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Advisory Committee on Equalities Services
Advisory Committee on Youth Services
Almond Neighbourhood Partnership
Audit Committee
Cammo Estate Advisory Committee
Central Local Development Committee
Children and Families Sub-Committee on Standards
Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel
City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership
City of Edinburgh Council
Committee on Pupil Student Support
Committee on the Jean F Watson Bequest
Committee on the Royal High Endowment
Communities and Neighbourhoods Committee
Community Services Scrutiny Panel
Consultative Committee with Parents
Corporate Policy and Strategy Committee
Craigentinny-Duddingston Neighbourhood Partnership
Culture and Communities Committee
Culture and Leisure Committee
Culture and Sport Committee
Development Management Sub-Committee
Development of the City Scrutiny Panel
East Local Development Committee
Economic Development Committee
Economy Committee
Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal Elected Member Oversight Committee
Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal Joint Committee
Edinburgh Integration Joint Board
Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Audit and Risk Committee
Edinburgh Partnership
Edinburgh Youth Issues Forum
Education, Children and Families Committee
Environmental Quality Scrutiny Panel
Finance and Resources
Finance and Resources Committee
Forth Estuary Transport Authority
Forth Neighbourhood Partnership
Future Transport Working Group
Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee
Health and Social Care Joint Board
Health, Social Care and Housing Committee
Housing and Economy Committee
Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee
Interim Joint Scrutiny Panel
Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership
Leadership Advisory Panel
Leisure and Cultural Development Scrutiny Panel
Leith Neighbourhood Partnership
Liberton-Gilmerton Neighbourhood Partnership
Licensing Board
Licensing Forum
Licensing Sub-Committee
Lothian & Borders Fire & Rescue Board Service Improvement Plan Implem'n Cte
Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Board
Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Board Scrutiny Committee
Lothian and Borders Police Board
Lothian and Borders Police Board Appointment and Remuneration Committee
Lothian and Borders Police Board Audit and Scrutiny Committee
Lothian and Borders Police Board Sub-Committee Dealing with Complaints Issues
Lothian Electoral Joint Committee
Lothian Valuation Joint Board
Lothian Valuation Joint Board Appointment Committee
North and Leith Local Development Committee
North East Locality Committee
North West Locality Committee
Pensions and Trusts Committee
Pensions Audit Sub-Committee
Pensions Committee
Pentland Hills Regional Park Consultative Forum
Pentland Hills Regional Park Joint Committee
Pentland Hills Regional Park Joint Committee.
Pentlands Local Development Committee
Pentlands Local Development Committee - West Edinburgh Sub
Pentlands Neighbourhood Partnership
Petitions Committee
Planning Committee
Planning Local Review Body (Panel 1)
Planning Local Review Body (Panel 2)
Planning Local Review Body (pre-July 2019)
Police and Fire Reform Pathfinder Committee
Police and Fire Scrutiny Committee
Policy and Strategy Committee
Policy and Sustainability Committee
Policy Development and Review Sub-Committee of the Communities and Neighbourhoods Committee
Policy Development and Review Sub-Committee of the Culture and Sport Committee
Policy Development and Review Sub-Committee of the Economy Committee
Policy Development and Review Sub-Committee of the Education Children & Families Committee
Policy Development and Review Sub-Committee of the Finance and Budget Committee
Policy Development and Review Sub-Committee of the Finance and Resources Committee
Policy Development and Review Sub-Committee of the Health, Social Care and Housing Committee
