Motion by Councillor Bandel - Zero Waste Hierarchy
1. “Notes that as part of its 2030 Climate Strategy, the Council seeks to "ensure citizens have opportunities to reduce, re-use and recycle to help reduce consumer waste".
2. Notes the Zero Waste Hierarchy’s prioritisation of the reduction of waste, for example by reuse and repair, over recycling.
3. Notes that some items collected through the Council’s uplift service or brought to Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) for recycling are in good or repairable condition.
4. Further notes and celebrates the existence of several reuse and repair hubs, upcycling facilities, and other projects supporting zero waste in Edinburgh.
5. Understands that officers are already working on improving signposting to reuse and repair projects and thanks them for this work.
6. Asks officers to explore how HWRCs may promote and advance the Zero Waste Hierarchy, including but not limited to diverting reusable and/or repairable items to reuse and repair projects, and report back in the next appropriate report on Waste and Cleansing.”