents (Part 1) (c) Notice of Review and Supporting Documents (Part 2) Note: The applicant has requested that the review proceed on the basis of an assessment of the review documents and a site inspection. Additional documents: |
7. Extracts of Relevant Policies from the Edinburgh Local Development Plan Additional documents: |
Extracts of Relevant Policies from the Edinburgh Local Development Plan Extracts of Relevant Policies from the Edinburgh Local Development Plan for the above review cases
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8. Non-Statutory Guidance Additional documents: |
Non-Statutory Guidance
Non-Statutory Guidance Additional documents: |