Venue: Dean of Guild Court Room - City Chambers
Contact: Rachel Gentleman Carolanne Eyre
No. | Item |
Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Deputations If any. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Minute of the Transport and Environment Committee of 1 February 2024 – submitted for approval as a correct record. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Transport and Environment Committee Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: |
Transport and Environment Committee Rolling Actions Log Additional documents: Minutes: |
Transport and Environment Business Bulletin Additional documents: Minutes: |
Procurement of the Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Contract Additional documents: Minutes: |
Healthcare Worker and Carer (Parking) Permits Additional documents: Minutes: |
Travelling Safely Greenbank to Meadows Quiet Connection – Public Engagement and Next Steps Additional documents: Minutes: |
Additional documents: Minutes: |
Revenue Budget Monitoring 2324 Month Nine Position Additional documents: Minutes: |
Motion by Councillor Lang - Additional Capital Investment in Transport “Committee:
1. Welcomes the majority decision of Council to allocate an additional £12.5 million of capital investment in each of the next three financial years for “pavements, lighting, roads Condition, SuDS and road safety projects”. 2. Believes this funding across 2024/25, 2025/26, and 2026/27 provides a level of certainty for officers to ensure the Council better responds to the priorities of local communities. 3. Recognises how this additional money responds specifically to the committee report from September 2023 which made clear how extra investment was required if Edinburgh was to avoid an overall decline in the condition of its road network. 4. Further recognises how the added investment offers an important opportunity to accelerate elements of the current road safety action plan, including the option of additional dedicated staff to deliver projects. 5. Notes that reports will be presented to committee in April which will help to detail how this additional £12.5 million will be spent but believes it important to set out its expectation that this new money should be allocated across the different areas in a way that ensures: a) the overall Road Condition Index (RCI) for Edinburgh improves in 2024/25, and b) a faster delivery of the current list of agreed road safety projects. 6. Additionally requests that the Road and Infrastructure Capital Investment Programme 2024/25 report in April also provides an update on how the additional capital of £450,000 allocated in the budget for the Water of Leith works programme will be delivered.” Additional documents: Minutes: |
Motion by Councillor Nicolson - Craigleith Green Blue Network “Committee: 1) Welcomes the excellent work done to date by officers in recommending proposals for the Craigleith Catchment Study 2) Notes ongoing resident’s concerns within Craigleith Hill Avenue regarding flood risks and development of flood mitigation measures 3) Understands that the modelling work for flood risk within the catchment study is still ongoing and several projects to mitigate flooding issues in Craigleith are being considered. 4) Further understands that Western General Hospital (NHS Lothian), City of Edinburgh Council Flood Prevention Team, Scottish Water and the Edinburgh and Lothian Strategic Drainage Partnership working group (E&LSDP) are jointly working to identify potential solutions within the Craigleith Catchment study area 5) Agrees that a collaborative community approach between stakeholders has the potential to reach the best outcome within this catchment. 6) Further agrees to request an update report on progress of the shortlisted projects in Craigleith catchment in two cycles.” Additional documents: Minutes: |
Motion by Councillor Mowat - CCWEL Project (City Centre West to East Link) “Council notes the large number of complaints received about the design, construction and implementation of the CCWEL project from Roseburn to Charlotte Square and considers that residents' concerns should be addressed and calls for a report to review:
1. The process from commissioning to design and implementation and 2. To consider lessons learned so that any further projects progress more smoothly and quickly.” Additional documents: Minutes: |