Agenda item

Motion by Councillor Ross - Road Resurfacing and Resident Co-ordination

Motion by Councillor Ross - Road Resurfacing and Resident Co-ordination



1.  notes the Council’s road surface treatment contractor has again encountered difficulties this year in completing jobs as specified because vehicles remained parked on the road.

2.  notes this has resulted in a range of missed patches, varying from single vehicle shaped patches to long, multi vehicle stretches. These missed patches have sometimes remained untreated until the contractor returns the following year,

3.  notes residents are notified in advance of the road surface works starting.

4.  requests a business bulletin update in three cycles on how this process can be improved with a view to reducing, or ideally eliminating, the occurrence of missed patches and including consideration of the types of notification that could be given and to whom, the length of time in advance that leaflets are delivered and notices are posted in the street and the effectiveness of vehicle removals/relocations.”