Policy Development and Review Sub-Committee of the Health, Wellbeing and Housing Committee
Policy Development and Review Sub-Committee of the Transport and Environment Committee
Portobello and Craigmillar Neighbourhood Partnership
Public Spaces for Events and Filming Working Group
Recruitment Committee
Regulatory Committee
Regulatory Committee - Building Control and Repairs
Resource Management and Audit Scrutiny Panel
SESplan Joint Committee (formerly Edinburgh & S E Scotland Strategic Development Plan Joint Cttee)
SESPlan Joint Committee (South East Scotland Regional Joint Committee - Planning)
Shadow Joint Committee for Collaborative Road Services
Social Care for Adults Sub-Committee on Standards
Social Justice and Older People Scrutiny Panel
South Central Neighbourhood Partnership
South East Locality Committee
South Local Development Committee
South West Locality Committee
South West Neighbourhood Partnership
Special Sub-Committee on Educational Standards
Special Sub-Committee on Social Work Standards
Sub - Committee on Standards for Children and Families - Joint Meeting
Sub-Committee on Standards for Children and Families
Sub-Committee on Standards for Children and Families (East)
Sub-Committee on Standards for Children and Families (North)
Sub-Committee on Standards for Children and Families (South West)
Sub-Committee on Standards for Children and Families (South)
Sub-Committee on Standards for Children and Families (West)
Traffic Regulation Orders Sub-Committee
Tram Sub-Committee
Transport and Environment Committee
Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee
West Local Development Committee
Western Edinburgh Neighbourhood Partnership
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Aldridge, Councillor Robert Aldridge
Arthur, Councillor Scott Arthur
Aston, Councillor Danny Aston
Bandel, Councillor Jule Bandel
Beal, Councillor Alan Beal
Bennett, Councillor Fiona Bennett
Biagi, Councillor Marco Biagi
Booth, Councillor Chas Booth
Bruce, Councillor Graeme Bruce
Burgess, Councillor Steve Burgess
Caldwell, Councillor Jack Caldwell
Cameron, Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron
Campbell, Councillor Kate Campbell
Coelho, Councillor Martha Mattos Coelho
Cowdy, Councillor Christopher Cowdy
Cuthbert, Councillor Neil Cuthbert
Dalgleish, Councillor James Dalgleish
Davisdon, Councillor Euan Davidson
Day, Councillor Cammy Day
Dijkstra-Downie, Councillor Sanne Dijkstra-Downie
Dixon, Councillor Denis Dixon
Dobbin, Councillor Stuart Dobbin
Doggart, Councillor Phil Doggart
Faccenda, Councillor Katrina Faccenda
Flannery, Councillor Pauline Flannery
Fullerton, Councillor Catherine Fullerton
Gardiner, Councillor Neil Gardiner
Glasgow, Councillor Fiona Glasgow
Graham, Councillor Margaret Arma Graham
Griffiths, Councillor Joan Griffiths
Heap, Councillor Dan Heap
Hyslop, Councillor Euan Hyslop
Jenkinson, Councillor Stephen Jenkinson
Jones, Councillor Tim Jones
Key, Councillor David Key
Kumar, Councillor Simita Kumar
Lang, Councillor Kevin Lang
Macinnes, Councillor Lesley Macinnes
Marie-Clair, Councillor Marie-Clair Munro
McFarlane, Councillor Finlay McFarlane
Mckenzie, Councillor Ross McKenzie
McNeese-Mechan, Councillor Amy McNeese-Mechan
Meagher, Councillor Jane Meagher
Miller, Councillor Claire Miller
Mitchell, Councillor Max Mitchell
Mowat, Councillor Joanna Mowat
Mumford, Councillor Alys Mumford
Nicholson, Councillor Vicky Nicolson
Nols-McVey, Councillor Adam Nols-McVey
O'Neill, Councillor Kayleigh O'Neill
Osler, Councillor Hal Osler
Parker, Councillor Ben Parker
Pogson, Councillor Tim Pogson
Rae, Councillor Susan Rae
Ross, Councillor Neil Ross
Rust, Councillor Jason Rust
Savage, Councillor Conor Savage
Staniforth, Councillor Alex Staniforth
Thornley, Councillor Edward Thornley
Walker, Councillor Val Walker
Watt, Councillor Mandy Watt
Whyte, Councillor Iain Whyte
Work, Councillor Norman Work
Young, Councillor Louise Young
Younie, Councillor Lewis Younie
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period
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