Agenda item

Motion by Councillor Nicolson - Craigleith Green Blue Network


1)        Welcomes the excellent work done to date by officers in recommending proposals for the Craigleith Catchment Study

2)        Notes ongoing resident’s concerns within Craigleith Hill Avenue regarding flood risks and development of flood mitigation measures

3)        Understands that the modelling work for flood risk within the catchment study is still ongoing and several projects to mitigate flooding issues in Craigleith are being considered.

4)        Further understands that Western General Hospital (NHS Lothian), City of Edinburgh Council Flood Prevention Team, Scottish Water and the Edinburgh and Lothian Strategic Drainage Partnership working group (E&LSDP) are jointly working to identify potential solutions within the Craigleith Catchment study area

5)        Agrees that a collaborative community approach between stakeholders has the potential to reach the best outcome within this catchment.

6)        Further agrees to request an update report on progress of the shortlisted projects in Craigleith catchment in two cycles.”