Motion by Councillor Miller - Bike buses
1. Thanks parents and other volunteers for creating and regularly organising “bike buses” for pupils to travel to school together safely, and commends the approach which is helping young people of all ages and abilities to cycle to school
2. Recognises the significant volunteer time and effort required to organise one bike bus per month, both on the day and in preparation, and thanks volunteers at Sciennes Primary School and Blackford Safe Routes for their work to create a guide to setting up and running a bike bus which enables more schools to offer a bike bus1
3. Notes the significant challenges still remaining, for example offering more frequent bike buses, increasing the number of routes to schools and the number of schools offering a bike bus
4. Agrees to consult with bike bus volunteers and pupils on challenges they have identified and to bring back an update to Committee in two cycles on actions to support and enable bike buses to school