Agenda item

Motion by Councillor McKenzie - Roseburn to Union Canal

Motion by Councillor McKenzie - Roseburn to Union Canal


Committee -

1)       “Notes that the Roseburn to Union Canal project is due to be completed in July and requests that the June Business Bulletin provides an update on the project timeline.

2)       Notes that the project does not provide an active travel connection between the West Approach Road / Telfer Subway and the Union Canal, with this section due to be delivered as part of the ‘Dundee Street / Fountainbridge Active Travel Improvements Project’.

3)       Believes that this gap will have a significant impact on the utility of the route, and requests that officers bring forward proposals for temporary measures to improve safety for walking, wheeling and cycling in the affected area, particularly in relation to the crossing of Dundee Street at Gibson Terrace.”