Agenda item

Motion by Councillor Lang - Spaces for people online consultation

Motion by Councillor Lang - Spaces for People Online Consultation




1.       notes that the Council, in conjunction with Sustrans, launched the online Commonplace tool on 29 May for people to share suggestions for creating safer spaces for walking, cycling and wheeling safely; and that the portal closed to comments on 29 June.


2.       expresses its thanks to all those who submitted over 4,000 comments through this process, and believes this level of feedback places an important responsibility on the Council to explain what action has been taken in response to comments received.


3.       notes that, at the Policy & Sustainability Committee of 20 August, officers confirmed the analysis of the public comments was “nearing conclusion”.


4.       is concerned that, four months on from the launch of the portal, there has been no detailed report to councillors on the conclusions drawn or projects being progressed as a direct result of this consultation exercise.


5.       seeks a report at the November 2020 meeting of the Transport and Environment Committee, providing the analysis of the feedback received and a definitive list of projects which have been implemented or are proposed to be taken forward through the Spaces for People process as a result of the comments received.


6.       agrees the report should highlight suggestions which received significant support but did not fit the criteria for Spaces for People, and what options exist to progress these ideas through other active travel project streams.”